
Homosexualist Bergoglio Defends Homosex Regime

Francis believes laws that protect society from homosexual acts are "unjust" and that the Church should work to put an end to them (APnews.com, 25 January).

"She has to do that. She has to do this," he rambled. "Being homosexual is not a crime. It's not a crime. Yes it is, it is a sin."

Such laws are common in most parts of the world like Africa or the Middle East, but Francis believes bishops who support them have to go through a process of "conversion" to perversion.

Francis wants bishops to promote homosexuality in the Church, too. He selectively quotes the Catechism, but the Catechism recognises that homosexual acts are of grave depravity, an inherent evil and an abomination that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

Experience teaches that the decriminalisation of homosexual acts is only a first step, to be followed by the legalisation of homosexual pseudo-marriage, homosexual adoption, homosexual corruption of minors and homosexual ideology enforced by a totalitarian homosexual regime with its own gaystapo.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsLqqcdhaehn

alfred dunn
Civil laws are enacted to provide safety and stability, as such, laws criminalizing homosexualit are not unjust.
Credo .
Pray for our persecutors! Pray the conversion of poor sinners; Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis through the intercession of 'The Servant of God,' Sr. Lucia of Fatima. - St Paul the Apostle, 'Ora Pro Nobis'! 🙏 🙏 🙏
If it offends God, it is a crime. God is our lawgiver.
Bonnie Louise
St. Paul has the last word on this. Not this faux Pope.
Opera 369
The Church observes the Conversion of St. Paul . PachaJorge was sitting like a sad huge turkey, during the Mass in the Basilica of Saint Paul, Rome. Thanks to God that the Our Father was sung in Latin, therefore, PachaJorge could not implement the heretic Vatican II changes. However, Catholicism is less and less manifested in these celebrations, while "Universal Unity" ..is exalted more and more by …More
The Church observes the Conversion of St. Paul . PachaJorge was sitting like a sad huge turkey, during the Mass in the Basilica of Saint Paul, Rome. Thanks to God that the Our Father was sung in Latin, therefore, PachaJorge could not implement the heretic Vatican II changes. However, Catholicism is less and less manifested in these celebrations, while "Universal Unity" ..is exalted more and more by the participants.
la verdad prevalece
26 For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, …More
26 For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind and to things that should not be done. 29 They were filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, they are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters,[f] insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, rebellious toward parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 They know God’s decree, that those who practice such things deserve to die—yet they not only do them but even applaud others who practice them.
la verdad prevalece
The characteristic of a false prophet is that he speaks a lie on behalf of God. Apostate and False profet Jorge Bergoglio AKA Francis: "God Does Not Reject Homosexuals" – gloria.tv
Salvatore Bastatti
So why is Bergoglio still alive? I'm waiting for him to deny the divinity of Christ. Maybe then he will be iced. That he still stays on the throne tells one how far into the excrement the Vatican has fallen. It is not the see of Peter.
Wilma Lopez
Francis to AP on the late Cardinal Pell: “Even though they say he criticized me, fine, he has the right. Criticism is a human right, he was a great guy. Great.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Here's a direct quote of Bergoglio from an interview he had with Associated Press, in which he made his gross comments about homosexuality not being a crime. This admission does not bode well for his future :
"“I’m in good health. For my age, I’m normal,” the 86-year-old pontiff said Tuesday, though he revealed that diverticulosis, or bulges in his intestinal wall, had “returned.”
Louis IX
Life expectancy Argentine male about 74. Italian, 84.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Now..I am very very Angry!!! this crazy Old man said war to all Orthodox Group!!!! this crazy man said Homosexuality is a not sin!! and against to anti gay law!! and agree with Anti gay law Bishops...they are hater..kkkkkkkkk...this crazy old man said...specially many area of African bishops, some area of Asia, Latin American Bishops..all orthodox Bishops are hater!!! Holy …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Now..I am very very Angry!!! this crazy Old man said war to all Orthodox Group!!!! this crazy man said Homosexuality is a not sin!! and against to anti gay law!! and agree with Anti gay law Bishops...they are hater..kkkkkkkkk...this crazy old man said...specially many area of African bishops, some area of Asia, Latin American Bishops..all orthodox Bishops are hater!!! Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI Gone to heaven...this crazy old man going to so fast!!!!!!!! crazy fast!! and this crazy old man want want stay longer...until his die...Orthodox Cardinals will must have action!!! need to Abdication!!! this man lost himself to Papacy!!!!! any more to Pope!!! just crazy Tyrant!! we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals will remove him....even though I am not sure...and very hard...but I really hope it..and Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!!! many talking sorry.....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...men...take care!!^^ many talking sorry....but I always happy learning a lot^^ I think maybe we preparing to underground Church life...like Japan and Korea's great Martyrs Saints....hmm..
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I believe the cancer may have returned. According to a study involving more than 3000 patients showed that aftter 9 years, 13.3 % had diverticulosis returning.
I reaf somewhere else that bulges could remain but he said they had retuen... why did he mention that now? Did they or whatever he had in his gut ever truly leave in the first place.
Btw, two interesting details, 1. …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I believe the cancer may have returned. According to a study involving more than 3000 patients showed that aftter 9 years, 13.3 % had diverticulosis returning.

I reaf somewhere else that bulges could remain but he said they had retuen... why did he mention that now? Did they or whatever he had in his gut ever truly leave in the first place.

Btw, two interesting details, 1. Francis did explicitly call homosexuality a sin... finally... angering or disappointing some on the radical left, 2. This was the first time he angered African bishops by directly attacking anti-sodomy laws. He wasn't willing to do so in 2019.

Why now? Why is he being sooo much more direct and less jesuitical or peronist now? Is it cause he has little to lose. Won't live long enough to endure the backlash?
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chun Please relax. He explicitly did say homosexuality was a sin... but not a crime... he never had the guts to say that before, now ironically with half a colon he did.
He'll likely leave soon having affirmed homosexuality is a sin but having called for it not being criminalised. Let's see how the next (true) Pope follows up on that (or not).More
@Clement Jaeho Chun Please relax. He explicitly did say homosexuality was a sin... but not a crime... he never had the guts to say that before, now ironically with half a colon he did.

He'll likely leave soon having affirmed homosexuality is a sin but having called for it not being criminalised. Let's see how the next (true) Pope follows up on that (or not).
@John Fritz Logan Bergoglio is playing word games. He will soon redefine "sin" to be nothing to worry about. He will say "after all, we all sin, don't we." He will say we need to stop focusing on "sin" and "accompany" and "affirm" our brothers and sisters so that we can "build up the Kingdom." He is a liar. He is the prophesied Antichrist, Man of Sin, False Prophet, and Little Horn. He is going to …More
@John Fritz Logan Bergoglio is playing word games. He will soon redefine "sin" to be nothing to worry about. He will say "after all, we all sin, don't we." He will say we need to stop focusing on "sin" and "accompany" and "affirm" our brothers and sisters so that we can "build up the Kingdom." He is a liar. He is the prophesied Antichrist, Man of Sin, False Prophet, and Little Horn. He is going to die when Jesus casts him "alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone (Apocalypse 19:20)."
John Fritz Logan
@P N F He has kid of already done that. Point though is that it subverts but doesn't alter doctrine and therefore the doctrine is left standing, to be reinforced again by a future Pope. It is not what groups like newwaysministry are pushing for.
You could be right that he is all those things, but if he's just a usurper anti-pope the Sankt Gallen revolution might die with him.More
@P N F He has kid of already done that. Point though is that it subverts but doesn't alter doctrine and therefore the doctrine is left standing, to be reinforced again by a future Pope. It is not what groups like newwaysministry are pushing for.

You could be right that he is all those things, but if he's just a usurper anti-pope the Sankt Gallen revolution might die with him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -I asked my Uncle by e-mail today about Bergoglio's intestinal issue returning. Even Cardiologists take lunch breaks 😂 so I did it when I knew he was out of the office. He said it is VERY strange that a problem supposedly fixed 1 1/2 years ago is back again. He said that 99% does not happen. He said that either 1). They couldn't get rid of it all, some remain because it was to …More
@John Fritz Logan -I asked my Uncle by e-mail today about Bergoglio's intestinal issue returning. Even Cardiologists take lunch breaks 😂 so I did it when I knew he was out of the office. He said it is VERY strange that a problem supposedly fixed 1 1/2 years ago is back again. He said that 99% does not happen. He said that either 1). They couldn't get rid of it all, some remain because it was to extensive and Francis is too old, or 2). It isn't truly diverticulosis but actually something much worse. Once a patient has the opperation, they are usually good for years.
He looks fine to me, but I'll bet he isn't really.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori What I suspected but he doesn't really look fine to me. He has gotten very obese very fast. His face looks worse. His behaviour is more erratic as well. He still has trouble walking.
Louis IX
Islamic countries will not be happy with this stance.
I wonder if these comments are directed at Russia for its laws against gay propaganda? 🤔
Quote: "Francis believes bishops who support them have to go through a process of "conversion" to perversion." I thought we're supposed to be against conversion therapy! 🥴