
Curia Archbishop Defends Sacrilege: “John Paul II Gave Communion To All Pro-Abortion Politicians”

Archbishop Sánchez Sorondo defended having giving Communion to pro-abortion Argentina President Fernández and his second mistress. He told LifeSiteNews.com (February 8) that Canon Law forbids giving …More
Archbishop Sánchez Sorondo defended having giving Communion to pro-abortion Argentina President Fernández and his second mistress.
He told LifeSiteNews.com (February 8) that Canon Law forbids giving Communion only to excommunicated persons, adding that pro-abortion politicians are automatically excommunicated only according to the opinion of some prelates like Cardinal Burke.
He stresses that Burke’s interpretation is not supported by the popes, “John Paul II gave Communion to all the people who are in favour of abortion – all the presidents.”
For Sánchez, Fernández' adulterous union is only a “problem of Fernández' conscience.” Sánchez says that he “believes in the conscience of the people” [or in the lack thereof], insisting that he had no canonical reason to deny Communion.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
God condemns the wicked Judges as Sorondo/Bergoglio who instead of defending the Law of God judges the Law of the Church and twists justice to free the guilty and blame the innocent.
Proverbs 17:15
One who justifies the wicked and one who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

Proverbs 18: 5,
Proverbs 24:24 ✍️More
God condemns the wicked Judges as Sorondo/Bergoglio who instead of defending the Law of God judges the Law of the Church and twists justice to free the guilty and blame the innocent.
Proverbs 17:15
One who justifies the wicked and one who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

Proverbs 18: 5,

Proverbs 24:24 ✍️
Wolves are devouring the sheep. True shepherds are silent.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
De Profundis
This language is very manipulative: conscience can wander if it is not well formed. According to the Catholic doctrine you only have to believe in God. So, why is it that Mgr. Sorondo said: "I believe in the conscience of people?"
la verdad prevalece
Peron and his Peronist disciples Sorondo, Bergoglio and Alberto Fernández are excommunicated under the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. www.labotellaalmar.com/vercorreo_lector.php
Gesù è con noi
The apostate Sorondo is also self-excommunicated by the Council of Trent who anathematizes all those who teach that the Unrepentant sinner can get Holy Communion in mortal sin. The pro-gay and adulterous pro-abortion president is a public sinner and the Church teaches that no one can come to receiving communion unless he is in a state of grace. The Church imposes excommunication as a medicinal …More
The apostate Sorondo is also self-excommunicated by the Council of Trent who anathematizes all those who teach that the Unrepentant sinner can get Holy Communion in mortal sin. The pro-gay and adulterous pro-abortion president is a public sinner and the Church teaches that no one can come to receiving communion unless he is in a state of grace. The Church imposes excommunication as a medicinal measure so that the sinner does not eat and drink his own condemnation and do not die eternally when that person sin against the Body of Christ. Poor Sorondo is worse than Judas, this traitor is a murderer of the soul who acts with full knowledge and malice, blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Gesù è con noi
The Peronist president argentine radical abortionist after committing the sacrilege announced that he would send an abortion law to legalize all abortions in all health centers in Argentina. This is the seal of the beast that produces obstinacy in sin and the challenge of the known Truth.
Gesù è con noi
And the peronist Alberto Fernández compared the murder of a child in the womb, with the law that allowed divorce and he defended and praised the law that allowed divorce in Argentina because his mother was also divorced and remarried- she also committed adultery-
Thors Catholic Hammer
Archbishop Sorondo is another common thug who worships antipope Francis.
His fanatical anti Americanism is quite exceptional even for a deluded follower of the antipope.
Edward Peters: "The ignorance of canon law and sacramental discipline displayed by Bp Sánchez Sorondo is breath-taking. One has to work at getting things that wrong, even at the simple textual level."
Read here: www.canonlaw.info/canonlaw915.htm
The reference to 'interdict' is a red herring. Perseverance in manifest grave sin (living as a spouse with someone outside marriage, public support for abortion etc) is the key factor. As regards the Popes it is possible that they did give Holy Communion to those who should not receive. It is common to give Holy Communion to those who present themselves properly unless you know they have not been …More
The reference to 'interdict' is a red herring. Perseverance in manifest grave sin (living as a spouse with someone outside marriage, public support for abortion etc) is the key factor. As regards the Popes it is possible that they did give Holy Communion to those who should not receive. It is common to give Holy Communion to those who present themselves properly unless you know they have not been to confession and you have not had a chance to correct them. One has to give them the benefit of the doubt (they may have been to confession with sincere repentance!).
Thors Catholic Hammer
You stated
"One has to give them the benefit of the doubt (they may have been to confession with sincere repentance!).
[1]That is not normally applicable to manifest public sinners like politicians who advocate for abortion unless they also publicly retract their position.
[2] In the matter of practising adulterers the antipopes formally heretical Cardinal Marto now publicly …More
You stated

"One has to give them the benefit of the doubt (they may have been to confession with sincere repentance!).

[1]That is not normally applicable to manifest public sinners like politicians who advocate for abortion unless they also publicly retract their position.

[2] In the matter of practising adulterers the antipopes formally heretical Cardinal Marto now publicly distributes sacriligious Holy Communion to remarried divorced couples.
This is a true abomination and a grave scandal plus injustice to the validly married spouses of these adulteres.
[The churches practice,now abandoned, in such situations to avoid scandal was that such couples promise to remain celibate and only receive communion discretely and seperately

So how can there be sincere repentence when the grave mortal sins of these people are seen to remain and be not only tolerated but in the case of antipope Francis encouraged in his formally heretical Amoris Laetitiae?

Just what do you actually stand for BrTomFordeOFMCap.?
I know I've put my money where my mouth is and paid the price. What have you actually stood for? What price have you paid for the Faith except tap a few keys?
Even assuming the statement is true, Saints may be holy, but they are not infallible. If someone else made the same mistake, that doesn't make the mistake right.
“John Paul II gave Communion to all the people who are in favour of abortion – all the presidents.” Is this true? I would not be very surprised. But obviously, Sorondo's statement is a scandal. And the practice of Bergoglio.
What else is new
Canon 915: "Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion."
But they now are not "interdicted". Nor do they have a declared penalty. With Bergoglio, I'm sure not.
De Profundis
The Argentine president “is not excommunicated, so I can give him Communion,” Bishop Sorondo insisted. His pro-abortion policies have “nothing to do with it.” Other positions are only “the opinion of some bishops of your country [the US].”
The Vatican's men no longer keep the pretense that the Catholic Church is a unified global religious entity. Sorondo keeps saying that different bishops in different countries have different opinions on the matter.
Novella Nurney
That is absolutely true. Different bishops, priests, parishes, all seem to have different views on what was once just Catholic.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Antipope Francis is succeeding in damaging the unity of the church because no bishop has the courage to confront him
So Pathetic! He seems to have little to no reverence for Our Dear Lord Jesus, Truly Present in the Most Holy Eucharist.
His words sound like some child trying to get out of something by saying that other children did the same or worse!
Years ago, my grandmother told me about hearing some children talk after their first Confession. One child said that he told the priest that he cursed, (used foul …More
So Pathetic! He seems to have little to no reverence for Our Dear Lord Jesus, Truly Present in the Most Holy Eucharist.
His words sound like some child trying to get out of something by saying that other children did the same or worse!
Years ago, my grandmother told me about hearing some children talk after their first Confession. One child said that he told the priest that he cursed, (used foul language), 99 times, but his brother cursed 100 times. I guess he figured he’d get off easier if he told on someone who sounded worse than himself.
It’s so sad that it in the interview, he sounded as though he was even trying to attack President Trump, America, & Cardinal Burke.
I doubt he has any idea how blind he truly is. May God wake up the heretics and convert all those who are far from Him and bring them to the authentic, Holy Catholic Faith.