
Bishop Schneider Refutes Francis: Our Lady Isn't “Mother Of All Creatures”

There are “doctrinal ambiguities and errors” in Querida Amazonia (QA), Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote on LifeSiteNews.com (February 19). He notices that QA endorses a pagan spirituality by calling …More
There are “doctrinal ambiguities and errors” in Querida Amazonia (QA), Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote on LifeSiteNews.com (February 19).
He notices that QA endorses a pagan spirituality by calling the earth a “sacred mystery,” the Amazon biome a “theological locus,” the Amazon river “the hidden eternity,” and by speaking of “communion with the forest,” and claiming that “only poetry will be able to save this world.”
QA erroneously designates Our Lady as the “mother of all creatures,” but Schneider stresses that she is Christ's mother and the spiritual mother of all men redeemed, while “mother of the creation or creatures” is used by the Pachamama-cult.
He warns that QA promotes naturalism by exalting natural realities while weakening the Church’s supernatural mission and observes that Christ didn't say: "God gave his only Son, that this planet and its many parts like the Amazon biome should not perish but have abundant natural life."
Nor: "Go and proclaim that the kingdom of Mother …More
"The primary mission of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, was not to take care of the material wellbeing of the planet, but to save immortal souls for eternal life in heaven" - Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Why do you find it "amazing", Crackers? By your standards, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI are also "formal heretics" as well. Protip: Whenever you're wrong, you slam your post with bold text.
And I add: in the last paragraph, the Antichrist made a Pachamama prayer.
"The most urgent conversion is not an ecological conversion. The most urgent conversion is conversion to God, to His reign, to His grace." - Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Thors Catholic Hammer
Quite amazing how many so called “Catholics” think it just fine to regard a formal heretic like “francis” as a valid “pope”.
These people are clearly very badly cathechized and really truly believe that Christ is asking them to follow a man who almost daily now spits in the face of Christ.
The supine clergy are nearly allterrified of Bergoglio being as they mistakenly think under some vow of …More
Quite amazing how many so called “Catholics” think it just fine to regard a formal heretic like “francis” as a valid “pope”.
These people are clearly very badly cathechized and really truly believe that Christ is asking them to follow a man who almost daily now spits in the face of Christ.
The supine clergy are nearly allterrified of Bergoglio being as they mistakenly think under some vow of obedience to him.
Objectively they are not.
But the Catholic laity are under no such vow.
This is why the exposure of the Bergoglian anti papacy is coming from that part of the church in the main.

Gesù è con noi
There are Apostasy and heresies in Bergoglio's Querida Amazonia (QA)
Bergoglio has confirmed the Indians in their paganism and in their obstinacy in rejecting the True God.
Gesù è con noi
The marxist schismatic apostate document ´Querida Amazonia´ promotes the pagan Gnostic concept that the earth is a living being known as "Gaia": “the forest is not a resource to be exploited; it is a being, or various beings, with which we have to relate”.
God bless Bishop Schneider
"What does that make Schneider?" - That's easy, Crackers. It makes him someone who recognizes Francis, for all his faults isn't a false Pope. If Francis is, then Benedict XVI was as well.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Bishop Schneider recognizes the false pope Francis and supports him.
What does that make Schneider?
J G Tasan
Things are getting abnormal day by day!
😡 🤬More
Things are getting abnormal day by day!

😡 🤬
J G Tasan
J G Tasan
One more comment from J G Tasan
J G Tasan
It’s quite an eye opener…
Nobody did anything when Benedict XVI issued "Dominus Jesus" why should we expect any action now?
Yes we know Bergoglio teaches heresy! When will YOU do something about it!