
Swiss Former Vicar General Appeared Naked On Gay Dating Site

Father Alain Chardonnens, 46, a former vicar general of Fribourg Diocese, Switzerland, published under the user-name Solinas face images and naked photos on the gay dating site PlanetRomeo.com. A parish …More
Father Alain Chardonnens, 46, a former vicar general of Fribourg Diocese, Switzerland, published under the user-name Solinas face images and naked photos on the gay dating site PlanetRomeo.com.
A parish-priest in Geneva, Chardonnens was slated to become the rector of Fribourg Cathedral in September where he would have replaced Father Paul Frochaux who resigned earlier this year for alleged homosexual abuses.
Chardonnens is considered a “conservative”, he is a supporter of John Paul II, and chaplain of the conservative Scouts d’Europe. In June 2018 he organised a Mass with Francis who came to Geneva for twelve hours in order to visit the Ecumenical Council of Churches.
In front of Illustre.ch, Chardonnens admitted that he had engaged in homosexual relations before entering priestly formation. However, he registered only recently with PlanetRomeo due to the “coronavirus quarantine,” or the “Geneva context,” as he explained.
He told Illustre.ch that he had consulted a psychotherapist, but …More
The stench of Vatii gets stronger and stronger
A fan of Francesco Coccopalmerio and nighty night cardinal Tobin
how to stop this evil tho? this is not something funny
"Tight a millstone around his neck and throw him into the deep se." Jesus has commanded that.
I wish we had lived in 300 AD therefore Nobody could escape the Justice of Truth
Let's see if our suposedly scandal-reformer pontiff (remember how he was gonna do that?) makes an example out of an overtly homosexual cleric. :P
If he'd been more discreet, Francis would have made him a bishop. That homo likes to be surrounded with homos.
Call exorcist now. God have mercy on him.