
Bischof Schneider Refutes Bishop Gracida

Excommunication was no legal impediment in ancient times to vote or to be elected in a conclave. Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider explains in a book-interview with Dániel Fülep that therefore …More
Excommunication was no legal impediment in ancient times to vote or to be elected in a conclave.
Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider explains in a book-interview with Dániel Fülep that therefore the argument of retired Bishop René Gracida against the validity of Francis’ election has no foundation.
According to Schneider, there have been several occasions when popes were elected in doubtful circumstances.
Even if Francis' election happened through unlawful machinations of the St Gallen Mafia, it would have become valid, when the entire Church accepted him de facto as a Pope - Schneider explained.
Picture: Athanasius Schneider, Dániel Fülep, #newsKrevmeybty
Angie W.
What Schneider erroneously affirms is against the Magisterium of the Church and against canon law.
"In ancient times" the popes were not elected by conclave only from 1274.
From February 15, 1559 we have CUM EX APOSTOLATUS OFFICIO by POPE PAUL IV Bull About the danger of heretical authorities.
The Magisterium officially declared null the elevation of a heretic as pope before that we have Saint …More
What Schneider erroneously affirms is against the Magisterium of the Church and against canon law.

"In ancient times" the popes were not elected by conclave only from 1274.
From February 15, 1559 we have CUM EX APOSTOLATUS OFFICIO by POPE PAUL IV Bull About the danger of heretical authorities.
The Magisterium officially declared null the elevation of a heretic as pope before that we have Saint Ciprian from 200-258, we also have Saint Bellarmine 1567, Saint Alphonsus Liguori 1732, etc.
Canon Law 1917 confirmed the bull "Cum ex apostolatus" that annuls the elevation of a heretic to the papacy.
Schneider is totally wrong, He is even nullifying the excommunication by Pope John Paul II Universi Dominici gregis, then an excommunication would not be valid if the excommunicated person could annul the excommunication himself and became a pope. 🤨 🤦
Archbishop Schneider for Pope
It is obvious that, if from the very "buona sera" at least one person did not accept the blackshoed guy, not the entire church did accept him nor does it even now. Thus, this proves that Jorge Bergoglio is no pope at all. q.e.d.
Looks like Gracida removed his letter as well. So then what's the point of having rules for papal elections if cardinals can break them in secrecy and hide this fact from the public until a later time after everyone has accepted the pope???
Looks like Gracida removed his letter as well. So then what's the point of having rules for papal elections if cardinals can break them in secrecy and hide this fact from the public until a later time after everyone has accepted the pope???
