Don Reto Nay
What a frightening article... Let's hope he is not right, although...

Doug Casey on the Cultural Revolution in the US...

International Man: In 2016, you accurately predicted that Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States. It came as a complete shock …
I think suggesting "whites" "don't believe in themselves" anymore is not a particularly good or honest assessment of our current climate.
Don Reto Nay
So you think this statement would be wrong?
Yes, I think it is wrong to say a "mass psychology" has been accomplished causing whites to no longer believe in themselves. I personally believe this is a very unfortunate (mis)interpretation causing division among the most faithful Catholics and Christians.
Don Reto Nay
I guess that this is not referring to faithful Catholics and Christians but to a general climate in a country where indeed "white" is allowed very quickly to be associated with "white supremacy" (etc.) which seems to become a new accusation in the United States, so here: white supremacy.
There is an important conversation under way in the U.S. about white privilege. I believe some of the most faithful Catholics I know perhaps are mistaking it for what you are referring to: white supremacy.
Don Reto Nay
I don't think this either a "conversation" nor is it "important", it's highly ideological. It will not change anything in the particular problems that afflict black in the United States because it does not even tackle them. It is just another way of re-enacting the Marxist class-warfare which serves the party. It is also no "conversation" because there is no free discussion. If you don't fully (…More
I don't think this either a "conversation" nor is it "important", it's highly ideological. It will not change anything in the particular problems that afflict black in the United States because it does not even tackle them. It is just another way of re-enacting the Marxist class-warfare which serves the party. It is also no "conversation" because there is no free discussion. If you don't fully (without the slightest deviation) accept the opinion promoted by the powerful then you are labeled a "white surpremacist" or an "Uncle Tom". They will not discuss with you, they will denigrated you. Where arguments are not allowed, we cannot speak about a "conversation".
It sounds like you are referring to the Black Lives Matter organization. Many prominent pro-lifers, for instance, are seeking to work on actual issues related to race but find no support from those that are with them for defending the unborn. I'm sure few would bother with a lengthy discussion like this, but I think (for those in the U.S., anyway) I think it is important to listen and ask questions: …More
It sounds like you are referring to the Black Lives Matter organization. Many prominent pro-lifers, for instance, are seeking to work on actual issues related to race but find no support from those that are with them for defending the unborn. I'm sure few would bother with a lengthy discussion like this, but I think (for those in the U.S., anyway) I think it is important to listen and ask questions:
Don Reto Nay
Don Reto Nay
Now, I saw that you get arrested for writing "Black Pre-Born Lives Matter":…
I would agree "these people" that arrest chalkers WITH a permit, who chalk every week, will not have a conversation.
"His (Trump's) economic policies are disjointed and inconsistent. Many are idiotic." -which just happened create the best economy in the past sixty years. Even now, there are still "Now Hiring" and "We Are Hiring" signs. Much of the doom 'n gloom about the economy is coming from the same sources that a predicted Mr. Trump would a.) pnever get elected b.) start a war with Russia and China and North …More
"His (Trump's) economic policies are disjointed and inconsistent. Many are idiotic." -which just happened create the best economy in the past sixty years. Even now, there are still "Now Hiring" and "We Are Hiring" signs. Much of the doom 'n gloom about the economy is coming from the same sources that a predicted Mr. Trump would a.) pnever get elected b.) start a war with Russia and China and North Korea c.) get himself impeached for treason d.) etc. As seers, they've been consistently wrong on everything.

"He’s just building the house of cards higher while enriching the Deep State and corrupting the 30 million Americans making more not working than they made working."

Cool story bro. You guys said the same thing about Reagan and now you say the same thing about every conservative Republican who digs the country out of a Democrat's failed policies.

"He wants to see the US return to the golden days of yesteryear, the world of Leave it to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet, and Father Knows Best. "

Sarcasm noted.

"We’d all like to see domestic tranquility and rising prosperity. But that’s not the world we’re going to be living in, not just for 2020, but the whole decade."

Protip: we just WERE living "domestic traquility and rising prosperity" until this Covid nonsense gave the left-leaning state and city governments the chance to invent a manufactured crisis. The Left mobilized another round of race riots to destabilize the country. Neither are Mr. Trump's fault.

We should be grateful we aren't living under a totalitarian Democrat. Don't even think about what that would be like

" people will want a radical change."

Do you have a survey supporting that? Oh, wait? I'm sure you do. Just like the last surveys, amirite? :D

"They’re going to vote Democrat overwhelmingly."

...assuming they vote at all!

"On top of all that, the conservatives are completely demoralized."

Ah! I see we have another psychic who knows what people privately think. What people say in a leftist-controlled culture and what they say online and among friends/ family are two very different things, amigo.

"It’s a matter of psychology. Whites and conservatives no longer believe in themselves. When that’s true, it’s game over. Yes, I know it’s not true of all of them—but I believe it’s a fair generalization."

...and I think you're full of it.

Persecution only strengthens beliefs. THAT is a matter of psychology and more importantly, it's a matter of history.

Persecution creates a deep-seated hate that burns very hot. Every time people have to "watch what they say", it's ticking them off. Every time they get reprimanded for some newly invented "un-speech" they weren't aware of, they hate a little more. Every time they're frightened, they hate what's frightening them.

This "expert guy" is clown and there's way better stuff on GTV today to finish this guy's interview.
"This expert guy" and "clown" was raised Catholic and now a self described atheist is a devotee of Ayn Rand or Randroid; the kind of guy with a B.A in economics and the utmost hubris, fancies himself as the modern day John Galt. But, stopping short of committing the genetic fallacy, I agree that his futurist musings are pure speculation devoid of substantial evidence.
A Randroid! :D That's... oh my stars! :D Randroid... I love it! :D A modern-day John Galt.. Oh boy one of THOSE guys. Ms. Rosenbaum must have spit blood when Star Trek answered her famous question,k "Who Is John Galt?". Now for the important issues. Does Mr. Casey wear the cape and collar of the Master Thrall?
Alex A
Casey shows himself to be more than just an idiot. Reading his article was an eye-opener into the mind of some who projects his own short-comings on to somebody else, in this case Trump. He doesn't have the wit to even suggest who, amongst the current crop of US politicians, would have the strength of purpose to do a better job than Trump. Nor does he have the wit to understand that whatever America …More
Casey shows himself to be more than just an idiot. Reading his article was an eye-opener into the mind of some who projects his own short-comings on to somebody else, in this case Trump. He doesn't have the wit to even suggest who, amongst the current crop of US politicians, would have the strength of purpose to do a better job than Trump. Nor does he have the wit to understand that whatever America is going through, and for that matter the rest of the western world, is primarily to do with its forgetting of the Almighty and relying on man alone to solve his problems.
Oops read it wrong.. thank God!
Trump is the best...just because you don’t like his personality.. please.. He has done so much for blacks, Latinos and workers... did much for farmers. It scares me that a priest does not like a Prolife President!!!!! Must be Jesuit...scary
Don Reto Nay
@Ultraviolet: I wish you are right and Casey is wrong. But notice that he is in favour of Trump, he simply raises some issues which in itself is not a bad thing.
@Don Reto Nay
"When needs he must, yet faintly then he praises/ Somewhat the deed, much more the means he raises:" -Phineas Fletcher, "The Purple Island" (1633)
Is that a perfectly dovetailed quote, or what? :D
Personally, I'm optimistic. After eight years of Mr. Obama, I went into the election process grimly resolute. I'd survived The Clinton Years, I could survive their sequel... I can still …More
@Don Reto Nay

"When needs he must, yet faintly then he praises/ Somewhat the deed, much more the means he raises:" -Phineas Fletcher, "The Purple Island" (1633)

Is that a perfectly dovetailed quote, or what? :D

Personally, I'm optimistic. After eight years of Mr. Obama, I went into the election process grimly resolute. I'd survived The Clinton Years, I could survive their sequel... I can still vividly remember the moment I saw the first ray of hope. I was sitting around the waiting room of a large automobile dealership getting my car repaired. There was a giant wall-sized TV and Mrs. (then Candidate) Clinton was being interviewed. It was then I gained a new appreciation for the term "larger than life".

Imagine the angry face of Hillary Clinton looming over you at 2.75 meters tall. At that scale, she's scarier than the giant stone head of Zardoz hovering over the landscape.

All the moreso as her anger was (for once) genuine. There was a stridency in her voice that caught my attention. She wasn't acting this. She sounded... could it be? She sounded worried. Mrs. Clinton was most unhappy with Mr. Trump's continuing success within his own party. and bitterly remarked:

"Donald Trump isn't funny anymore."

I thought to myself, ah, that's where you're wrong, dear lady. Mr. Trump is still funny. He's played the centrist Republicans for the fools they are and now the joke is at your expense. ;-)

The good news is Joe Biden isn't nearly as quick on his mental feet as Hillary Clinton. Pushing the metaphor, Mr. Biden might already need a bit of help tying his own shoe-laces, so to speak. Keeping the faculty-failing Biden propped up as a Presidential candidate is little better than elder-abuse at this point. I think it was Jmy1975 who first pointed that out.

He's been awfully quiet around here lately, even on a subject like this one, where he's ah... normally quick to opine. :D Did you ban him or something? .

Anyway, he's right about Mr. Biden. This fall's Presidential debates are going to be a laugh-a-minute because of the disparity. I'd pay handsomely for a fat little vial of whatever prescription-strength rocket-fuel they're going to pump into Mr. Biden's veins right before curtain-time just to get him "alert" enough to keep up with Mr. Trump..

GTV's Official Self-Appointed Seer does predics Mr. Biden will, however, win these debates handily -at least according to the mainstream media of course. ;-)

I doubt Mr. Biden is going to deliver any snappy "horses and bayonets" one-liners the way Mr. Obama did. Joe Biden isn't a Harvard Law School professor and, Mr. Trump is no Mitt Romney.

Everything is in turmoil now and sure enough, just as GTV's Official Self-Appointed Seer also predicted, the leftists are trying to keep the "Covid-momentum" going until the weather gets cooler.

August first (First Saturday Devotions everyone!!!) is just a day away. It's hot, it's sunny, immodest dress is everywhere. I thought yoga-pants were something. Summer 2020 brought the yoga mini-shorts. Oh my stars...

Yet in spite of the crop-tops and the extra-short shorts. the media would have us believe more people are getting sick, wheeezing and sneezing at home. Nope. :P

Mr. Trump has cleverly positioned himself as the "opposition" President against the media's non-stop criticism of his handling of Covid. The same people praising and promoting such measures are the same ones criticizing Mr. Trump for not embracing them. I'd like to believe he stands to gain from popular discontent with the state and city level "health restrictions". Unintentionally, the media is turning Mr. Trump into "the people's president".

We'll see. I'm sure right now @alexamarie is wondering why you repled to her while addressing me. :D
Don Reto Nay
Ultraviolet: I think you are still stuck in "Trump is better than Biden". Nobody disputes that. The problem is, that being better, doesn't matter (notice the pun). At the end of the day, "democracy" is all about who has the power. And it's not Trump, I am afraid.
Ultraviolet I was thinking the same thing about the Biden camp. They, probably, already have him on Alzheimer's cognitive meds, but during the debates they will give him 3 to 5 mg of adderall. There is a substantial risk though at his age, as it could send him into cardiac arrest or cause an aneyurism. Quite right, this is elder abuse.
There is a new lobby group on behalf of orthodox Catholics: …More
Ultraviolet I was thinking the same thing about the Biden camp. They, probably, already have him on Alzheimer's cognitive meds, but during the debates they will give him 3 to 5 mg of adderall. There is a substantial risk though at his age, as it could send him into cardiac arrest or cause an aneyurism. Quite right, this is elder abuse.

There is a new lobby group on behalf of orthodox Catholics: Catholics for Trump-
Father, how could you not like a PROLIFE President?! This is concerning . Trump has been the best President since Abe Lincoln. He has no political agenda. Just trying to MAGA. I do, hope I am reading you wrong Father.. as you should always be pro life....please tell me I am wrong!?
Be Ye Separate
Trump "He devastated American farmers by provoking China into a trade war, then spent billions in subsidies to keep them from bankruptcy."
We can't have a trade war with China, both Democrats and Republicans betrayed us. The wealthy wanted to exploit workers, for much greater profits, so they passed trade deals that sent enormous amounts of fairly well paying manufacturing jobs to China, Thailand,…More
Trump "He devastated American farmers by provoking China into a trade war, then spent billions in subsidies to keep them from bankruptcy."
We can't have a trade war with China, both Democrats and Republicans betrayed us. The wealthy wanted to exploit workers, for much greater profits, so they passed trade deals that sent enormous amounts of fairly well paying manufacturing jobs to China, Thailand, El Salvador...
Many American flags are, Made In China.
Alex A
@Be Ye Separate Your comments are no more constructive than those of the articles author. It is easy to criticize, far harder to come up with something better.
Be Ye Separate
People need to know the problem in order to solve it. The solution is to bring back the numerous manufacturing jobs.
Be Ye Separate
@Alex A I was actually defending Trump here. He didn't send the avalanche of jobs away, Clinton was the worst perpetrator, implementing both the NAFTA and GATT trade laws.
Don Reto Nay
There are different reasons why the jobs went away. I am all in favour that in future everything is "Made in the U.S." Only: Who will be the workers in the factories?