
PiusX Mass Raided: Faithful Have None of It

St John's Church in Monkstown, Dublin, was raided by police during Easter Monday Morning Mass, Father John Stone reported on Twitter.com. The church is run by the Society of St Pius X. Police tried to …More
St John's Church in Monkstown, Dublin, was raided by police during Easter Monday Morning Mass, Father John Stone reported on Twitter.com.
The church is run by the Society of St Pius X. Police tried to shut down the Mass but the congregation would have none of it, and Holy Mass went on and could be finished properly.
Picture: © Fsspx.ie, #newsYqgoaygwfl
Fr Dan
Bravo SSPX, God will use them to restore his Church
That's easy @Defeat Modernism ;-) 'cuz "officially" they're operating under "maximum capacity" and they're "essential" businesses. :P Btw... these restrictions are overwhelmingly being instituted by people who aren't "Judeo-Masonic" at all.. But when has a fact like that ever stopped morons, eh? ...particularly anti-Semites and conspiritards.
Defeat Modernism
@Ultraviolet Sadly, you are a typical libtard. You believe everything the Judeo-Masonic press and new church puts out. Never learning from history, never studying the saints or the dogmatic councils. You follow the crowd much like the Jews who joined the crowd crying out for Barabas. Trust me, it will not end well for you if you continue on this path.
"Sadly, you are a typical libtard." @Defeat Modernism
...because conservatives are automatically anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists, amirite? Your fallacy is....More
"Sadly, you are a typical libtard." @Defeat Modernism

...because conservatives are automatically anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists, amirite? Your fallacy is....
"You believe everything the Judeo-Masonic press and new church puts out..."
In addition to being a bigot, it seems you're also a psychic who magically knows what I believe, too. I hope you're better at bending spoons than you are at reasoning. :P Protip: there is only one Catholic Church. You're either a part of it, or you're not.More
"You believe everything the Judeo-Masonic press and new church puts out..."

In addition to being a bigot, it seems you're also a psychic who magically knows what I believe, too. I hope you're better at bending spoons than you are at reasoning. :P Protip: there is only one Catholic Church. You're either a part of it, or you're not.
Defeat Modernism
Did not the Jews conspire against Our Lord? Did not the scriptures testify to this? Did not the Jews conspire against His Church in every century up to this very moment? Did Christ not call the Jews the Synagogue of Satan? Did not the Popes condemn the conspiracy of Freemasonry, Communism and Socialism? Try learning history. You ignorance is typical of a godless, faithless liberal. The Lord's enemies …More
Did not the Jews conspire against Our Lord? Did not the scriptures testify to this? Did not the Jews conspire against His Church in every century up to this very moment? Did Christ not call the Jews the Synagogue of Satan? Did not the Popes condemn the conspiracy of Freemasonry, Communism and Socialism? Try learning history. You ignorance is typical of a godless, faithless liberal. The Lord's enemies are my enemies. The Jews, The Freemasons, The Modernists and you are the Lord's enemies and therefore my enemies.
"Never learning from history, never studying the saints or the dogmatic councils."
LOLOL... The closest guys like you ever get to history is whatever E. Michael Jones spoon-feeds you. As for Catholic teachings, sorry hoss. I've seen your kind before. You're one of those "selective-readers" who ignores everything the Church ever said condemning bigots like you. Your fallacy is:More
"Never learning from history, never studying the saints or the dogmatic councils."

LOLOL... The closest guys like you ever get to history is whatever E. Michael Jones spoon-feeds you. As for Catholic teachings, sorry hoss. I've seen your kind before. You're one of those "selective-readers" who ignores everything the Church ever said condemning bigots like you. Your fallacy is:
"You follow the crowd much like the Jews who joined the crowd crying out for Barabas."
...said the bigot following the crowd of other bigots. :P
"Trust me, it will not end well for you if you continue on this path."
Cool story, bro. Needs moar gas chambers. :DMore
"You follow the crowd much like the Jews who joined the crowd crying out for Barabas."

...said the bigot following the crowd of other bigots. :P

"Trust me, it will not end well for you if you continue on this path."

Cool story, bro. Needs moar gas chambers. :D
One more comment from Ultraviolet
"Did not the Jews conspire against Our Lord?" @Defeat Modernism
Fallacy of composition, again. "The Jews" are not ALL Jews. There were Jews all over Judea who never even heard of Our Lord. So, to answer your question, no.
Some Jews in Christ's time conspired against our Lord. "The" Jews, as in all of them, at that time did not.
"Did not the scriptures testify to this?"
Scripture says nothing …More
"Did not the Jews conspire against Our Lord?" @Defeat Modernism

Fallacy of composition, again. "The Jews" are not ALL Jews. There were Jews all over Judea who never even heard of Our Lord. So, to answer your question, no.

Some Jews in Christ's time conspired against our Lord. "The" Jews, as in all of them, at that time did not.

"Did not the scriptures testify to this?"

Scripture says nothing about Jews who weren't present at Jesus' public trial. I defy you to quote Scripture showing otherwise.

"Did not the Jews conspire against His Church in every century up to this very moment?"

Same fallacy of composition. It's a fave among Jew-haters. "The" Jews are not all Jews. After the fall of Jerusalem, "the Jews" as you call them, had much more pressing matters than to "conspire agains His Church in every century".

They'd been scattered and for many centuries, in fact, they had little if any political voice -particularly when The Church was growing in political strength. See? That's what "learning from history" really means. Not a quick riffle through E. Michael Jones. :P

"Did Christ not call the Jews the Synagogue of Satan?"

You're displaying an anti-Semite's typical (sadly deliberate) mis-reading of Scripture.


"Did not the Popes condemn the conspiracy of Freemasonry, Communism and Socialism?"

...implying all three are the same. Hoo boy... you sure know how to stack your fail. :D

"Try learning history. You ignorance is typical of a godless, faithless liberal."

Hysterically funny coming from a dude who hasn't presented so much as one example from history and whose rhetorical questions just bombed point by point on either a.) early Christian history, b.) reason, c.) Scripture, or d.) a combination of a.) through c.)

"The Jews, The Freemasons, The Modernists and you are the Lord's enemies and therefore my enemies."

You don't speak for The Lord, muchacho. He didn't appoint you His spokesman.

As for making me your enemy. Well... I'm not surprised when guys like you ignore Christ's two greatest commandments. That's another piece of Scripture not found in The Bigots' Bible. :P
Defeat Modernism
Wow, you really don't know anything about the scriptures or history or the condemnations of the Fathers of the Church and the Popes of the Jews, the Modernists, the Freemasons and the Communists. And it is the Jews that created Freemasonry, Communism and Socialism. These evils come from the same dark workshop. Try reading St. Maximilian Kolbe on the Jews and the Freemasons youtu.be/lavlYdFVOFc Try …More
Wow, you really don't know anything about the scriptures or history or the condemnations of the Fathers of the Church and the Popes of the Jews, the Modernists, the Freemasons and the Communists. And it is the Jews that created Freemasonry, Communism and Socialism. These evils come from the same dark workshop. Try reading St. Maximilian Kolbe on the Jews and the Freemasons youtu.be/lavlYdFVOFc Try reading the Papal condemnations of the Masonry and Communism. It was Jews who controlled the Soviet Union and massacred tens of millions of Orthodox Christians. You are sadly a very ignorant person who is much like a protestant. I am not a bigot, I am just telling the Truth. The greatest commanded doesn't mean you promote lies to make someone feel good. Christ said he came not to bring peace but the sword. He came to bring division. And you and I are completely divided. You follow the left hand path, I the right. You believe lies, I believe and know the Truth.
Protip: Saying "try reading" (insert your interpretation of what you read...) isn't a valid rebuttal. Why? Because you're implying the material supports your claim without showing that it actually does. Adding moar unsubstantiated claims isn't a valid rebuttal either. Typical sloppy scholarship.
"The greatest commanded doesn't mean you promote lies to make someone feel good."
Irrelevant to …More
Protip: Saying "try reading" (insert your interpretation of what you read...) isn't a valid rebuttal. Why? Because you're implying the material supports your claim without showing that it actually does. Adding moar unsubstantiated claims isn't a valid rebuttal either. Typical sloppy scholarship.

"The greatest commanded doesn't mean you promote lies to make someone feel good."

Irrelevant to your original claim. The Greatest Commandment doesn't mean you get to hate people and make them your "enemies" the moment they disagree with you or even when they make you look silly and uneducated the way I'm doing. :D

If anything, when you're grinding your teeth at my withering technical corrections and cheerful mockery of your mistakes, this is when you're supposed to show Christian charity and forgive "seventy times seven" (Matthew 18: 21-22).

"the greatest commanded"... Oh yeah, you're on a roll here. :D

"Christ said he came not to bring peace but the sword."

Protip: You're not Christ, either. Speaking of Christ... Try finding one quote in Scripture where Christ condemns "the Jews" either as a people (i.e. race) or for their religion.

"He came to bring division."

Division and hatred are two different things. Fallacy of composition again. ;-)

"You believe lies, I believe and know the Truth."

...thus explaining why I'm the one factually correcting you and not the reverse. ;-)

Lastly, if you can't find credible sources supporting your claims in print, well... I'm not at all surprised. :P pic related.
Defeat Modernism
Why are there no raids on Walmart or Costco?! There are way more people in those stores and there is ZERO antisocial distancing. This is a globalist scam by a bunch of godless, immoral Judeo-Masonic fools.
Devout Irish are practised at resistance since in penal times they had plenty of such practice. Pity that these times they are not so staunch... their leadership is spineless unlike the great prelates of the past!