Gloria.TV News on the 9th of February 2017 Language of the Abortion Lobby: Pope Francis marked the Italian “Day for Life” adopting the abortion lobby’s euphemism “interruption of pregnancy” in place …More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of February 2017
Language of the Abortion Lobby: Pope Francis marked the Italian “Day for Life” adopting the abortion lobby’s euphemism “interruption of pregnancy” in place of language that accurately describes the killing of unborn children. Voice of the Family has pointed out that the words used by Francis are specifically condemned by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae.
Ambiguous: Evangelium Vitae says at No. 58: “Especially in the case of abortion there is a widespread use of ambiguous terminology, such as ‘interruption of pregnancy’, which tends to hide abortion’s true nature and to attenuate its seriousness in public opinion.” Voice of the Family comments, “Pope Francis, while he has made some brief references to abortion in homilies or speeches, has done nothing of any substance to address this mass killing.”
Yes But: In the latest issue of “La Civiltà Cattolica,” deputy editor Jesuit Father Giancarlo Pani has ripped apart the …More
Libor Halik
Sesazení papeže: 30.-31.3.2017 bude mezinárodní vědecký kongres na téma, "Sesazení papeže". Kongres se koná ve Sceaux ve Francii a je organizován, mimo jinými, I. pařížskou univerzitou, Auvergne, Paříží jih a Institutem právních věd a filozofie na Sorbonně. O sesazení papeže 30.-31.3.2017 vědecká konference
The Deposition of a Pope: On March 30 and 31 there will be an international scientific …More
Sesazení papeže: 30.-31.3.2017 bude mezinárodní vědecký kongres na téma, "Sesazení papeže". Kongres se koná ve Sceaux ve Francii a je organizován, mimo jinými, I. pařížskou univerzitou, Auvergne, Paříží jih a Institutem právních věd a filozofie na Sorbonně. O sesazení papeže 30.-31.3.2017 vědecká konference
The Deposition of a Pope: On March 30 and 31 there will be an international scientific congress about the topic, “The Deposition of a Pope”. The congress takes place in Sceaux, France, and is organized, among others, by the Universities of Paris I, Auvergne, Paris South and the Institute of Juridical Sciences and Philosophy at the Sorbonne.
Libor Halik
Arcibiskup Gänswein, který slouží jako osobní tajemník emeritního papeže i jako prefekt papežského domu, prohlásil, že Benedikt se nevzdal papežství jako papež Celestýn V. v třináctém století, ale spíše se snaží pokračovat v Petrově úřadu způsobem, který by byl přiměřenější jeho chatrnému zdraví.
‚Opustil papežský trůn, a přesto se krokem, jejž 11. února 2013 učinil, nevzdal tohoto …More
Arcibiskup Gänswein, který slouží jako osobní tajemník emeritního papeže i jako prefekt papežského domu, prohlásil, že Benedikt se nevzdal papežství jako papež Celestýn V. v třináctém století, ale spíše se snaží pokračovat v Petrově úřadu způsobem, který by byl přiměřenější jeho chatrnému zdraví.
‚Opustil papežský trůn, a přesto se krokem, jejž 11. února 2013 učinil, nevzdal tohoto úřadu,‘ vysvětloval Gänswein, což ‚po jeho nezvratném přijetí úřadu v dubnu 2005 není rozhodně možné‘. […] Proto zdůraznil, že po zvolení Františka zde nemáme ‚dva papeže, ale ve skutečnosti rozšířený úřad s aktivním a kontemplativním členem‘. Dodal, že to je důvod, proč se Benedikt XVI. ‚nevzdal svého jména‘, na rozdíl od papeže Celestýna V., který se vrátil ke svému jménu Pietro da Marrone, ‚ani bílé kleriky‘. ‚Proto se také neodebral na odpočinek někam do kláštera, ale zůstal ve Vatikánu. Edward Pentin, „Archbishop Gänswein: Benedict XVI Sees Resignation as Expanding Petrine Ministry“, ncregister.com, 23. květen 2016. www.tedeum.cz/…/strasidlo-dvouh…
GJA Taylor
Oh Lord, when will you rid us of this affront to Saint Francis of Assisi. This pope takes his holy name , but is so arrogant, he is not fit to take the name Saint Francis.
Almighty God take him back to Argentina where he can eat with his sister and nephew and stay well clear of the media. Amen.
Holy Cannoli
Yes But: The editor of Civilta Cattolica is Father Antonio Spadaro, a key adviser (read: sycophant, yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, flatterer, flunky, doormat, stooge) to Pope Francis. Deputy editor Father Giancarlo Pani questioned whether the statement by St. John Paul II in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is an authoritative and binding statement of the Church magisterium. The Congregation for …More
Yes But: The editor of Civilta Cattolica is Father Antonio Spadaro, a key adviser (read: sycophant, yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, flatterer, flunky, doormat, stooge) to Pope Francis. Deputy editor Father Giancarlo Pani questioned whether the statement by St. John Paul II in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is an authoritative and binding statement of the Church magisterium. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) answered that question in 1995, stating plainly that the papal teaching was definitive and should be “considered as belonging to the deposit of the faith.” Nevertheless Father Pani reopens that question. 🤦

Women, until now, have been excluded from the Church's ORADINED MINISTRY. However, women have been permitted to do all sorts of things within the church and at mass which ought to appease all but the most militant-alpha females 🤬 among them.

There is, in my opinion, a greater chance of communion for adulterers being openly permitted than for women priests. Both issues, of course, are heretical but the motive for the first is money (see: German Church Tax) by attracting more members who no longer receive the sacraments and have, in fact, left the church. The love of money is a powerful motivator even for clerics. 😇

On the other hand, who was it who said he wanted "a poor Church, for the poor" and that he chose the name Francis after 12-13th Century St Francis of Assisi, who represented "poverty and peace"? You would think that money was not that important as it may once have been to the Catholic Church? 😀

You would think that but that was 3 years and about 25 lbs ago. Things change. 👌
maybe these universities are considering an interruption of papacy