
Electoral Propaganda: Archbishop Will Vote for Macron

Strasbourg Archbishop Luc Ravel announced on Good Friday (!) that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron on April 24 because he is “more capable to unite.” Macron, a neo-socialist and puppet of the oligarchs …More
Strasbourg Archbishop Luc Ravel announced on Good Friday (!) that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron on April 24 because he is “more capable to unite.”
Macron, a neo-socialist and puppet of the oligarchs, is an atheist, a millionaire, promoter of abortion, assisted suicide, homosexualism who uses Femen prostitutes as “advisors.”
He is a covid and mass-immigration ideologist, opposes home-schooling, supports the war in Syria (600’000 killed) and Yemen (377’000 killed), and was grinning when he saw the fires in Paris’ Notre Dame.
De Profundis
chris griffin
Macron is pro abortion. The Archbishop will have innocent blood on is hands.
If everybody is wrong, Is that unity too ? I guess black and white is out nowadays, now GREY is in fashion.
Sancte Teotónio
Selling out for state subsidies.