
French Sisters Persecuted By the Vatican

The forty contemplative Little Sisters of Mary, the Mother of the Redemer, in Saint-Aignan-sur-Roe, France, are persecuted by their liberal bishop Thierry Scherrer of Laval, writes riposte-catholique.fr …More
The forty contemplative Little Sisters of Mary, the Mother of the Redemer, in Saint-Aignan-sur-Roe, France, are persecuted by their liberal bishop Thierry Scherrer of Laval, writes riposte-catholique.fr (February 27).
The sisters run four old-peoples homes and formerly also served in the bishop’s house. Scherrer considers the sisters to be “too traditional”. He is specifically aggravated by the fact that they decided during their 2012 general chapter to return to the old habit.
Because of a merger of the sisters’ nursing homes, Scherrer is now a member of the governing board of the civil association running them. No expert in the field, he imposed management decisions without listening to any expert advice. Faced with the resistance of the sisters he ordered a canonic visit whose results were decided beforehand.
Scherrer got the Roman Congregation for Religious involved which suspended the council of the sisters and exiled the superior general and the master of novices of the community …More
GJA Taylor
Is there not an honest French journalist who would do a little investigation into the double life of this "prelate"?
Once these pointy hats are exposed for what they really are, they slip off to Rome and then the work of God can continue.
Forget about persecution from radical Islam or Communism. This is the worst persecution.
They, the persecutors, who are not able to repent and not able to turn back... What does that tell us?
"...And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life!"
Matthew 25,46
Years ago I realized that Catholics would be persecuted. I just didn't realize at the time that a good majority of persecution would come from WITHIN the Church of Christ. These prelates at the top that persecute their own are not Catholic AT ALL! They really don't have a Catholic bone in their bodies. They are the enemies from WITHIN.
Of course the bishop hates them; They are Catholic. If they had the mindset of liberal protestants, he would fawn all over them.
If you are a really believer ,you will be called too catholic ,a tradionalist ''if they call you that be happy and rejoice ''