
Pittsburg Diocese: NO Permission Needed for Liturgical Abuses

Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik has told his priests that presiding away from God is the norm for him, while "allowing" priests to seek "permission" to celebrate towards the Lord. Bishops have no right …More
Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik has told his priests that presiding away from God is the norm for him, while "allowing" priests to seek "permission" to celebrate towards the Lord.
Bishops have no right or need to "allow" ad orientem celebrations that are warranted by the liturgy.
According to PillarCatholic.com (February 10), Zubic admitted that "some" [= the best] priests and faithful are tired of turning their backs to the Lord during the liturgy.
He believes that their intentions are good, BUT “we need to be vigilant in guarding against the mistakes made in the past when implementing liturgical developments.”
Zubic fears that the celebration toward the Lord can lead to “confusion and consternation,” especially when it is “imposed" by the priest with little preparation. He adds that a priest should not "impose" his "personal preferences" [which celebrating before the Lord is not] on the liturgy.
It is interesting that such "arguments" are never used against the innumerable liturgical …More
Jeffrey Ade
Nothing new since this has been happening since the late 60's. They really don't act Catholic anymore. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Is this real or like a Babylon Bee piece?
Catholics should not look down on other catholics that attend Novus Ordo Mass ,that is not Christian ,We are all catholics we are all sinners and saints ,we all need the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ
@aderito criticism of the way in which most Novus Ordo masses are conducted and the surround architectural environment is not a criticism of the people, many who have no other access to the sacraments. Bishop Athanasius Schneider has written a new book on the Mass that explains the necessity of ad orientum and keeling at the altar rail in receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. I have been to a Novus …More
@aderito criticism of the way in which most Novus Ordo masses are conducted and the surround architectural environment is not a criticism of the people, many who have no other access to the sacraments. Bishop Athanasius Schneider has written a new book on the Mass that explains the necessity of ad orientum and keeling at the altar rail in receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. I have been to a Novus Ordo that was in Latin, celebrated toward the Lord with a kneeling rail, so, it can be done, but the problem is the rubrics allow for all the irreverent and human-centered atmosphere. And, for that reason I exclusively attend the TLM.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I love this editorial cartoon. It is so true about the Novus Ordo. 😂 😂 😂