Expert Bergoglio Rants Again: These people "Are Foolish!"

Francis gave another interview on Wednesday, this time, what is rare, to a propaganda network from the USA, ‘CBS News’. The interview will not be published in full until May. As far as is known, Francis …More
Francis gave another interview on Wednesday, this time, what is rare, to a propaganda network from the USA, ‘CBS News’. The interview will not be published in full until May.
As far as is known, Francis addressed concerns about war, peace, famine and climate change, responding with profound insights such as: Peace negotiations is better than a war without end.
Media activist Nora O’Donnell who serves the regime's narrative, asked only softball questions, hushing up the many moral, sexual and economic, and judical scandals for which Francis is directly responsible.
When asked about “deniers of climate change”, a propaganda term used to stifle criticism, climate specialist Francis Bergoglio went on the attack: “There are people who are foolish, and foolish even if you show them research. They don’t believe it. Why? Because they don’t understand the situation or because of their interests. But climate change exists.”
Bergoglio is wrong. Serious scientific research doesn't need to be "believed …More and one more user link to this post
This week's Catholic news cycle had a lot of laughs. First 'Fr Justin', now this farce from Bergoglio!
Tony M
It is fall into teach heresy to the whole worship false idols (pachamama) for the whole world to see...and to blaspheme for the whole world to hear.
ah yes the "religion" of climate change. “There are people who are foolish, and foolish even if you show them research. They don’t believe it. Why? Because they don’t understand the situation or because of their interests. But climate change exists.”
... and you are foolish for buying into it!!
this pope could be the reason why a lot of catholics took the mRNA injection
Tony M
It is a fact. I know some who did that on Jorgy's instructions, even knowing that the jabs were abortion tainted/corrupted.
Seidenspinner shares this
Popes can do very little about matters like war and climate change. But they can do a lot to bring to justice sexual abusers in the ranks of the priesthood. So why ask the pope about the former but not the latter?
All Saints
Climate Change is the WEATHER. Anyone who accepts the global warming , now called climate change agenda or even uses their language is part of the problem. popes have little to do about war?? A pope can call for universal rosary to end war. He can properly consecrate Russia. the Pope is the most powerful man on the planet. But then we are talking about Bergoglio here. He can do little to nothing.
Mary 17
What they call climate change sounds more the signs of the times Christ gave in the Gospel.
James Manning
The climate changes. It's complicated and is influenced by natural disasters and solar cycles. In late antiquity, the English could grow grapes. Then 536 happened. After a few years things warmed up again. Then came the Little Ice Age.
1816 was the Year Without a Summer in the US.
So climate change happens. The Green Movement is a scam, though, and the Pope has no business pushing that political …More
The climate changes. It's complicated and is influenced by natural disasters and solar cycles. In late antiquity, the English could grow grapes. Then 536 happened. After a few years things warmed up again. Then came the Little Ice Age.

1816 was the Year Without a Summer in the US.

So climate change happens. The Green Movement is a scam, though, and the Pope has no business pushing that political agenda.
Paul F
The expert has spoken!
The canonization of Greta Thunberg the Great is just a matter of time now and is very likely to take place as soon as pope Francis will have finished the conversion of all those foolish stubborn unvaxxed to the Pfizer Gospel.More
The expert has spoken!

The canonization of Greta Thunberg the Great is just a matter of time now and is very likely to take place as soon as pope Francis will have finished the conversion of all those foolish stubborn unvaxxed to the Pfizer Gospel.
Billy F
Chaplin of the New World Order!!! Pray for him that he stops destroying The Faith and Confirm us in our Faith before he goes before The Judgment Seat! Modernist Steward of the King’s Realm!
P. O'B
What a nasty old man! P.S. I think the last and only Ice Age took place after the Flood, some 4,500 years ago.
John A Cassani
Most people who “question the narrative” don’t care about “climate change” per se, but only the solutions which have been proposed, all of which will lead to the death of billions, starting with the poorest, should they be fully enacted.
Ann Smith
Can't even look at him
Novena - Oremus
If Norah O Donnell avoided asking questions on the Rupnik case and the pope's handling of sex abuse cases, it would be a serious dereliction of journalistic responsibility.