
Monsignor Bux: The Former Benedict XVI "Is Not Correct"

Benedict XVI "is not correct" when he equates his abdication as a pope with the resignation of a bishop, Monsignor Nicola Bux told LifeSiteNews.com (May 6).

He explains that the papal office is conferred by accepting the election and the call to be the Vicar of Christ. The elected cleric may not be a bishop, nevertheless he is the Pope from this moment.

Bux qualifies Benedict’s claim that he kept some "spiritual dimension" of the papacy, as “an erroneous idea” because the papal office cannot be divided and is simultaneously legal and spiritual.

Rather: If a Pope resigns, “he loses the papal office and returns to the condition in which he was before,” - which implies that Ratzinger should not call himself "Benedict" nor "Pope emeritus" nor wear papal attire.


Gesù è con noi
Pope Benedict is the figure of the wounded Shepherd and he wears the Papal Ring because he remains the Pope, there was never an apostolic succession because he did not intend to resign the papacy from the beginning, he said it and has already said it several times with what he continues to prove that his intention was not to resign as vicar of Christ but partially to the active exercise which makes …More
Pope Benedict is the figure of the wounded Shepherd and he wears the Papal Ring because he remains the Pope, there was never an apostolic succession because he did not intend to resign the papacy from the beginning, he said it and has already said it several times with what he continues to prove that his intention was not to resign as vicar of Christ but partially to the active exercise which makes his quasi resignation invalid.
Ladies and gentlemen, English grammar has left the building. :D We now resume this broadcast in broken Polish-Engrish with Rafał_Manure
Ultratake a brake and nap. Good to immediate regenerating of your collapsed mind. 😂 😉
Sophistry is you not supporting your claim about the Papacy when I asked for Canon Law @Rafał_Ovile Everything else is your usual "learn" "discern" "prayer" deflection.
Ultraviolet you're running out of arguments with sophistry sometimes below the level of kindergarten. Take some time to pray for wisdom, not being identical to intellect. Discern to make short, precise and objective comments... It is too bad you are purposely destroying through unmannered and offensive comments, distraction and disinformation very important publications, as the above, by gloria,tv …More
Ultraviolet you're running out of arguments with sophistry sometimes below the level of kindergarten. Take some time to pray for wisdom, not being identical to intellect. Discern to make short, precise and objective comments... It is too bad you are purposely destroying through unmannered and offensive comments, distraction and disinformation very important publications, as the above, by gloria,tv. This behaviour of yours isn't Catholic nor honorable and manly. May be you need more prayer and time to discern...
For a guy who asked "what is the purpose of debate/ dialogue" you obviously don't know how to engage in either. So you're not going to quote Canon Law, are you @Rafał_Manure? You're not going to support your claim? No?
"certain chronology in the scientific process..." "make prerequisite irrelevant questions"...
Skip the word-salad. I'm all out of Thouasand Island dressing. :DMore
For a guy who asked "what is the purpose of debate/ dialogue" you obviously don't know how to engage in either. So you're not going to quote Canon Law, are you @Rafał_Manure? You're not going to support your claim? No?

"certain chronology in the scientific process..." "make prerequisite irrelevant questions"...

Skip the word-salad. I'm all out of Thouasand Island dressing. :D
Ultranarcissto there is certain chronology in the scientific process which you should understand before you make prerequisite irrelevant questions.
"you avoid the question I'm publicly formulating" Unfortunately for you Rafał_Manure , I asked my question first. Answer mine and I'll answer yours. That's just good manners as "Emily Post" would say. ;-)
Ultracoward you avoid the question I'm publicly formulating since few months, with level of intensity the devil avoids the Holy water. You seem to be ashamed to ask for help since you are overwhelmed with pride by your false image of being the "alpha and omega". You are not but a common pospolite sinner and complete ignorant and embezzler on certain topics, as papal resignation...
It's real simple, -Rafał_Manure You said "A resignation form papacy" Quote Canon Law by number where that even exists. Put up or shut up.
"your decline of spiritual intelligence once you acquire basic knowledge for the purpose to answer"
...said the guy who complains about "useless verbal diarrhea" :D
"Can you read and write?"
So you asked a question when you know the answer. Failed reasoning …More
It's real simple, -Rafał_Manure You said "A resignation form papacy" Quote Canon Law by number where that even exists. Put up or shut up.

"your decline of spiritual intelligence once you acquire basic knowledge for the purpose to answer"

...said the guy who complains about "useless verbal diarrhea" :D

"Can you read and write?"

So you asked a question when you know the answer. Failed reasoning

"Learn and read."

That's your standard reply when you're wrong and you know it. :D
Ultramarriedtohimself I will prove your decline of spiritual intelligence once you acquire basic knowledge for the purpose to answer an easy question: what is the purpose of debate/ dialogue? Can you read and write? It's simple... Try your best. If not, when you apologize to pope Benedict XVI and all Catholics then I may help you, only if I feel you are worthy... Learn and read. Fast! Time is …More
Ultramarriedtohimself I will prove your decline of spiritual intelligence once you acquire basic knowledge for the purpose to answer an easy question: what is the purpose of debate/ dialogue? Can you read and write? It's simple... Try your best. If not, when you apologize to pope Benedict XVI and all Catholics then I may help you, only if I feel you are worthy... Learn and read. Fast! Time is running out for you...
"A resignation form papacy implied by unjust act would be invalid..." -Rafał_Manure I dare you to cite Canon Law by number :D There is no such thing as a "resignation form papacy", you illiterate.
"Benedictus XVI for orchestrating a marvelous plan together with God and His Mother."
Don't blame God and His Mother for Benedict's damage to the Church. Francis would never be Pope today if Benedict …More
"A resignation form papacy implied by unjust act would be invalid..." -Rafał_Manure I dare you to cite Canon Law by number :D There is no such thing as a "resignation form papacy", you illiterate.

"Benedictus XVI for orchestrating a marvelous plan together with God and His Mother."

Don't blame God and His Mother for Benedict's damage to the Church. Francis would never be Pope today if Benedict did not resign. All of this comes from Benedict's actions.

"again your statements in regards to resignation are false"

Prove it. Ah, that's right. You can't. You never have, you never do, you never will. All you do is make empty claims with no facts, no evidence.

"Since you turned your back on God's tools..."

God gave me the very intellect I use to disprove your daily falsehoods.

"then go ahead make my day on the mountain pastures!"

Epic Polish put-down... whooo... I'm overwhelmed by that one. :D :D
A resignation from papacy [resigning Petrine Office] implied by unjust act would be invalid by God's law and canon law. Therefore God implemented through his Vicar of Christ a masterplan to make the disobedient and rejecter fools lead by mafia Sankt Gallen , their candidate and all accomplices of the crime look exactly like portrayed in the cartoon! After all Monsignor Nicola Bux should be very …More
A resignation from papacy [resigning Petrine Office] implied by unjust act would be invalid by God's law and canon law. Therefore God implemented through his Vicar of Christ a masterplan to make the disobedient and rejecter fools lead by mafia Sankt Gallen , their candidate and all accomplices of the crime look exactly like portrayed in the cartoon! After all Monsignor Nicola Bux should be very proud of the Catholic pope, he may freely recognize, Benedictus XVI for orchestrating a marvelous plan together with God and His Mother. (pope Benedict XVI has discerned his action in prayer)
Ultrastooge again your statements in regards to resignation are false. What many intelligent Catholics and non-C. read, understand and observe. Since you turned your back on God's tools and drive everyone to hate those who are trying to show something important then go ahead make my day on the mountain pastures!
Live Mike
"Bux qualifies Benedict’s claim that he kept some "spiritual dimension" of the papacy" ...except Benedict made no such a claim about the Papacy. Benedict doesn't need Bus "qualifying" his words, either. The "spiritual dimension...which is alone still my mandate." is a personal calling.
"the papal office cannot be divided and is simultaneously legal and spiritual."
Agreed. Since Benedict has …More
"Bux qualifies Benedict’s claim that he kept some "spiritual dimension" of the papacy" ...except Benedict made no such a claim about the Papacy. Benedict doesn't need Bus "qualifying" his words, either. The "spiritual dimension...which is alone still my mandate." is a personal calling.

"the papal office cannot be divided and is simultaneously legal and spiritual."

Agreed. Since Benedict has repeatedly (how many times already) said he no longer has temporal power or a claim on the office of the Papacy. that's it.

Bux should concede Benedict's resignation includes all aspects of the Papacy as well. Canon Law defines the Papacy as an office, the "munus" people like Bux were fond of bringing up. If Bux admits (finally after all these years) Benedict resigned the office, then that's the end of it. Benedict quit.

Guys like Bux crack me up. He's worse than Fraud Bugnolo. First it was "Benedict never resigned the office of the Papacy since he didn't use the word office". Now that Benedict is clear he -did- resign the "office", they change their stories without a moment's hesitation.

It's like Benedict himself didn't just contradict their last wheelbarrow's worth of manure.

They have some mighty strange ideas about the Papacy. The Pope must be obeyed because he is Pope, right up until he says he resigns.

Then he must be contradicted by various former subordinates year after year -trying to force their leader to resume the very authority they already refuse to obey in the first place.

Benedict isn't the Pope anymore. From the way they're treating him now, they saw hiim as a puppet even when he was Pope.

It's really disgusting to watch people doing this to a 94 year old man. How many times does he have to say "I quit" before these idiots finally accept that fact?

Probably never. Not even after they hound Benedict into his grave over the subject.

Yes, Rafal_Ordure. I know you're going to show up with another badly-worded accusation how I "don't understand the Papal crisis". Go ahead tell me how I should "learn and pray and get more sleep" or some other rot.
Our Lady of Sorrows
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