
Communism Is Back: Another Polish Church Torched

Holy Cross Church in Lublin, Poland, was set on fire on February 23 in broad daylight. Firefighters belittled the obvious crime by saying that it was “probably” arson. The entrance to the church was …More
Holy Cross Church in Lublin, Poland, was set on fire on February 23 in broad daylight.
Firefighters belittled the obvious crime by saying that it was “probably” arson. The entrance to the church was damaged, and one person inside suffered smoke poisoning.
For almost a year, Polish pro-death activist have been laying siege to Catholic churches by interrupting Masses and smashing up windows.
These haters hate the Church because of her opposition against killing children in their mothers' wombs.
Picture: © Piotr Sobiło, #newsMjshaeinti
atreverse pensar
They want the war.