
Cardinal Müller Reveals How They Are Killing Religion

What fundamentally "challenges" Christian theology is the "denial of the existence of a human nature," Cardinal Gerhard Müller told PillarCatholic.com (December 24). Müller warns of "constructivism"…More
What fundamentally "challenges" Christian theology is the "denial of the existence of a human nature," Cardinal Gerhard Müller told PillarCatholic.com (December 24).
Müller warns of "constructivism" which believes that men are a product of psychological and sociological processes and accidental conditions. He lists some wrong theories like:
• The soul is "not a substance but a bundle of associations" (Hume)
• The human species is "an accident of evolution" (Darwin)
• The individual is "a result of social conditions" (Marx)
• Behaviour is "an appearance of the unconscious on the surface of consciousness" (Freud).
The followers of these ideologies use them to "reassemble" a concept of human person according to their agendas (right of the strongest, classless society, pleasure principle) and thus create a “new man,” Müller explains. He calls this a "radical nihilism.”
The problem: A "paradise on earth" without and against God is "necessarily doomed to failure,"Müller explains, because "…More
Western secularism applied to what should be faith-based theology --infidel problems. Who cares if Allah can't do maths? He's still Allah.
John A Cassani
These are fairly obvious observations, for anyone with eyes to see. It was a major focus of the pontificate of John Paul II, as well. Sadly, I think that even the people who recognize the problem see it as “academic,” and do nothing to curb the damage. Right now, there are state and non-state actors who are willing to spend countless lives in order to make people afraid of being mildly ill. Where …More
These are fairly obvious observations, for anyone with eyes to see. It was a major focus of the pontificate of John Paul II, as well. Sadly, I think that even the people who recognize the problem see it as “academic,” and do nothing to curb the damage. Right now, there are state and non-state actors who are willing to spend countless lives in order to make people afraid of being mildly ill. Where is there a people willing to put their lives on the line to stop the countless plagues on the soul? Where is there a people willing to fight for freedom?
POLDI MÜLLER shares this
Cardinal Muller is on target in regards to Western civilization. The doctor has correctly diagnosed the patient but where is the prescription and course of treatment? Does the physician make an analysis and then step back and watch the patient die? Or do you fight the disease with medicine?
Unfortunately, in this metaphor, Cdl. Muller isn't qualified to write a prescription much less treat the collective body of The Church. A nurse or even an orderly can say, "Doctor, the patient is bleeding to death" but if the doctor insists it's normal and ignores them, that's as much as they can do.
De Profundis
Man has, since the Enlightenment, dealt with things he should have ignored. - Tarkovsky