
Francis Holds a Consistory - and Nobody Shows Up

On September 30, Francis created 21 new cardinals (videos below). The turnout of the faithful was so abysmal that one could have felt sorry for Francis. In his homily, Francis told the cardinals that …More
On September 30, Francis created 21 new cardinals (videos below). The turnout of the faithful was so abysmal that one could have felt sorry for Francis.
In his homily, Francis told the cardinals that they should resemble a symphony orchestra: diverse and with varied contributions, but always working towards harmony. Each should play his part but also listen.
This metaphor was meant to shed light on the supposed "synodal character" of the Church. The reality in the Francis Church, torn by an open civil war, is quite the opposite.
Live Mike
2½ hours before he died at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in Vatican City
TRUE POPE and licit claimant to Petrine Office (2005 - 2022)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe no one showed up, but you all should see the disgusting, apostate heretical pan-religious ecumenical prayer service being held in St.Peter's Square right now, probably for Francis' filthy Synod. A bigger crowd were stupid enough to attend that.
I put my faith in the Catholic Identity Conference hosted by those in Pittsburgh Pa, Sept. 29- Oct. 1, which upholds the True Mass and traditions of …More
Maybe no one showed up, but you all should see the disgusting, apostate heretical pan-religious ecumenical prayer service being held in St.Peter's Square right now, probably for Francis' filthy Synod. A bigger crowd were stupid enough to attend that.
I put my faith in the Catholic Identity Conference hosted by those in Pittsburgh Pa, Sept. 29- Oct. 1, which upholds the True Mass and traditions of the faith, rather than this globalist pan-religious ecumenical prayer service in preparation for Francis' synod. All that comes from Hell.......Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans, Lutherans speaking and praying in St. Peter's Square.
No wonder the dome of St. Peter's has turned pitch black.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That still looks like more people than I had hoped would have shown up. Gay guy Fernandez got his red hat after all. It would have been great if when he went up for his prize, a demonstration broke out in the crowd. I would have laughed at Francis for a week. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤪
Jan Joseph
Het einde van het paus Franciscus tijdperk is in zicht, ik denk dat de synode het einde is van de paus Franciscus kerk.