
Cardinal Fernandez Mocks Catholics: "Couples are blessed. The union is not blessed"

Cardinal Fernández attempts to further mislead (gaslighting) his audience by inventing the hypocritical distinction between homosexual “couple” and “union”: “Couples are blessed. The union is not …More
Cardinal Fernández attempts to further mislead (gaslighting) his audience by inventing the hypocritical distinction between homosexual “couple” and “union”: “Couples are blessed. The union is not blessed.”
Talking to PillarCatholic.com (December 22), he gave the impression that the “blessing” was for “two very close friends who share good things”, even if they have sinned homosexually. Fernández “often” met such couples, who are sometimes “exemplary”.
The blessing can be given “even if there is some kind of [homo]sexual relationship”. The blessing, he said, would allegedly “not validate or justify anything”.
About the German de facto schism [which wants the same thing as he does], Fernández said: “Some bishops have gone ahead with ritualized forms of blessing irregular couples, and this is inadmissible. They should reformulate their proposal in this regard.” He is “planning a trip to Germany to have some conversations that I believe are important”.
Fernández reacted with mockery to the …More
So what makes a couple if not some kind of union? What a fake ,phony and fraud as Bob Grant use to say.
Paul F
Pontifical hocus-pocus to justify the injustifiable.
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Didn't The Pillar fail to ask the key question? If the priest has strong reasons to think it's a sexual relationship, should he refrain from blessing the couple?
So the African bishops are just trying to protect the homosexual couples from violence in their backwards culture? More deception by Fernandez to draw as many people as possible along his "wide road".
Hound of Heaven
"You say 'tom-Ay-to', I say 'tom-AH-to',... let's call the whole thing off."
Denis Efimov
Damned complete heretic and apostate. He takes us for idiots, offering his stupid explanations. Not only the sodomites themselves, but also everyone who blessed their unions or in any way justifies such blessings, will go to hell to eternal torment if they do not have time to repent of this. I think Fernandez and his sidekick Francis will have particularly harsh punishments in hell.
Sandy Barrett
The priest must not judge, ask, etc., just bless what he sees, Fernandez and Francis insist. That is not fair either for the priest or the "couple" asking for the blessing, nor is it consistent with the role of the priest to teach and sanctify.
This interview establishes Fiducia Supplicans as a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. As Tucho states: "As I was saying, sometimes the priest, on a pilgrimage, does not know that couple, and sometimes they are two very close friends who share good things, sometimes they had sexual relations in the past and now what remains is a strong sense of belonging and mutual help. As a parish priest, I have often …More
This interview establishes Fiducia Supplicans as a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. As Tucho states: "As I was saying, sometimes the priest, on a pilgrimage, does not know that couple, and sometimes they are two very close friends who share good things, sometimes they had sexual relations in the past and now what remains is a strong sense of belonging and mutual help. As a parish priest, I have often met such couples, who are sometimes exemplary. Therefore, since it is not a question of the sacrament of confession(!), but of a simple blessing, it is still asked that this friendship be purified, matured and lived in fidelity to the Gospel. And even if there was some kind of sexual relationship, known or not, the blessing made in this way does not validate or justify anything."
Forked tongue
Non-sequitur of a "blessing" not implying approval as the plain meaning of "blessing" is that: a sign of approval.
In this most chaotic maelstrom of a Christmas Season, the likes of which have been unseen in the entire contemporary history of the Church, we are in dire need of a modern-day Saint Nicholas to rise up and slap the sh— (forgive me) out of this vile, sick son-of-a-gun; and like the great Saint and Bishop did to that other heretic, Arius, at the Council of Nicea, teach him a very hard, harsh, but …More
In this most chaotic maelstrom of a Christmas Season, the likes of which have been unseen in the entire contemporary history of the Church, we are in dire need of a modern-day Saint Nicholas to rise up and slap the sh— (forgive me) out of this vile, sick son-of-a-gun; and like the great Saint and Bishop did to that other heretic, Arius, at the Council of Nicea, teach him a very hard, harsh, but absolutely necessary lesson about the consequences of his apostasy.
Fernandez has basically single-handedly invented a new theology of blessings and the pope, apparently not being a details person, went along with it.
😂 🤪 😂 😂 🤪
Sally Dorman
"Couples are blessed. The union is not blessed." - Card. Fernandez. It's easy to qualify that the goal is to bless individuals and not the relationship. I just did it. But instead, we're left to speculate what a couple is and what a union is. How is this not willful negligence?
This is just completely nuts.
Sandy Barrett
The pastoral insensitivity of releasing a document bound to cause intense debate & division across the church, days before Christmas, is astounding.
Sandy Barrett
Really Cardinal Fernández? Homosex blessing ‘does not validate or justify anything’
African Bishops: “Don’t think for a second you can bring your butt-loving, perversion-approving, sodomy-promoting, heretical Bulls*&@ over here, Kissy-boy. We won’t stand for it. Keep your filthy, diseased ‘mouth’ off our Faith.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Finally, Fernández’ came up with wishful thinking: “I want to go to Heaven and be very happy with God eternally.”--------Best of luck in this wish, Francis and Fernandez. You may need it.