
Archbishop Calls Criticism of Gay Pseudo-Marriage "Propaganda"

On May 21st "Maltese Catholics United for the Faith" published a full page advertisement against gay pseudo-marriage in MaltaToday on the occasion of Malta's general election on June 3rd. The advertisement …More
On May 21st "Maltese Catholics United for the Faith" published a full page advertisement against gay pseudo-marriage in MaltaToday on the occasion of Malta's general election on June 3rd.
The advertisement says, that “the sanctity of marriage, between husband and wife, doesn’t grant a right to everyone to marry anyone” and calls gay pseudo-marriage "unnatural.” It accuses the main electoral programs of “glorifying sin”.
Archbishop Charles Scicluna distanced himself on May 23rd on "thechurchinmalta.org" from the advert: "The Archdiocese of Malta categorically states that, while respecting the right of freedom of expression of every person or any other entity, it is not in any way involved with the propaganda by the 'Maltese Catholics United for the Faith'."
Picture: MaltaToday, #newsDvfhdsmxkq
GJA Taylor
The bishops of Malta are "not involved in any way" with the Catholic faith(ful). Well at least these prelates have some honesty.
Dr Bobus
It is propaganda, as in Propaganda Fide
Lisi Sterndorfer
Link between contraception and homosexuality - and why Humanae Vitae was right .
Ignazio Marino, the former mayor of Rome, talking about homosexuality: “On the subject of social and cultural changes that we face in our time, naturally arises at this point is also the issue of homosexuality. It seems to me that the hypothesis of the possibility of a complete separation between sexuality and procreation …More
Link between contraception and homosexuality - and why Humanae Vitae was right .

Ignazio Marino, the former mayor of Rome, talking about homosexuality: “On the subject of social and cultural changes that we face in our time, naturally arises at this point is also the issue of homosexuality. It seems to me that the hypothesis of the possibility of a complete separation between sexuality and procreation leads us to question on this point.”
The world loves you, Archbishop Sicucluna! I can hear the applause and the accolades. Unfortunately, Almighty God doesn't think the same as the world. Woe to you!
We witness the ongoing visible increased activity of antichurch by Churchmen with doctrinal jurisdiction. After undermining Dogmas their following strategy is to silence and distance themselves from remaining flock of Catholics who strive to protect Divine and natural law in final confrontation of evil forces against good. In consequence, these Prelates, wolves in sheep's clothing, betray God by …More
We witness the ongoing visible increased activity of antichurch by Churchmen with doctrinal jurisdiction. After undermining Dogmas their following strategy is to silence and distance themselves from remaining flock of Catholics who strive to protect Divine and natural law in final confrontation of evil forces against good. In consequence, these Prelates, wolves in sheep's clothing, betray God by stabbing in the back His sheep whom they should protect, therby leaving Catholics slaughtered at the hands of overwhelming evil forces.