
Pius X Goes Home

In October, for the 120th anniversary of his election to the papal throne, the body of Pius X (+1914) will travel from St Peter’s to Riese where he was born and grew up, and to Treviso where he was ordained a priest. Pius X is the last pope to have been a parish priest. The present Vatican II nostalgic regime has been ostracising him for having fought against the pernicious heresies that are now ravaging the Church.


After Ganswein now other cleric sent home.
This they understand from Jesus.
Nobody is a prophet in his own country.
Jan Joseph
De volgende Paus moet dus een parochie priester van de Pius X broederschap worden.
Tony Smith
If only God would raise him from the dead. How we need him !
Let us be faithful to all that this great Saint and Pope taught!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If anyone wants to know how far the Catholic Church has sunk since the great Pope Pius X, all remember that he was the Pope of the Holy Eucharist, who encouraged First Holy Communion at 8 years of age, and encouraged Eucharistic devotions and Corpus Christi processions.
Now we have a heretic Pope who could care less about Catholic Mass, traditions or Corpus Christi, and a Vatican that rather than …More
If anyone wants to know how far the Catholic Church has sunk since the great Pope Pius X, all remember that he was the Pope of the Holy Eucharist, who encouraged First Holy Communion at 8 years of age, and encouraged Eucharistic devotions and Corpus Christi processions.
Now we have a heretic Pope who could care less about Catholic Mass, traditions or Corpus Christi, and a Vatican that rather than organizing a Corpus Christi procession in Rome, is more interested if Bergoglio will be able to travel to Portugal and....Mongolia(HAHAHAHAHA), later in the Summer.😂😂😂🤪🤪
Thank you, God for this great pope
You're greatful for his anti-Catholic bigotry?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Any issues for Bergoglio in the hospital today? My uncle who is an MD said yesterday on Chat that he's seen and heard of many very elderly patients like Bergoglio appear to initially do well after a surgery, but then unforseen complications like infections, pneumonia, atrial fibrillation, and even heart attacks have happened. Not his patients, but he's seen and heard of patients who initially do …More
Any issues for Bergoglio in the hospital today? My uncle who is an MD said yesterday on Chat that he's seen and heard of many very elderly patients like Bergoglio appear to initially do well after a surgery, but then unforseen complications like infections, pneumonia, atrial fibrillation, and even heart attacks have happened. Not his patients, but he's seen and heard of patients who initially do well, and seem satble who pass away in their sleep at night. He said very many elderly people in hospitals die during the night unexpectedly.
Wouldn't that be a miracle for the Church if that happened to Bergoglio?
It's probably best to get him out
of Rome at this point.
@Seabass Maybe a trip to Moscow might help?
Luca Diste
After what Cardinal Gambetti did during Benedict XVI's funeral and how he defaced his tombstone, there's something to be seriously worried about... who knows what treatment he will reserve for the body of Saint Pius X... 😭
Lord take care of it You 🙏🙏🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Very great saint and Pope. I some people will laugh at this, but I truely believe that the next Pope we get will be a surprise it a very good sense for faithful CAtholics and Catholic tradition. He might take the name Pius, making him Pope Pius XIII (he certainly won't be Francis...or JP III or a Paul VII or John XXIV). He may be Benedict XVII, or he might pick a papal name not used in centuries..…More
Very great saint and Pope. I some people will laugh at this, but I truely believe that the next Pope we get will be a surprise it a very good sense for faithful CAtholics and Catholic tradition. He might take the name Pius, making him Pope Pius XIII (he certainly won't be Francis...or JP III or a Paul VII or John XXIV). He may be Benedict XVII, or he might pick a papal name not used in centuries...like Gregory, Boniface, Innocent, or even Gelasius. But I think he will be very much more like Benedict XVI was, very supportive of the TLM and Catholic tradition and the vesture and ceremonial of the Papacy. He might not actually celebrate the TLM himself, but he will give ever wider allowance for it even that Summorum Pontificum. With regard to Catholic thought, theology, and teaching, I think he will be more in like with the Popes named Pius, and not with JPII. Who knows who will be the next Pope.....and I think it will be very soon. I don't think a Francis Cardinal will get it. It may not even be a Cardinal......perhaps a very holy and learned Archbishop, or a monks chosen from a traditional monastery.
Perhaps I'm too much of a Historian, because those things did happen in the Middle Ages, and though unlikely now, would be real proof of the workings of the Holy Spirit in the conclave.
Pius X was a VERY great Pope, one to be immitated, not degraded. I bet we get a new Pope closer to him very soon rather than one like JPII or Benedict XVI.......and certainly not JOhn XXIII or least of all🙏🙏🙏 Francis.
Opera 369
Don't be too surprised if it will be "luther II", a name very dear to Bergo. Unless, the good Cardinals, those created by John-Paul II and Benedict XVI, stand up and DEMAND an investigation into the 2013 masonic conclave that sat their puppet Jorge on the Chair of Peter!
@Opera 369 My Prediction: Pope Peter II. Cheers, 😊.