
Benedict XVI Resigned Because Of Insomnia

Benedict XVI wrote to his biographer Peter Seewald on 28 October that he resigned in February 2013 because he had suffered from insomnia throughout his pontificate (Focus.de, 27 January).

The "insomnia that has accompanied me continuously since the World Youth Day in Cologne [August 2005]" was the "central motive" for his stepping down. His personal doctor had prescribed him "strong medication", but it only worked for a while.

One morning during his trip to Mexico and Cuba in March 2012, he reached for his handkerchief as usual. It was "completely soaked in blood", but Benedict could remember nothing: "I must have bumped into something in the bathroom during the night and fallen".

Following this accident, the new personal physician prescribed a reduction in sleeping pills and recommended only morning appointments when travelling abroad.

Benedict XVI knew that he would not be able to cope with the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013. He therefore planned his resignation so that his successor could travel to Brazil.

In retrospect, Benedict XVI wrote that he would decide to resign again.

Picture: © Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk, CC BY-NC, #newsTtplfdamoq

John A Cassani
This is as laughable as the “I continue to wear white because no black cassocks were available” line. The truth is that he “fled for fear of the wolves,” as he warned us on the day of his election. He needs our prayers.
What’s all this about World Youth Day? It has been proven on a number of occasions that it should now be re-named Youth Shagging Day. Load of nonsense. Resigned because he couldn’t “celebrate” Youth Shagging Day. Laughable.
Salvatore Bastatti
I do not believe for a moment that Ratzinger resigned because of insomnia. This whole resignation is filled with unadulterated filth and excrescence, lie after lie after lie.
Would anyone who posts here resign from the papacy if he were Pope? No. There are nothing but lies being spewed. Wotyla did not resign and he was in far worse health than Ratzinger was. Roncalli was dying of stomach cancer. …More
I do not believe for a moment that Ratzinger resigned because of insomnia. This whole resignation is filled with unadulterated filth and excrescence, lie after lie after lie.

Would anyone who posts here resign from the papacy if he were Pope? No. There are nothing but lies being spewed. Wotyla did not resign and he was in far worse health than Ratzinger was. Roncalli was dying of stomach cancer. Did he resign? NO.

The entire resignation story is fecal stained from beginning to end and that has yet to be uncovered.
Geminiano Secundo
The red chasuble from WYD in Sydney of Benedict XVI is his spiritual testament to the universal Church. As pope emeritus, he could not address the Church directly, so he sent the last most important message in visual form. What does this will say? With me died the last Roman pope (see paragraph 111 in the prophecy about the popes of Malachi), his cold body is covered with the hot red of the Holy …More
The red chasuble from WYD in Sydney of Benedict XVI is his spiritual testament to the universal Church. As pope emeritus, he could not address the Church directly, so he sent the last most important message in visual form. What does this will say? With me died the last Roman pope (see paragraph 111 in the prophecy about the popes of Malachi), his cold body is covered with the hot red of the Holy Spirit, the next visible head of the Church on earth will be the second Comforter, the Paraclete, look out for him. This is why we turned the altars around after the closing of Vatican II, so that the priest could look for the Paraclete among the crowd of believers! The Paraclete is not the Holy Spirit, he is someone full of the Holy Spirit, just as the Blessed Virgin is full of grace!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't believe in any of that Malachi prophecy. There was no significance to what Benedict XVI wore, because someone just put it on him...it had nothing to do with his choice.
And this ------"This is why we turned the altars around after the closing of Vatican II, so that the priest could look for the Paraclete among the crowd of believers! The Paraclete is not the Holy Spirit, he is someone full …More
I don't believe in any of that Malachi prophecy. There was no significance to what Benedict XVI wore, because someone just put it on him...it had nothing to do with his choice.
And this ------"This is why we turned the altars around after the closing of Vatican II, so that the priest could look for the Paraclete among the crowd of believers! The Paraclete is not the Holy Spirit, he is someone full of the Holy Spirit, just as the Blessed Virgin is full of grace!"
They turned the altars around to accommodate the Reformation inspired heretics who hated Catholics. That's plain and simple. No other reason. They wanted us to be more like them.
And this peice is a joke--"so that the priest could look for the Paraclete among the crowd of believers! The Paraclete is not the Holy Spirit, he is someone full of the Holy Spirit, " That's something a Pentecostalism born-again fanatic would say. And it's heresy. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, not a person.
Someone filled with the Holy Spirit is impossible. Anyone can claim it and fake it. And they do. There are some VERY good actors at it. They can scream and shout, roll around on the floor, roll their eyes, wave their hands to the heavens and make up some fake language that comes into their heads and claim its the Holy Spirit!!! Yeah, right. I believe you......like I believe Fentanol is harmless, like I believe we should all applaude and accept TRANS, and like I belive Pope Francis knew nothing about his Jesuit buddy Rudick having sex with that group of fake nuns he founded (and which is now falling apart/discredited/disbanded.
Geminiano Secundo
"I don't believe in any of that Malachi prophecy." then you have a problem, my friend. The Lord Jesus gave this prophecy about the popes so long ago, in AD 1139, so that we could understand what stage of history the Church is at.
Because you reject this prophecy, you cannot grasp the meaning of the turning of the altar, an act that was approved by the rightful Pope Paul VI and his successors.
I …More
"I don't believe in any of that Malachi prophecy." then you have a problem, my friend. The Lord Jesus gave this prophecy about the popes so long ago, in AD 1139, so that we could understand what stage of history the Church is at.
Because you reject this prophecy, you cannot grasp the meaning of the turning of the altar, an act that was approved by the rightful Pope Paul VI and his successors.
I suppose you're not thinking of the coming Kingdom of God - you have an even bigger problem, Kenjiro
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No disrespect intended, but I believe in that Malachi about as much as I believed AOC in her lunatic speech on the evening news tonight about climate change. Yeah, climate change.....maybe in a thousand years, but not in a few months like she said. Some people I read on the internet claim that there is no Malachi prophecy, that it was in fact a forgery from around 1600 A.D. If the original document …More
No disrespect intended, but I believe in that Malachi about as much as I believed AOC in her lunatic speech on the evening news tonight about climate change. Yeah, climate change.....maybe in a thousand years, but not in a few months like she said. Some people I read on the internet claim that there is no Malachi prophecy, that it was in fact a forgery from around 1600 A.D. If the original document exists they can date it for certain.
Geminiano Secundo
Kenjiro said: "Malachi prophecy... a forgery from around 1600 A.D." -
Knowing the history of the papacy well, no 16th-century forger of the list of popes would have included 10 anti-popes on this list. Why would he do that? And besides, why the nicknames of the popes in the prophecy after 1590 so accurately characterize the pontiffs of whose existence the alleged forger could not have had any …More
Kenjiro said: "Malachi prophecy... a forgery from around 1600 A.D." -
Knowing the history of the papacy well, no 16th-century forger of the list of popes would have included 10 anti-popes on this list. Why would he do that? And besides, why the nicknames of the popes in the prophecy after 1590 so accurately characterize the pontiffs of whose existence the alleged forger could not have had any knowledge.
@Geminiano Secundo
So if he included anti-popes on his list I guess he was no forger but rather a false prophet.
Geminiano Secundo
The trap of phariseeism in action: A Catholic claiming the Lord Jesus made a false prophecy!
Geminiano Secundo
Benedict XVI had his body buried in the chasuble in which he celebrated mass at WYD in Sydney in 2008. The pope flew to Australia on July 13, the feast of the Mystical Rose, but did not appear in public until July 17, the day of commemoration of St. Alexius of Rome. The world youth meeting was then held under the slogan "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you". The very name of …More
Benedict XVI had his body buried in the chasuble in which he celebrated mass at WYD in Sydney in 2008. The pope flew to Australia on July 13, the feast of the Mystical Rose, but did not appear in public until July 17, the day of commemoration of St. Alexius of Rome. The world youth meeting was then held under the slogan "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you". The very name of Alexis means Helper, and this holy Roman is a figure of the second Comforter, the Paraclete (Advocate/Defender).
Therefore, if B16 thought about the Christian world seeing him for the last time (on a bier) in a chasuble from Sydney '2008, he wanted to appeal to us to wait for the second Comforter, who as Peter the Roman from the prophecy of St. Malachi will be the head of the Church already renewed in the form of the Kingdom of God on earth. Benedict XVI is a great intellect.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Are you one of those lnatic Bible-thumping Charismatics. I thought they died off in the Catholic Church years ago. Too bad if they didn't.
Sally Dorman shares this
Benedict XVI's biographer Peter Seewald stated that the late Pope told him he had resigned due to 'insomnia' he had experienced since 2005 and that a bizarre bleeding incident in 2012 was pivotal to his resignation.
Geminiano Secundo
Providentially, Benedict XVI fell into insomnia in order to fulfill the role of the guardian according to the prophecy of Isaiah 21:8
And the lookout shouted,
“Day after day, my lord, I stand on the watchtower;
every night I stay at my post."

He became a sleepless vigilante on August 21, 2005 in Cologne on WYD #20. Who is this vigilante looking for? This day marked the 126th anniversary of the …More
Providentially, Benedict XVI fell into insomnia in order to fulfill the role of the guardian according to the prophecy of Isaiah 21:8

And the lookout shouted,
“Day after day, my lord, I stand on the watchtower;
every night I stay at my post."

He became a sleepless vigilante on August 21, 2005 in Cologne on WYD #20. Who is this vigilante looking for? This day marked the 126th anniversary of the single apparition of the Blessed Virgin in Knock (August 21, 1979) and the coronation of the statue of Our Lady of La Salette. Both apparitions concern the Parousia of the Paraclete, and also show the nature of the mutual relations between the Apocalyptic Woman and her chosen Son-Man.
English Catholic
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Agreed. I remember seeing a video of Eucharistic abuses which took place at one of the WYD's. John Vennari RIP wrote a book about the problems with WYD. A review of the book is here: What’s Wrong with World Youth Day?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If Benedict XVI was worried about not being up to the task of presiding/celebrating the World Youth Day of 2013 in Brazil, he could have just canceled the idea of World Youth Day all together. It was/is a stupid idea form the beginning, of JPII's. It accomplished/accomplishes nothing, did/does not strengthen the Catholic Faith, and indeed isn't even specifically Catholic. It is a waste of time …More
If Benedict XVI was worried about not being up to the task of presiding/celebrating the World Youth Day of 2013 in Brazil, he could have just canceled the idea of World Youth Day all together. It was/is a stupid idea form the beginning, of JPII's. It accomplished/accomplishes nothing, did/does not strengthen the Catholic Faith, and indeed isn't even specifically Catholic. It is a waste of time financially and everything else. It was from the beginning, a circus.
Clement Jaeho Chung
you are right...it's a problems....but I think Bergoglio make to WYD much worst way...even though have many problems...but Pope Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI said about orthodox teachings!!! they against to LGBT Ideologies, Wrong Abortion...but Bergoglio like this wrong Ideologies...so sad.....just really hope we will get Orthodox Pope..fast time...so will be great...much pray to the Lord...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung - You are right too Clement! Thank you for your good observations.
Oh that would explain it then. In his tiredness he must have forgotten to pay SWIFT for its services. 😂 😂 😂.
Respectfully, I have come to believe little of what any of these men have to tell us--either dead or alive.
I should say, I don't doubt he had insomnia (almost half of the population suffers from it); I simply don't believe for a moment that it was insomnia that drove him out of the Vatican.
English Catholic
I wonder why that wasn't revealed at the time? It's hardly shameful. I'm an insomniac, a condition which I seem to have inherited from one of my parents.
Is there nothing one can do?
English Catholic
@DefendTruth About insomnia? Well you can go down the sleeping pill/tranquiliser route, but they are nearly all addictive, so are only prescribed for short periods. There are other things one can do, I believe the modern terminology is called 'sleep hygiene' What Is Sleep Hygiene? | Sleep Foundation These recommendations work for some but not always for others. It's a cross some people have, like …More
@DefendTruth About insomnia? Well you can go down the sleeping pill/tranquiliser route, but they are nearly all addictive, so are only prescribed for short periods. There are other things one can do, I believe the modern terminology is called 'sleep hygiene' What Is Sleep Hygiene? | Sleep Foundation These recommendations work for some but not always for others. It's a cross some people have, like any other cross I suppose. Sometimes you just have to get on with it.