
Papal Master of Ceremonies Appointed to Tortona

As expected Francis has moved Msgr Guido Marini, 56, out of the Vatican and appointed as Bishop of Tortona, Northern Italy.

Marini was the Pontifical Master of Ceremonies, appointed by Benedict XVI in 2007. No successor has been named.

In Tortona, Marini follows Vittorio Francesco Viola, the new anti-Catholic secretary of the Liturgy Congregation.

Below are two videos, one is the announcement of the appointment, the other shows Marini’s reaction when Benedict XVI's ferula fell out of his hand.



They will hire someone whose liturgy is more groovy and Pacha.
Its required that they also love Broadway show tunes
How Guido Marini has aged over his 13 years is striking.
Moving from Benedict to the Bergoglian reign of terror must be something that strains a man.
Angelo Santelli
Did the Savior have a "Master of Ceremonies"? Catholics should be ashamed at such a position being in the Church. It disgusts me the pomp and emptiness of these papal appointments. They are not Christ driven.
For the first time in 35 years, the Vatican’s lead Master of Ceremonies won’t be named Marini – +Piero turns 80 in January.
Under Bergoglio, his "conservative" collaborators share the same fate.
De Profundis
Best wishes to Mgr Guido Marini, appointed Bishop of Tortona. God grant him every grace as he takes up the governance of his new diocese.