
Pro-Gay Cupich Lies, Gets in Troubles

Pro-gay Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich who belongs to the orbit of Cardinal McCarrick, ordered his priest to read a text during last Sunday's Mass in which he justifies his recent controversial statement …More
Pro-gay Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich who belongs to the orbit of Cardinal McCarrick, ordered his priest to read a text during last Sunday's Mass in which he justifies his recent controversial statement about homosexual abuses in the Church.
Cupich was sharply criticised after on August 28 he told NBC5 that Pope Francis has a “bigger agenda” to worry about than the Viganò statement that accuses Francis of having hushed up the McCarrick abuses.
Cupich added that Francis' pivotal agenda is allegedly “defending migrants” and “protecting the environment”. He even claimed that the sex abuse scandal is not about sex but "power" and "clericalism".
After this Cupich was widely accused of trivialising the abuses.
In his Sunday statement he attempted to put the blame on NBC5 accusing the broadcaster of having edited his interview in a misleading way.
But NBC5 published the unedited interview online showing that its story was accurate.
Picture: Blase Cupich, © Goat_Girl, Flickr, CC BY-SA, #…More
This seems to be the motto of Cupich.
Hugh N. Cry
Blaise was a bully at the Josephinum. Came down hard on those exposing homosexual scandal. He also used the race card then too.
Cupich needs a polygraph test!
He needs to be the next to go for suborning the homosexuals Correa and Ibarra who he appointed pastors of their respective houses of worship July 1, 2018. They were arrested far from Chicagoland while on a honeymoon tryst in Miami on Monday, having sex together in broad daylight in a parked car near a children's playground.
Cardinal Cupich having that letter read at every mass in his diocese is the epitome of the Streisand Effect. I bet 99% of the people in the pews hadn’t even seen the video. They have now.
Now, now he worked hard for a McCarrick endorsement 🤮
Cupich and the rest of this abominable sect are the ones guilty of "Clericalism. " They say "Gay sex" is "Clericalism" hoping we won't realise they're all base, accursed and definitely eternally condemned by God.