
Bishop Has No Answer to Question Whether Christ Established the Church

Joliet Bishop Daniel Conlon has "no absolute answer" to the question whether Christ intended to establish a Church.

He said this during a talk at Elmhurst College (February 6) in front of two hundred people. According to DioceseOfJoliet.org, Conlon left the question open because “Jesus did not address it directly."

After criticism on social media, the diocese deleted the statement without denying that the bishop said it. The full article is still available in Google Cache (picture).

It is astonishing that Conlon does not know Christ's words in Matthew 16:18: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church."

Conlon was appointed a bishop by John Paul II and promoted to Joliet by Benedict XVI.

Found on reddit
That means he's not a Catholic anymore. He has apostatized from the faith. Now he's just playing dress up as a Catholic bishop.
If a sheppard does not know, what can he tell his sheep ?perhaps he should really think what is he doing being a bishop
The bishop can't answer a most basic question on the faith. No wonder he is a bishop.
Don Reto Nay
He is not sure about the Church but he is taking the money of the members of his Church? They are so cheap... 😁
In that case can we have an absolute answer as to whether this man is a Bishop or any absolute answer as to the certainty of the sacraments which he has received/dispenses? There is no absolute answer to the question. .... Christians have to seek answers in the Scriptures and in the living tradition of the Church." These sentences imply that the answers, if found, are not absolute which or whether …More
In that case can we have an absolute answer as to whether this man is a Bishop or any absolute answer as to the certainty of the sacraments which he has received/dispenses? There is no absolute answer to the question. .... Christians have to seek answers in the Scriptures and in the living tradition of the Church." These sentences imply that the answers, if found, are not absolute which or whether. Maybe he didn't say it and someone made a mistake in reporting.