
Francis Method: Spy System To Better Persecute Roman Mass?

Francis will use a “spy system” to persecute the Roman Mass, LifeSiteNews.com (August 5) reports referring to anonymous Vatican sources. The first source claims that snitches will report to Rome the …More
Francis will use a “spy system” to persecute the Roman Mass, LifeSiteNews.com (August 5) reports referring to anonymous Vatican sources.
The first source claims that snitches will report to Rome the places where Roman Masses are celebrated. This information will be used against the responsible bishops who will be labeled as opponents of the [failed] Vatican II and the [ageing] Francis.
The source added that Francis “has used his spy networks to good effect during his entire career, and he has never ceased,” and that the "greatest damage" will be done by Cardinal Braz de Aviz and his secretary. However, no "spies" are needed to know where Roman Masses are celebrated as there are listed on the Internet.
The second source said that Francis who is known for being vindictive will punish any bishop who defies him directly. He might use alleged “cover-ups” of homosexual abuses as a tool to silence [only] Catholic bishops, the source said.
It mentioned "a mental illness" in the Church that …More
As the article rightly notes, Francis doesn't need "spies". Bishops who support the Latin Mass don't hide it. If that means they never make Cardinal, they're obviously quite happy with what they've achieved. @Pope Francis. Your Papal Crosier is uglier and tackier than the dude holding it.
@Ultraviolet I'm torn in deciding which circle of the Inferno Dante would have placed Pope Frances. Would he be in circle VI for his heretical opinions, circle VIII for a fraudulent presentation of Catholicism, or perhaps in circle IX with Judas for treachery and betrayal of Christ? Either way, that hideous Papal Cosier goes with him!
And, when I finally make it out of purgatory and with God's …More
@Ultraviolet I'm torn in deciding which circle of the Inferno Dante would have placed Pope Frances. Would he be in circle VI for his heretical opinions, circle VIII for a fraudulent presentation of Catholicism, or perhaps in circle IX with Judas for treachery and betrayal of Christ? Either way, that hideous Papal Cosier goes with him!

And, when I finally make it out of purgatory and with God's great mercy enter that celestial kingdom, I will ask Dante that question.
:D So you've played "what if" with Dante too, eh? We can probably ditch Circle VI since The Church has very, very specific requirements for heresy (as opposed to rampant error). As for the rest, it's a dangerous game to play, even though I've been just as guilty of doing it myself.
What killed the fun of it for me was honestly looking at my own life and seeing how many of those circles could …More
:D So you've played "what if" with Dante too, eh? We can probably ditch Circle VI since The Church has very, very specific requirements for heresy (as opposed to rampant error). As for the rest, it's a dangerous game to play, even though I've been just as guilty of doing it myself.

What killed the fun of it for me was honestly looking at my own life and seeing how many of those circles could make a valid claim for me. Not all too be sure (thank God) but more than enough.

It's also a dangerous thing to ever assume that even purgatory (and eventually Heaven) is a "when". Seriously, the furthest we should ever go is a heart-felt "if" -even for that.

...that moment when you realize Saint Pope John Paul II carried that same crosier. I guess he must have left it behind. ;-)
A great read for understanding the mind and personality of Francis- The Dictator Pope by Catholic historian and Knight of Malta, H.J.A. Sire
It wil be translate
I've just been watching this.... Gives evidence Bugnini was a Freemason - It shows some of the correspondence from the Lodges documenting what their wishes are regarding the alteration to the Rites and the "Naturalization of the Incarnation" of Christ
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