
German Bishop: “Female Priests Will Come”

It does no longer "convince" to reject a female priesthood with arguments based "only on tradition", Magdeburg Bishop Gerhard Feige, Germany, told KNA (February 12).

Feige knows, however, that many Catholics would refuse a female priesthood and this would jeopardize the unity of the Church, "Nevertheless, it will come.”

John Paul II declared infallibly in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (1994) that the main argument against a female priesthood is Christ’s will who choose twelve men as his apostles, leaving out Our Lady.

The Catholic Church in Germany is clinically dead and survives only on account of a lavish church tax which makes it possible to keep empty structures going.

Feige is a known enemy of the Catholic Faith.

Picture: Gerhard Feige, © Evangelische Kirche in Österreich, CC BY-SA, #newsNfsatrddnz
Hell is coming for you bishop. Repent!
I'll bet he says this with great joy. He probably wishes that some day a woman becomes pope.
hope not ,we need real bishops that love their faith
alex j
The Germans are at it again!!!
only on tradition? I thought it was biblical. I'll die without a priest if only a female "priest" is around.
A very high portion of the German Conciliarists with their simonical sacraments have been in apostasy for fifty years.
Who does it no longer convince?
Judgment day is also coming.
Bishops like this should be excommunicated or punished for preaching such garabage
Tradition is not “only tradition” The last supper was not just Tradition!!!! Hell and purgatory are not just Tradition. Every aspect of the “traditional mass” is the only way and pray that are leaders will dismantle all aspects of the Vatican 2...
It’s so sad that he is not convinced by the Truth. Women “priests” or “priestesses”, whatever they are, may come to a “false” church, but they will never to the One, Holy, Catholic Church.
Dr Bobus
From the same people that gave the world the Protestant Reformation, two World Wars, the Nazis and their holocaust, now comes their latest project. They want to share with bishops everywhere their plan that destroyed the Church in Germany.
Dr Bobus
The Germans are a highly talented people, but blinded by their hubris their projects often take them into traps.
Nb: My grandfather was from KoblenzMore
The Germans are a highly talented people, but blinded by their hubris their projects often take them into traps.

Nb: My grandfather was from Koblenz
German bishop must step down!!!