De Profundis

If asymptomatic carriers don't spead coronavirus, we just shut down the country for nothing

In a new report, the World Health Organization announced that asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus "rarely …
They rarely spread the virus because they're not "sick", meaning they're not sneezing or coughing which is how an airborne virust spreads.
Indeed! WHO knew?
Well, they did need to learn this info. But when did WHO (and who else) know?
F M Shyanguya
O c’mon now WP, you being the propaganda tool for the Beast, you know very well it wasn’t for “nothing”.
Heads Must Roll! CoViD-19/Masks: Was this all a [diabolical sick] game?More
O c’mon now WP, you being the propaganda tool for the Beast, you know very well it wasn’t for “nothing”.

Heads Must Roll! CoViD-19/Masks: Was this all a [diabolical sick] game?