
Francis Retires Bishop Supportive Of Roman Mass

Unsurprisingly, Francis hastened to accept the resignation (March 12 ) of Brazil Military Bishop Fernando Monteiro Guimarães.

Guimarães turned 75 in July 2021. He became famous globally in 2022 for defying the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes using publicly, with beautiful pictures and live-streams, the 1962 Roman Pontificale that Francis and Archbishop Roche want to "abolish."

Francis appointed as his successor Brasilia Auxiliary Bishop Marcony Vinícius Ferreira, a Rome educated liturgist.


That was predictable. The successor seems to be involved in a 'liturgical-doctrinal role' in forming extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. As expected from His Lewdness.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Even in his last days, Francis proves himself an unworthy Pope, and a real ass.
J G Tasan
I’m wondering then – will God shows His mercy upon him, if he would repent at the eleventh hour? 🤔
Angelo Santelli
Every day when I read Matins I ask Providence why He allows Bergoglio to continue to live.
Great and true cartoon...
Jan Joseph
Geweldig wat een goede bisschop die die akelige paus Franciscus durft te weerstaan. Waar blijven de andere bisschoppen?