
The Heretic Is Still in the Race

The German homosexualist Heiner Wilmer, aka "Bishop of Hildesheim," is still a very likely candidate as the prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith. MessaInLatino.it writes that Wilmer's appointment …More
The German homosexualist Heiner Wilmer, aka "Bishop of Hildesheim," is still a very likely candidate as the prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith.
MessaInLatino.it writes that Wilmer's appointment would be an "unprecedented disaster" as he is a heretic who supported the former priest, heretic and schismatic Eugen Drewermann whom he called “a prophet of our time who is misunderstood by the Church.”
Further, Wilmer stated that the “abuse of power is in the Church’s DNA [of which Francis is an obvious proof]” and he doesn’t know “who exactly determines what is Catholic.”
“We are to be receivers and listeners learning in dialogue with [pseudo-] Catholic men and women, but also with Christians of other denominations and non-believers” [but NEVER with normal Catholics], Wilmer said.
One wonders why MessaInLatino is so upset, because it was clear from the beginning that Francis would never appoint a decent person as Prefect of the Faith.
Davide Romano
Bishop Wilmer said on the German Synod that “[t]he reform of the Church’s sex teaching is and remains a very important topic. The rejection of the policy paper by a minority of bishops does not change that. I stand behind the text wholeheartedly and am certain that, despite the rejection, it will be widely received and discussed intensively. I assure the faithful in the Diocese of Hildesheim that …More
Bishop Wilmer said on the German Synod that “[t]he reform of the Church’s sex teaching is and remains a very important topic. The rejection of the policy paper by a minority of bishops does not change that. I stand behind the text wholeheartedly and am certain that, despite the rejection, it will be widely received and discussed intensively. I assure the faithful in the Diocese of Hildesheim that I will continue to work for a renewal of Catholic sexual morality. It is unacceptable for people to be hurt or discriminated against by church teaching. That is not in the spirit of Jesus Christ.”
Ursula Sankt
Bishop Strickland: "Pray that this does not happen. We need a head of doctrine who actually believes in doctrine. 🙏 🙏 🙏"
Louis IX
Just say no to Hiney Wilmer.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry for being off topic, but does anyone know what the issue is with Sept Fons Trappist Monastery in France? It has, as of 2022, the largest number of monks (84) of ANY of the 88 existing Trappist monasteries in the world. I'm doing research for a book, and nearly all Trappist abbies HAD AT LEAST 50-60 monks before Vatican II, with some having as many as 250+ (Gethsemani and Spencer in USA). Also …More
Sorry for being off topic, but does anyone know what the issue is with Sept Fons Trappist Monastery in France? It has, as of 2022, the largest number of monks (84) of ANY of the 88 existing Trappist monasteries in the world. I'm doing research for a book, and nearly all Trappist abbies HAD AT LEAST 50-60 monks before Vatican II, with some having as many as 250+ (Gethsemani and Spencer in USA). Also, there were (1960) close to 6,000 Trappists.
Today, after 55+ years of Vatican II and the disasterous Novus Ordo there are 1,400 Trappists and 66 out of 88 abbies have less than 20 monks.
I was wondering if anyone knew about Sept Fons and what is wrong with them....either too radical, or too traditional? I know what Pope Francis has done to good traditional Orders, and Mariawald Abbey in Germany which his people forced closed because they adopted the Tridentine Latin Mass.
I ask this, because I found this on the Trappist website:
"By a decree of 17th January 2023, the Holy See appointed Dom Guillaume Jedrzejczak, Monastic Commissary of Latroun, as Superior ad nutum Sanctae Sedis to the community of Sept Fons with the task to prepare the community for a future election. There will be a Commission of aid composed by the two previous Pontifical Assistants, Dom Jean-Charles Nault osb and Mgr. Erik Varden ocso, Dom Pierre-André, abbot of Citeaux and Father Immediate and an Abbess of our Order."
This doesn't sound good. I hope it is not another wonderful traditional monastery which has many vocations which Bergoglio in his insane mind wants to supress.
John A Cassani
I don’t know much about that abbey, but I have some familiarity with Spencer. They have gotten a fair number of older vocations in recent decades. I think they have quite a few former computer programmers, and the like. They have never been “crazy liberal,” by Vatican II standards, but they are by no means traditional. They got into commercial ventures. Trappist Preserves is theirs. They also have …More
I don’t know much about that abbey, but I have some familiarity with Spencer. They have gotten a fair number of older vocations in recent decades. I think they have quite a few former computer programmers, and the like. They have never been “crazy liberal,” by Vatican II standards, but they are by no means traditional. They got into commercial ventures. Trappist Preserves is theirs. They also have Holy Rood Guild vestments, which are certainly expensive. They also run the gamut of taste. I’m not sure what sort of a future they have, because they have, in the past year, given up on the brewery that they invested millions in. I would imagine that most Trappists abbeys have decayed under gradual Vatican II rot.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John A Cassani -Thank you John. I have heard about Spencer. Would you believe that before the disaster of Vatican II, both Spencer and Gethsemani in Ky. had over 250 monks, and that there were several in Europe with close the same? Amazing that the Order, which had close to 6,000 monks immediatly before Vatican II would be down to less than 1,400 with a median age of close to 77! Before 1960 the …More
@John A Cassani -Thank you John. I have heard about Spencer. Would you believe that before the disaster of Vatican II, both Spencer and Gethsemani in Ky. had over 250 monks, and that there were several in Europe with close the same? Amazing that the Order, which had close to 6,000 monks immediatly before Vatican II would be down to less than 1,400 with a median age of close to 77! Before 1960 the median age was 37-40. I do know that Spencer is down to about 40 monks, which is why the probably gave up the brewery. Monks with a median age of 75 can't handle that job well. They have gotten some older vocations, or I should say accepted, older vocations because no young ones are really applying. I do know that Spencer was into Buddhist/Zen meditation as well about 25 years ago, and hosted Buddhist monks.
I was just wondering about Sept Fons, because I printed out the Trappist data sheet listing monasteries and membership in each for 2022, and all have mostly less than 20 monks except Sept Fone for 2022 having 84. So I figured that if Bergoglio had appoiinted commussioners etc, they most likely are too Catholic for his taste and wants to disipline them. I also checked their website, and their altar is Catholic looking, in the style Benedict XVI liked....canclesticks and crucifix in middle....so I am sure Bergoglio would rather see a statue of Pachamamma , or a gay banner in the sacristy.
John A Cassani
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is such a shame. My family used to have an annual reunion at Spencer back in the good old days (before my time, but the last one was when I was about 6). It was a beautiful, peaceful place. The thing about the Trappist abbeys is that they are not independent, which is why it would be somewhat surprising if one was significantly different from the rest. But, if one abbey was …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is such a shame. My family used to have an annual reunion at Spencer back in the good old days (before my time, but the last one was when I was about 6). It was a beautiful, peaceful place. The thing about the Trappist abbeys is that they are not independent, which is why it would be somewhat surprising if one was significantly different from the rest. But, if one abbey was allowed to be more traditional, and had success, it would be expected, these days, that Bergoglio’s henchmen would bring the hammer down. It’s speculation on my part, but it would stand to reason.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John A Cassani -Absolutely. He's already done it to several traditional/traditionalist Orders. One Order of French nuns had close to 250 members before Vatican II, went liberal in the 1960's-70's ,80's and 90's. When they got down to about 35 members, they finally realized they were doing something wrong, so they went back to their original traditional habits, and started their original work again …More
@John A Cassani -Absolutely. He's already done it to several traditional/traditionalist Orders. One Order of French nuns had close to 250 members before Vatican II, went liberal in the 1960's-70's ,80's and 90's. When they got down to about 35 members, they finally realized they were doing something wrong, so they went back to their original traditional habits, and started their original work again (boarding schools for girls and nursing the sick). All during the reign of Benedict XVI, they averaged 6-7 new girls entering a year, whereas before 2000 they would go maybe 25 years before a new vocation came.
In comes Bergoglio and decided to force them to go back to their old liberal lifestyles, or be supressed. Of the by now 60 nuns, all but 12 decided to see release from their vows. They quit en masse, and re-grouped in a new convent, and affiliated themselves to the SSPX. Now they owe Bergoglio nothing. And they are doing well.
That's the way for Orders to do it!!
(It might sound odd that someone like me, 28, would care so much about the Church so as to write 2 stat books about the disaster of Vatican II, and spend 3-4 free hrs on the computer 🤪. But I teach at a local highschool near my house, and log on here at lunchtime. I teach History and American Authors (considered an English class-( Emerson, Thoreau, Dickenson, Poe, Irving, etc) Also I volunteered to teach Japanese as an elective language 3x a week after regular classes. Most people would expect no kids to show up after 3:00, all eager to go home.....but I have 40 in the class. Ours is the only h.s. in the area that offers Japanese as an elective...along with the usuall French,Italian Spanish and German 😊
John Fritz Logan
Honestly this is great news. I was worried that weak, vague and inconsistent Scicluna from Malta would be appointed as part of a jesuitical boiling frog approach.
THIS would be Francis' suicide note!More
Honestly this is great news. I was worried that weak, vague and inconsistent Scicluna from Malta would be appointed as part of a jesuitical boiling frog approach.

THIS would be Francis' suicide note!
John Fritz Logan
Make sure to pre-amptively call out Scicluna as well. Don't be tricked into finding him acceptable in comparison.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
YES!! This would be Bergoglio's suicide note. Finally I think many cardinals would be forced to rebell against him, and force him out....or to make his last days in office a living Hell....like he has done for the rest of the Church. And it would also make sure that there is no "Francis II" !!!!!!!!!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori if, if Bergoglio will choose to leader of Doctrine of faith...wrong Bishop Heiner Wilmer....it's means Bergoglio must going to wrong way!! must support to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion!!!!! even though not to Wilmer...if, Bergoglio will choose to Malta man...Archbihop Scicluna...it will be horrible too....anyway...maybe stupid Cardinal Ladaria's retire time is coming soon..…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori if, if Bergoglio will choose to leader of Doctrine of faith...wrong Bishop Heiner Wilmer....it's means Bergoglio must going to wrong way!! must support to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion!!!!! even though not to Wilmer...if, Bergoglio will choose to Malta man...Archbihop Scicluna...it will be horrible too....anyway...maybe stupid Cardinal Ladaria's retire time is coming soon....hmm.....Bergoglio will dose not saying about Retire...and want stay longer...until his die...Orthodox Cardinals will must have action!!! need to Abdication!!! this man lost himself to Papacy!!!!! any more to Pope!!! just crazy Tyrant!! we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals will remove him....even though I am not sure...and very hard...but I really hope it..and Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!!! and Kenjiro...if you are annoying sorry...but I hope one more asking....do you hear about National Catholic Reporter??? and Crux now, New ways Ministry...I know them...they are support to wrong group!!! specially New Ways ministry...I well know....Cardinal Ratzinger(Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI) said about them...they are wrong group...not a Catholic group....and former Archbishop of Chicago, President of USCCB...Cardinal Francis George said to same opinion!!! but now they acting a lot....kkkkkk....they said to us schismatics!!!! jajajajaa!! I think...are they kidding??? who's are real Schismatics!!! they are real Schismatics!!! I remember....Holy Father Pope Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI's time...they always saying...Pope is a Dictator..they must hear another Voice...they always blaming their protect to our Orthodox Teaching actions....but now....they blaming to Orthodox group...we just saying...Pope must protect to our Orthodox teachings...but they attack to us...so funny..and Crux..John Allen said...just against Francis groups are very few...most, most Catholic people are love, Support to Francis...hmm....I reading to them...make me so angry....but, but we must know about our enemies situation...so I always checked to them...maybe are you same??? really hope Orthodox Pope will elect...remove to this all wrong media too...many talking sorry.....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...men...take care!!^^ many talking sorry....but I always happy learning a lot^^
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan Hi..Brother!! how are you??? even though we don't have many talking..but I always hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy....I told Kenjiro.....Bergoglio will dose not saying about Retire...and want stay longer...until his die...Orthodox Cardinals will must have action!!! need to Abdication!!! this man lost himself to Papacy!!!!! any more to Pope!!! …More
@John Fritz Logan Hi..Brother!! how are you??? even though we don't have many talking..but I always hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy....I told Kenjiro.....Bergoglio will dose not saying about Retire...and want stay longer...until his die...Orthodox Cardinals will must have action!!! need to Abdication!!! this man lost himself to Papacy!!!!! any more to Pope!!! just crazy Tyrant!! we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals will remove him....even though I am not sure...and very hard...but I really hope it..and Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! I really hope Lord will choose your great Archbishop...Eminence Cardinal Eijk to Pope...or like Muller, Burke, Sarah, Erdo will be great too.....or another Orthodox Cardinal will elect to Pope...so great!!!! just Lord knows....many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...Amen...take care!!^^
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you for your good observations which are always correct. I think Bergoglio's time is reaching its end anyway, he wants to wreck the Church as much as possibl before he dies or is forced to quit. Personally, I do not accept him as a legitimate Pope. No legit Pope would deliberatly try to destroy the Faith. I read some people believe he is the anti-Christ. I am not sure …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you for your good observations which are always correct. I think Bergoglio's time is reaching its end anyway, he wants to wreck the Church as much as possibl before he dies or is forced to quit. Personally, I do not accept him as a legitimate Pope. No legit Pope would deliberatly try to destroy the Faith. I read some people believe he is the anti-Christ. I am not sure about that, but it is possible. He IS the worst Pope the Church has ever had though.
U S Spacy
Or, CCC 675 will be activated and we better get our souls ready.