
Wording Released: Francis Consecrates "Humanity, Especially Russia And Ukraine"

The wording of Francis’ March 25 consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was released by Saint Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese (Full text in English below). The text doesn't …More
The wording of Francis’ March 25 consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was released by Saint Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese (Full text in English below).
The text doesn't mention Our Lady of Fatima. The key phrase reads: “Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine.”
Picture: © Eduardo Segura, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsEmvdijczru
Oh Mary, Mother of God and our mother, in this time of trial returned to you. As a mother you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often we have experienced your watchful care and your peaceful presence! You never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century the sacrifice of the millions who fell into world wars. We have disregarded the commitments …More
Paragraph 2 is odd. It is because we sin against God that He allows wars to happen. Our main sins is not those in paragraph 2. We should repent on our real sins, not the sins that is a consequence to our real sins.
Ave Crux
Interestingly, I see there is a post today on Gloria.TV citing Bishop Schneider making the same observations as those I shared yesterday. Given that his opinion will certainly carry more weight with readers than my own thoughts, here is that link: Schneider: Francis' prayer contains the necessary elements for valid fulfillment of Our Lady of …
Ave Crux
Actually.....this is a prayer that will be examined by the entire world, especially given its prominence as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
As such, I find the prayer absolutely magnificent in the perfectly Catholic, unecumenical, unapologetic depiction of the role Our Lady plays at the very center -- indeed, the heart -- of the Church and of the entire human race.
This prayer makes …More
Actually.....this is a prayer that will be examined by the entire world, especially given its prominence as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

As such, I find the prayer absolutely magnificent in the perfectly Catholic, unecumenical, unapologetic depiction of the role Our Lady plays at the very center -- indeed, the heart -- of the Church and of the entire human race.

This prayer makes clear that we are asking Mary to obtain for a weary human race the peace, conversion and repentance of which we stand in such need....the Peace which Our Lady told us at Fatima that only She can obtain from God.


This prayer does that....and it does it in such a way as to give heretofore unseen global recognition to Mary's intercession, to the cult of hyperdulia which every single human being owes to the Mother of God.

Moreover, I have read with some distress the fact that so many good Catholics are also terrible historians.

At the time Our Lady requested the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, IT INCLUDED THE ENTIRE TERRITORY OF WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS THE UKRAINE, AND IT INCLUDED ALL THE SOULS WHO LIVED THERE AT THE TIME, AND WHO ARE THE VERY ANCESTORS OF MANY OF THOSE STILL LIVING IN THE UKRAINE NOW....this was all part of the Russia whose Consecration Our Lady requested.

It is not "adding" something to Russia to mention the Ukraine by name -- Rather it is to avoid SUBTRACTING something from the bounded country of which Our Lady spoke when She asked for the Consecration of Russia.

Furthermore, God has always been a respecter of free will...it suffices for Francis to request the collaboration of all the Bishops of the world for it to be a moral "entirety". Judas was a traitor, too....but that did not prevent the founding of the Catholic Church.

That's my two cents. Please don't leap on me with a hue and cry.

I just can't imagine how such a beautiful, absolutely public manifestation of filial, tender and unabashed love and unparalleled esteem for the Blessed Virgin -- beseeching Her intercession without the slightest tinge of Protestant reticence -- could not possibly move the Heart of Mary and the God above to intervene, as promised by Our Lady of Good Success: at this moment in history when "all hope is despaired of, when those in authority abuse the weak, and when all seems paralyzed and lost" (see revelations of Our Lady of Good Success concerning the moment God will choose to intervene at last).
Sancte Teotónio
Responding to the argument that Ukraine is mentioned because it was part of Russia at that time, why isn't Belarus mentioned aswell?
Sancte Teotónio
So many weird things in this paragraph. Our Lady just said Russia, why they have the need to make stuff up? I didn't know that "our humanity" can be differentiated by nationality.
Also 2 consecration sentences? Why?
Also we consecrate persons, people, objects, places, buildings, countries, not needs, expectations, anxieties and hopes, whatever that means.
The text is all weird writing with ambiguous …More
So many weird things in this paragraph. Our Lady just said Russia, why they have the need to make stuff up? I didn't know that "our humanity" can be differentiated by nationality.

Also 2 consecration sentences? Why?
Also we consecrate persons, people, objects, places, buildings, countries, not needs, expectations, anxieties and hopes, whatever that means.

The text is all weird writing with ambiguous meaning.
J G Tasan
‘Humanity’ has something to do with ‘Brotherhood’…
It’s up to one’s interpretation then…
Jeffrey Ade
It is gaslighting! Also cognitive dissonance! God bless!
One more comment from J G Tasan
J G Tasan
I read the prepared consecration. Not once does it mention Jesus Christ. I'm not in the least surprised. It's all a show
J G Tasan
Yup; Jesus vs. (our Lord) Jesus Christ
It would be nice then if ‘Pope’ Francis could lead the full Rosary; instead of giving a speech from his seat…More
Yup; Jesus vs. (our Lord) Jesus Christ

It would be nice then if ‘Pope’ Francis could lead the full Rosary; instead of giving a speech from his seat…
Virginie Fortin shares this
Prière de consécration au Coeur Immaculé de Marie du 25 mars 2022: "Mère de Dieu et notre Mère, nous confions et consacrons solennellement à ton Cœur immaculé nous-mêmes, l’Église et l’humanité tout entière, en particulier la Russie et l’Ukraine."
Virginie Fortin
Ô Marie, Mère de Dieu et notre Mère, en cette heure de tribulation nous avons recours à toi. Tu es Mère, tu nous aimes et tu nous connais : rien de tout ce à quoi nous tenons ne t’est caché. Mère de miséricorde, nous avons tant de fois fait l’expérience de ta tendresse providentielle, de ta présence qui ramène la paix, car tu nous guides toujours …More
Ô Marie, Mère de Dieu et notre Mère, en cette heure de tribulation nous avons recours à toi. Tu es Mère, tu nous aimes et tu nous connais : rien de tout ce à quoi nous tenons ne t’est caché. Mère de miséricorde, nous avons tant de fois fait l’expérience de ta tendresse providentielle, de ta présence qui ramène la paix, car tu nous guides toujours vers Jésus, Prince de la paix.
Mais nous avons perdu le chemin de la paix. Nous avons oublié la leçon des tragédies du siècle passé, le sacrifice de millions de morts des guerres mondiales. Nous avons enfreint les engagements pris en tant que Communauté des Nations et nous sommes en train de trahir les rêves de paix des peuples, et les espérances des jeunes. Nous sommes tombés malades d’avidité, nous nous sommes enfermés dans des intérêts nationalistes, nous nous sommes laissés dessécher par l’indifférence et paralyser par l’égoïsme. Nous avons préféré ignorer Dieu, vivre avec nos faussetés, nourrir l’agressivité, supprimer des vies et accumuler des armes, en oubliant que nous sommes les gardiens de notre prochain et de la maison commune. Nous avons mutilé par la guerre le jardin de la Terre, nous avons blessé par le péché le cœur de notre Père qui nous veut frères et sœurs. Nous sommes devenus indifférents à tous et à tout, sauf à nous-mêmes. Et avec honte nous disons : pardonne-nous, Seigneur !
Dans la misère du péché, dans nos fatigues et nos fragilités, dans le mystère d’iniquité du mal et de la guerre, toi, Mère sainte, tu nous rappelles que Dieu ne nous abandonne pas et qu’il continue à nous regarder avec amour, désireux de nous pardonner et de nous relever. C’est Lui qui t’a donnée à nous et qui a fait de ton Cœur immaculé un refuge pour l’Église et pour l’humanité. Par bonté divine, tu es avec nous, et tu nous conduis avec tendresse, même dans les tournants les plus resserrés de l’histoire.
Nous recourons donc à toi, nous frappons à la porte de ton Cœur, nous, tes chers enfants qu’en tout temps tu ne te lasses pas de visiter et d’inviter à la conversion. En cette heure sombre, viens nous secourir et nous consoler. Répète à chacun d’entre nous : “Ne suis-je pas ici, moi qui suis ta Mère?” Tu sais comment défaire les nœuds de notre cœur et de notre temps. Nous mettons notre confiance en toi. Nous sommes certains que tu ne méprises pas nos supplications et que tu viens à notre aide, en particulier au moment de l’épreuve.
C’est ce que tu as fait à Cana de Galilée, quand tu as hâté l’heure de l’intervention de Jésus et as introduit son premier signe dans le monde. Quand la fête était devenue triste, tu lui as dit : « Ils n’ont pas de vin » (Jn 2, 3). Répète-le encore à Dieu, ô Mère, car aujourd’hui nous avons épuisé le vin de l’espérance, la joie s’est dissipée, la fraternité s’est édulcorée. Nous avons perdu l’humanité, nous avons gâché la paix. Nous sommes devenus capables de toute violence et de toute destruction. Nous avons un besoin urgent de ton intervention maternelle.
Reçois donc, ô Mère, notre supplique.
Toi, étoile de la mer, ne nous laisse pas sombrer dans la tempête de la guerre.
Toi, arche de la nouvelle alliance, inspire des projets et des voies de réconciliation.
Wilma Lopez
Keep it short and simple: "In union with all the bishops of the world, I, Pope Francis, consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Jeffrey Ade
"Wouldn't be nice..."
Maria Pocs
In the apparition of July 13, 1917, Our Lady told the children that God would “punish the world for its crimes through war, hunger and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. […] To prevent this, I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will …More
In the apparition of July 13, 1917, Our Lady told the children that God would “punish the world for its crimes through war, hunger and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. […] To prevent this, I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, it will spread its errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecutions; the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated; in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”
Jeffrey Ade
Probably no earlier then June 13, 2029! Stay prayed up!
Wilma Lopez
"show people the path of fraternity" (maybe better conversion)
Alex A
So what!
J G Tasan
The ‘keywords’ that are worth to spot on: Mother Earth, humanity, fraternity, ecology, …
Wayside Shrine Maker
It's like Divine Mercy Sunday when Sr. Faustina was told by Jesus to Go to Confession on that day..... then decades later they turned it into yea Sunday sure if you can, but also plus or minus a day or two or three or four or five.... yea sometime in the next decade or two if you get round to it (ok that last bit was my own purposefully exaggeration. Why can't people follow things exactly. I think …More
It's like Divine Mercy Sunday when Sr. Faustina was told by Jesus to Go to Confession on that day..... then decades later they turned it into yea Sunday sure if you can, but also plus or minus a day or two or three or four or five.... yea sometime in the next decade or two if you get round to it (ok that last bit was my own purposefully exaggeration. Why can't people follow things exactly. I think there is a tempted diabolical reason they do not. Say yes when you mean yes everything else is from.... What is so hard about doing things the right way exactly as you can.