
Dictator Bishop Wants to "Forbid" Celebration toward God

In an August 18 article in his diocesan newspaper, Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bishop Edward Rice, 63, Missouri, USA, "bans" the Novus Ordo celebration toward God.

Only a handful of his priests are doing so. “I request that all priests celebrate Mass facing the people”, he writes adding that "no priest" has asked permission to celebrate in “any other way” - although no such "permission" is needed.

The Novus Ordo books regard celebration towards God as the norm. The Liturgy Congregation decreed in 2000 that the Eucharist may be celebrated facing God or presided over facing the pews.

Celebrating the liturgy facing God goes back to the Apostles while presiding facing the pews is a novelty.

As for the Roman Rite, Rice received a dispensation from the Liturgy Congregation to “allow” Mass for two years at Springfield's Catholic Student Center where it will be moved from St Joseph's Parish on August 27.

Picture: Edward Rice © DioSCG.org, #newsQogzcbyiaq

Wilma Lopez shares this
Another American bishop forbids priests from celebrating Mass ad orientem
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Vatican II virus of confusion talking out both sides of their mouth syndrome ,so far no cure been found the rosary only life-support
Deserves another vaccine!
Wow I hope this won't impact the Benedictines of Mary of Gower, Missouri [the convent that was in the news awhile back when it was discovered that their foundress might be a incorrupt] They are in the process of building a new foundation in the bishop's diocese - and they only pray the TLM & Latin Divine Office.
Jeffrey Ade
Perhaps but if it does you may have to fight! Will you give in? No, of course not! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
So the bishop is demanding that priests turn their back to God during the NO imitation of the Mass? Way to go.
@Seabass Incurring even MORE wrath - Is he a valid Bishop? Which Cardinal made him a Bishop? According to "Postquam Verus" the Dogmatically Binding Constitution of Pope Sixtus V 1586, there must never be any more than 70 Cardinals. The Constitution reminds us that a precedence has been set within Scripture that we must follow. According to Scripture, Moses was granted 70 helpers by Our Lord, during …More
@Seabass Incurring even MORE wrath - Is he a valid Bishop? Which Cardinal made him a Bishop? According to "Postquam Verus" the Dogmatically Binding Constitution of Pope Sixtus V 1586, there must never be any more than 70 Cardinals. The Constitution reminds us that a precedence has been set within Scripture that we must follow. According to Scripture, Moses was granted 70 helpers by Our Lord, during the sojourn in the Desert - and the High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem ALSO submitted to the precedent lain down by Yahweh through Moses and always chose only 69 OTHER Priests to assist him in his governance of the Jews as the Sanhedrin. Evidently, to remain true to Tradition, the Church decreed centuries ago that there MUST never be any more than 70 Cardinals (one of those being the Pope).

"Postquam Verus" decrees that any Cardinals MORE than the permitted "70" are automatically rendered "null and void" The Old Code of Canon Law used to state that there must never be more than 70 Cardinals, but for some reason the clause was removed when the New COCL was created. Yet, if you peruse it, the Constitution of Pope Sixtus IS obviously Dogmatically declared and therefore Canonically Binding, Pope Sixtus V declares Anathema on anyone who does not comply.

From 1586 to 1958 Every Pope obeyed this Constitution, Pope John XXIII disobeyed it. It is possible that the Conclaves SINCE 1958 are rendered "null and void" and are therefore invalid as well - The Church has stated that an excess of 70 Cardinals are automatically "invalid" therefore nobody, should obey them.

Lord Jesus please help your Flock!

"Postquam Verus - The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church" Const. of Sixtus V Dec 3rd, 1586


On The Number And Quality Of The Cardinals Of The Catholic Church: Sixtus V (Postquam Veras 1586)
You're welcome. Only one person has discussed the none-compliance with this Document, this apostasy, Anthony Stine - of the Return to Tradition YT Channel. He did a video on it, -I found out about it watching his video.
It's a perpetual decree and a Dogmatically binding Document (like in the case of Quo Primum) The concerning statement relating to the invalidity of the Cardinals is found …More

You're welcome. Only one person has discussed the none-compliance with this Document, this apostasy, Anthony Stine - of the Return to Tradition YT Channel. He did a video on it, -I found out about it watching his video.

It's a perpetual decree and a Dogmatically binding Document (like in the case of Quo Primum) The concerning statement relating to the invalidity of the Cardinals is found at "§ 4 "

"..... we perpetually establish, and ordain, that, into the hereafter, with anumbered all the Episcopal, sacerdotal, and diaconal Cardinals of whatsoever order, who now are, and to will be created in the future, that all together, shall, at no time ever exceed the number of 70, and such number shall not be increased for any pretext, occasion, or cause, even most urgent. That if it will have happened, that one (or more [than one]), by us, or by the Roman pontiff existing at that time in the future, either to be chosen or to be pronounced as a cardinal, we decree that an election, creation, and pronouncement of this type to be going to be null, bankrupt, and void, and to be thought to be, and that no right is acquired thus by the chosen one or ones, whether the title is in reality or in name [only], neither that anyone of them is to be held for a Cardinal, or to be able for owing to be reputed [as a cardinal], nor that the stated election, creation, or pronouncement from the beginning to be invalid [valid?], and made beyond the number, if afterwards, with one or more cardinals dying, to the prescribed number, the same College may be returned, [and] on account of which things, retroactively to make good, but as from the beginning, thus from then onward perpetually it [the decree] to be of no assistance or importance."


Here is the original Latin copy of "Postquam Verus"

The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Guide

However, (rather confusingly - Satan gets everywhere) When you examine the Latin text on the above link, don't seek to gain an English translation of the page by using the "right click" "Translate into English" facility. Usually doing that translates the entire page but for some reason, it doesn't do that in the case of THIS document. In fact, Many of the points specified in the Latin original of "§ 4 " are clearly edited out of the resultant English translation. The English translation doesn't contain many parts of the Latin original - Including the part that says that any cardinal over the 70 Cardinals limit will perpetually be "null and void" and "not valid"

Basically, to acquire a complete translation of the above linked Latin document into English, you need to select all the text on the page (either by select or by pressing "ctrl" and "a") then copy the Latin text over into a new Copy of Google Translate opened in a different tab. Then you gain an English translation of the entire Document.
P. O'B
This bishop has the brute power to forbid Mass being said away from the people, but not really the authority. A lot of "brute power" moves in the Church, and what comes to mind is Paul VI's forbidding the old Latin Mass. Benedict later said that that Mass had never really been forbidden. But Paul was canonized anyway. Go figure.
John A Cassani
It’s hard to sustain the proposition that ad orientem is the norm in the Novus ordo. At best, it is envisaged as a possibility, mostly if the church has no versus populum altar. Of course, in practice it is tolerated for unworthy tables to be set up in churches with attached altars. Still, since universal law allows for it, and versus populum Masses are readily available, a bishop has no legal …More
It’s hard to sustain the proposition that ad orientem is the norm in the Novus ordo. At best, it is envisaged as a possibility, mostly if the church has no versus populum altar. Of course, in practice it is tolerated for unworthy tables to be set up in churches with attached altars. Still, since universal law allows for it, and versus populum Masses are readily available, a bishop has no legal authority to ban it. But, reverent celebrations of the Novus ordo are by no means the norm, while they may be possible.