
Attention! These Vaccines Used Aborted Children

Professor Paul Cullen, Chairman of the association "Ärzte für das Leben" (Doctors for Life), criticises the approval of the coronavirus vaccine mRNA-1273 of the US biotechnology company Moderna: "Unlike …More
Professor Paul Cullen, Chairman of the association "Ärzte für das Leben" (Doctors for Life), criticises the approval of the coronavirus vaccine mRNA-1273 of the US biotechnology company Moderna:
"Unlike other soon-to-be-available corona vaccines, the development of the Moderna vaccine and the mRNA technology on which it is based, used a cell line derived from the kidney of a child who was probably aborted in the 20th week of pregnancy in 1972," Cullen said according to Tagespost.de (26 November).
The cell line is called HEK-293 (HEK = Human embryonic kidney). Although the production of vaccines based on mRNA technology doesn't require the use of living cells, the vaccine was first tested in mice and on cells of this cell line.
The information was provided by Kizzmekia S. Corbett of the Vaccine Research Centre of the US regulatory agency NIH (published here: nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2622-0).
According to Cullen, vaccines against rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis A used in Germany …More
Most people couldn't care less.
cannibalism in the 21st century
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