
After the Recent Detention in the Vatican: Here Are the Six Persons Under Investigation

Six people are investigated regarding the Vatican 454 million euros Sloane Avenue property in London: • The Molise broker Gian Luigi Torzi. He was arrested on June 5 in the Vatican after a long …More
Six people are investigated regarding the Vatican 454 million euros Sloane Avenue property in London:
• The Molise broker Gian Luigi Torzi. He was arrested on June 5 in the Vatican after a long interrogatory, and is accused of having deceived the Vatican's good faith. His Swiss bank account with substantial deposits (possibly millions) was seized.
• Monsignor Alberto Perlasca. He was until November 2019 responsible for the administrative office of the Secretariat of State, and is accused of embezzlement. His Swiss bank account with substantial deposits (possibly millions) was seized.
Fabrizio Tirabassi, Perlasca’s former collaborator. He is accused of embezzlement. His Swiss bank account with substantial deposits (possibly millions) was seized.
• Monsignor Mauro Carlino. He is the ex-secretary of then Deputy Secretary of State Angelo Giovanni Becciu. Carlino is accused of extortion.
• the fund manager Enrico Crasso. He is accused of extortion. His Swiss bank account with substantial …More