
"You Are Welcome": Francis Makes Phone Call to Homosexual With Three Surrogacy Children

The Roman homosexual Andrea Rubera sent in 2015 a letter to Francis, and Francis called him on the phone.

Rubera and his homosex-partner in sin raise three children produced by a paid surrogate woman in Canada.

Despite wilfully denying three children a mother, Rubera asked Francis for a “Catholic education" for them.

The story is featured in the documentary “Francesco” produced by the homosexual filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky. Rubera is the spokesman of Cammini di speranza, a group of "Catholic" homosexuals.

Francis asked Rubera on the phone if the surrogate children had been rejected by some Catholic institution. Surprisingly, Rubera replied that he had not yet tried.

Francis then encouraged him to participate in the life of his parish, “You will see that you will be welcomed, and it will go well.”

Rubera was indeed “welcomed.” The three children, who are not responsible for the sins of their parents, entered a catechesis program and became scouts.


Helen Raim
No one dares to condemn celebrities when they resort to this decidedly controversial practice. But ordinary people are not given the chance to become parents. Everyone is immediately against it. What is this double standard? Regarding surrogacy, I found a Ukrainian law translated into English. I advise anyone interested to read it. mother-surrogate.com/pdf/surrogate_motherhood_law.pdf
Facebook and Youtube would ban you for following me around all night "liking" every post I made with a red hate frownie. @San Atanasio Gesu started it and you just went crazy. Something I hope Don Reto Nay and GTV's moderators consider.
"This cyberbully is not even allowed on a secular page like Facebook or YouTube..." Would you like GTV to have Facebook and Youtube's harassment policies in …More
Facebook and Youtube would ban you for following me around all night "liking" every post I made with a red hate frownie. @San Atanasio Gesu started it and you just went crazy. Something I hope Don Reto Nay and GTV's moderators consider.

"This cyberbully is not even allowed on a secular page like Facebook or YouTube..." Would you like GTV to have Facebook and Youtube's harassment policies in place right now? You'd be saying "adios" to GTV for good. I'm not complaining about your behavior, just exposing it for what it is.

You're good at being a cry-baby talking about "harassment" and "cyberbullying" but actions speak louder than words. You forgot that. Hopefully Don Reto and GTV's moderators haven't forgotten.

"We Hispanics are being harassed by this user." Liar. You Hispanics as you call yourselves, you and Gesu, love harassing me and, like clever bullies, pretend to be the victims while you do it.
This is what harassment looks like:
"Because we Hispanics are being harassed by this user @Ultraviolet who constantly insults us."-San Atanasio ora pro nobis Notice "we Hispanics" didn't remind you how they constantly gang up, harass and insult that same user who ends up taking on all three of them alone. @Don Reto Nay
"This cyberbully is not even allowed on a secular page like Facebook or YouTube" -San Atanasio ora pro nobis First, you and Gesu and all the other Latin GTV "regulars" relentlessly attack and criticize me. I don't complain. I just give what I get. I give it back the way I get it. Just a little harder and a bit more cleverly.
What you really hate is the way I disprove your lies about Scripture …More
"This cyberbully is not even allowed on a secular page like Facebook or YouTube" -San Atanasio ora pro nobis First, you and Gesu and all the other Latin GTV "regulars" relentlessly attack and criticize me. I don't complain. I just give what I get. I give it back the way I get it. Just a little harder and a bit more cleverly.

What you really hate is the way I disprove your lies about Scripture, about the Pope, about anything that falls out of your stupid mouth, regardless of what language you use or the one you hide behind. Nice to see you're back in English now that you're done with St. Thomas, eh?

Thanks for all the red frownies, companeros. Just one problem... Ay! This isn't Reddit. A little Latin clique of "amgos" can't "down-vote" the truth the way you'd like to. It's going to stay right here where it belongs.
You're not quoting St. Thomas Aquinas @San Atanobody . You Latin GTV users do that a little too often. I caught @DEFENSA doing that just a day or so ago on this post.
Let's check St. Thomas Aquinas' own teachings on sodomy in. Summa Theologiae, Second Part of the Second Part, Question 154
The saint did NOT teach "sodomites are idolators". The saint taught no such thing.
This site quotes the …More
You're not quoting St. Thomas Aquinas @San Atanobody . You Latin GTV users do that a little too often. I caught @DEFENSA doing that just a day or so ago on this post.

Let's check St. Thomas Aquinas' own teachings on sodomy in. Summa Theologiae, Second Part of the Second Part, Question 154

The saint did NOT teach "sodomites are idolators". The saint taught no such thing.

This site quotes the Saint in detail on the subject, analyzing his teachings. Again. The saint did NOT teach "sodomites are idolators"

Additional teachings from the saint here . The saint did NOT claim or teach "sodomites are idolators"

Fourth site, the author even translates Aquinas directly. The saint did NOT claim or teach "sodomites are idolators"

So I've got FOUR sites quoting St. Thomas Aquinas and he taught no such thing.

All you have is your menudo-mouth.
But Saint Paul said it clearly read Him.
" But Saint Paul said... " Your amigo made a claim about St. Thomas Aquinas @DEFENSA DE LA FE . Please DO keep up with the discussion. and... you're not quoting St. Paul, either! What is it with GTV's Latin "regulars" and your inability to factually support your claims, anyway?
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
The ignorant are also arrogant.
Self criticism becomes you @San Ata-no-facts :D
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Santo Tomás de Aquino comenta Romanos 1:
«(Rm 6,23): El salario del pecado es la muerte. Todos sus dones serán quemados al fuego (Miq 1,7). Y es de notarse que muy razonablemente les asigna el Apóstol a los vicios contra natura, que son gravísimos entre los pecados carnales, la pena de la idolatría (...)More
Santo Tomás de Aquino comenta Romanos 1:

«(Rm 6,23): El salario del pecado es la muerte. Todos sus dones serán quemados al fuego (Miq 1,7). Y es de notarse que muy razonablemente les asigna el Apóstol a los vicios contra natura, que son gravísimos entre los pecados carnales, la pena de la idolatría (...)
Hiding behind Spanish doesn't work with me, angelito.. If you can "habla englais" when trying to get me in trouble with @Don Reto Nay and GTV's mods, you can go right on doing so here. IN ENGLISH "And it should be noted that very reasonably the Apostle assigns them to vices against nature, which are very serious among carnal sins, the penalty of idolatry."
First, where are you getting this quote …More
Hiding behind Spanish doesn't work with me, angelito.. If you can "habla englais" when trying to get me in trouble with @Don Reto Nay and GTV's mods, you can go right on doing so here. IN ENGLISH "And it should be noted that very reasonably the Apostle assigns them to vices against nature, which are very serious among carnal sins, the penalty of idolatry."

First, where are you getting this quote? Or are you making it up? Second, you obviously don't understand it even in "Espanol"....Your own quote states that St. Thomas states "the Apostle (Paul) assigns them "vices against nature".

Now compare what I originally said to Gesu. I said: "Sodomy is a sin of the flesh. Idolatry is of the spirit. The two sins are different."

Interesting how GTV's Latin Community all becomes one voice, eh? Gesu makes the claim but San Atanasio defends it. "We Hispanics" indeed!

...and how does St. Thomas quoting St. Paul refer to those sins? "which are very serious among carnal sins,"

Carnal . "directly from Latin carnalis "fleshly, of the flesh," from carnis "of the flesh,"

So St. Thomas, quoting Paul supports my claim using literally the same Latin term for it

St Thomas said they are carnal sins (of the flesh) and I said they are sins of the flesh

This is your big proof? All you've shown is your typical ignorance and inability to reason.

If carnal sins carry the "penalty of idolatry", what of it? That does not show carnal sins ARE idolatry, only they carry the same penalty.

Murder carries a penalty of life inprisonment.
Large scale drug-distribution also carries a penalty of life imprisonment.

But large-scale drug distribution is not murder and sodomy is not idolatry.

Anything else before you park your lazy, uneducated rear on a sofa bought by Calfornia's tax-payers, crack open una cerveza and flip on Univision tonight? :D
"How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?" -San Atanobody
A valid question. I think I can explain. First. you are not a Catholic, you're an anti-Papal schismatic and Canon Law 1364, sect.1 says the Catholic Church wants no part of you.
Second, yes, I am arrogant. I deal in facts and cite Catholic sources extensively. I'm on the …More
"How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?" -San Atanobody

A valid question. I think I can explain. First. you are not a Catholic, you're an anti-Papal schismatic and Canon Law 1364, sect.1 says the Catholic Church wants no part of you.

Second, yes, I am arrogant. I deal in facts and cite Catholic sources extensively. I'm on the right side of the Church's laws and teachings. That's why I'm the one always linking them. I suspect much of the tolerance GTV's admins have for me is based on this.

There hasn't ever been a debate on Catholic law or Catholic theology I've ever lost on GTV. Not one, even against people who are demonstrably better educated than I am.. When it comes to particulars, I'm more Catholic than any of my critics. You just make noise like the rest of GTV's Chalupa-Chompers. :P

I believe I'm allowed to insult you because people like you insult me. GTV's admin recognizes what you choose to ignore. Questioning my faith is a cruel thing, especially in light of my obvious and extensive knowledge of it. I know more about the Church's laws and teachings than you and gesu and defensa put together. That's why you always lose these debates.

So cruelty and insults are acceptable when YOU do it. I just don't whine about it the way you do. I grit my teeth, take it, and "do unto others".

You and your compañeros insult me so casually, so constantly you don't even register it as "insulting". It's just you voicing your vicious Latin-temperment without a second thought.

Fair enough, just remember one thing. You get what you give, Burrito-Breath. :D
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that Sodomites are idolaters.
How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?More
Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that Sodomites are idolaters.

How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
For WICKED cannot sleep unless they have done EVIL;
they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble. (Cf. Proverbs 4:16)
Sodomy is a sin of the flesh. Idolatry is of the spirit. The two sins are different, @Gesù è con noi Haven't you been stupid enough for ONE post, already?
"Here we see that the Sodomites have replaced God with Bergoglio."
Here we see you breaking wind as usual. These people are using The Pope to justify their own warped interpretation of Gods' teachings. You should talk, eh?.
You have replaced …More
Sodomy is a sin of the flesh. Idolatry is of the spirit. The two sins are different, @Gesù è con noi Haven't you been stupid enough for ONE post, already?

"Here we see that the Sodomites have replaced God with Bergoglio."

Here we see you breaking wind as usual. These people are using The Pope to justify their own warped interpretation of Gods' teachings. You should talk, eh?.

You have replaced God with pro-Sodomite Joe Biden and your CalFresh EBT card.

You're voting for the pro-Sodomite Biden to get more free-money (from REAL Americans) on your card every month and Biden will turn California into one big barrio for your "community".

Save your pious preaching for the clerks at your local bodega.
Alex A
With 61 more comments to read, I'll soon be running out of pop-corn.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
I don't think it's fun to see this new Roman coliseum crucify Catholics.
Alex A
@San Atanasio ora pro nobis > Who's doing the crucifying? I haven't got to that part yet.
Gesù è con noi
Sodomites are idolaters. Scripture curses those who trust man to turn away from God. Here we see that the Sodomites have replaced God with Bergoglio. Instead of joining Bergoglio to repent of their vice, they join Bergoglio to insist on their rebellion against God.
"Whoever obeys a heretic or prays with or for a heretic is a heretic said pope Saint Agatho." @DEFENSA DE LA FE Wrong. This is how GTV's Latin community re-writes Catholic saints into taco-eating bigots like themselves. The saint wrote: "If anyone prays with heretics, he is a heretic." --Pope St. Agatho I (678-682), SCN XXI:635.
Notice St. Agatho did NOT say "praying for" heretics makes a person …More
"Whoever obeys a heretic or prays with or for a heretic is a heretic said pope Saint Agatho." @DEFENSA DE LA FE Wrong. This is how GTV's Latin community re-writes Catholic saints into taco-eating bigots like themselves. The saint wrote: "If anyone prays with heretics, he is a heretic." --Pope St. Agatho I (678-682), SCN XXI:635.

Notice St. Agatho did NOT say "praying for" heretics makes a person a heretic. Of course we should pray for those who retain such errors. The Blessed Mother's plea at Fatima that we pray for the consecration of Russia is built on this.

That's right, @DEFENSA DE LA FE . The Blessed Mother herself contradicts you. She isn't the only one. So do early Christian theologians like Irenaeus of Lyons who spent much of his life countering the Gnostic heresy and wrote prayers asking God for their deliverance.

Then there's St. Ignatius. He "exhorted Christians to continue to pray for others, and especially for those who became Docetists or held other heretical beliefs"

So, no, I'm not a heretic. You and the rest of GTV's daily "Latin American Amigos" are just as stupid as our Latin American Pope. You don't know your Chuch History any more than you know Church Law and then you lie like the dogs you are to fill in the difference.
Thank you for the correction Saint Agatho I, sorry i missed I.
I -was- going to type "You are welcome" but the title of this post stopped me. ;-) Not a problem. I -do- appreciate you acknowledging the correction.
Let's see how many times I have to explain the difference between "submission" and "obedience" to GTV's Latin community. "One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell."
I see people like @DEFENSA DE LA ENGANO and Gesu and Verdad and San …More
Let's see how many times I have to explain the difference between "submission" and "obedience" to GTV's Latin community. "One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell."

I see people like @DEFENSA DE LA ENGANO and Gesu and Verdad and San Ata-nobody and it's just astounding how you people all can share the same fundamental stupidity. It has to be something you're taught culturally. Non-reason as a community value los ninos swallow every morning with their huevos rancheros. :D
4 more comments from Ultraviolet
Can you two great Catholic scholars list the truths taught by the Church to be divine? I just saw your "Open New Tab/ Window" menu fly up, si? :D
You don't know. I know you don't. Defintiely not well enough to accuse the Pope or anyone else of heresy in any form, "formal" or otherwise.
Almost forgot, now that you've repeatedly insulted my Catholic faith, make sure you cry about how YOU get …More
Can you two great Catholic scholars list the truths taught by the Church to be divine? I just saw your "Open New Tab/ Window" menu fly up, si? :D

You don't know. I know you don't. Defintiely not well enough to accuse the Pope or anyone else of heresy in any form, "formal" or otherwise.

Almost forgot, now that you've repeatedly insulted my Catholic faith, make sure you cry about how YOU get bullied.. Watching you lose a debate isn't complete without that. . . :P
You already did the first/ second "heretic" admonition Titus 3:11-11, Gestupido. One mo' time! Heresy and error are two different things. A Pope may err, everything a Pope states is not automatically infallible. Heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic …More
You already did the first/ second "heretic" admonition Titus 3:11-11, Gestupido. One mo' time! Heresy and error are two different things. A Pope may err, everything a Pope states is not automatically infallible. Heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; "

Obstinacy shows a deliberate course of action, i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

In this context, the term shows that
a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has disgreed with that view as contrary to its teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding Pope Francis,
a.) has happened.
b.)-d.) have not.

You aren't qualified to represent The Church in doing b.-d., not in law or in fact. Neither is your buddy "La Verdad".

Your opinion that the Pope doubts or denies a truth taught by the Church to be divine is not an objective fact. Likewise, your opinion that his supposed doubt or denial is maintained in an obstinate manner is also an opinion. You haven't shown The Church has attempted to correct it and failed. So your claim has no support.

A more relevant question in light of a charge of heresy is this: who has the temporal authority to represent the Church when attempting to correct the supposed errors of the Church's highest temporal authority?
You said he was an apostate earlier, Gestupido He can't be an apostate AND a heretic. A heretic believes but believes wrongly. An apostate does not believe at all. You're contradicting yourself. More Gesu-talk without any understanding.
Protip: I didn't impose zip. Go thank the College of Cardinals for that one. You don't know how the Church works, any more than how the Laws of the Church work.More
You said he was an apostate earlier, Gestupido He can't be an apostate AND a heretic. A heretic believes but believes wrongly. An apostate does not believe at all. You're contradicting yourself. More Gesu-talk without any understanding.

Protip: I didn't impose zip. Go thank the College of Cardinals for that one. You don't know how the Church works, any more than how the Laws of the Church work.
Oh, I do care. @la mentira prevalece . I care enough to keep the stupid Latin burros from braying up GTV with your lies.
"that overlooks in his idol Bergoglio -old and current." @Ultraviolet suffers from Bergoglio idolatry.
Disproven over a year ago. 16 April 2019. Aww... still behind the times, angelitos? :D
"I do not support Pope Francis. I don't like Pope Francis. I don't approve of Pope …
Oh, I do care. @la mentira prevalece . I care enough to keep the stupid Latin burros from braying up GTV with your lies.

"that overlooks in his idol Bergoglio -old and current." @Ultraviolet suffers from Bergoglio idolatry.

Disproven over a year ago. 16 April 2019. Aww... still behind the times, angelitos? :D

"I do not support Pope Francis. I don't like Pope Francis. I don't approve of Pope Francis. But Pope Francis is the Pope. I don't like that either. I have repeatedly explained this to KristianKeller. I've repeatedly explained this to many people here.

It's so cute to watch you and Gestupido huddle like your family does when the INS van drives through your neighborhood. Ay Carramba Thees ees why we say prayer for Senor Biden. to ween!:D

Santo Biden is EBT and SNAP money you can spend. "Hayzoos" just a lot of feel-good noise and nothing else for either of you.

That's why you can lie about me, lie about the Pope, lie about the Catechism, lie about Canon Law, lie about whatever you bloody well please because nobody ever taught you telling a lie is wrong. Not your parish priest, not those sorry excuses you call you parents, not the roly-poly clowns you call your relatives, nobody in your entire stupid "community". Stealing? Okay if we do eet to los greengos. Lies? Same teeng y' no problemo.

....and then you condemn Francis for being a false Catholic. Your "Church" is the welfare office and your "God" whoever signs the check.
Gesù è con noi
Note the sick obsession of the Bergoglians @Ultraviolet to impose on their heretic when the same heretic prohibits proselytizing Christ.
Gesù è con noi
Nótese la enfermiza obsesión de los Bergoglianos para imponer a su hereje cuando el mismo hereje prohíbe proselitizar a Cristo.
Gesù è con noi
>>Let them alone: they are blind, and leaders of the blind.>>
Saint Jerome: This is also the same as that Apostolic injunction, “A heretic after the first and second admonition reject, knowing that such a one is perverse.” [Tit 3:11-11] To the same end the Saviour commands evil teachers to be left to their own will, knowing that it is hardly that they can be brought to the truth. Catena Aurea