
Student Chaplain: English University Denies Diversity Citing "Diversity"

The University of Nottingham refused to recognise Father David Palmer - an Anglo-Catholic priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham – as a chaplain because of some harmless comments …More
The University of Nottingham refused to recognise Father David Palmer - an Anglo-Catholic priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham – as a chaplain because of some harmless comments he made about assisted suicide and abortion.
“Our concern was not in relation to Father David’s views themselves, but the manner in which these views have been expressed in the context of our diverse community of people of many faiths,” a spokesperson for the university feigned in front of CatholicNewsAgency.com. "Diverse community" is a synonym for "one-opinion leftwing regime."
Palmer serves in Nottingham Diocese, and was named chaplain by local Bishop Patrick McKinney.
The university referenced a tweet where Palmer formulated the truism that a May bill in the British Parliament on the legalisation of aiding and abetting a suicide would allow "to kill the vulnerable."
The university's language police wants Palmer to call assisted suicide “end of life care.” For Palmer this is a “unacceptable …More
Werte shares this
So apparently a Catholic priest can’t be a chaplain at a university because he adheres to core Catholic beliefs on these issues. Maybe they thought he just played a Catholic priest on TV and wasn’t the real thing.
Christ's death on the Cross, which is at the same time His victory, is the most glorious manifestation of the mercy and power of God. Reginald Garrigou Lagrange
A spokesperson for the Diocese of Nottingham said on Aug. 26: “Fr. David Palmer will celebrate Sunday Mass for the students of Nottingham University and will continue to serve young people through his priestly ministry, with the support of the student lay chaplain.”
De Profundis
A truly outstanding priest targetted by pro-abortion cancel culture