Pope: Gay Pride Is an “Offence” and “Affront” Gay Pride in Rome – Pope Francis Goes Into Hiding Last Saturday, a Gay Pride March took place in Rome while the local well-nourished prelates, including …More
Pope: Gay Pride Is an “Offence” and “Affront”

Gay Pride in Rome – Pope Francis Goes Into Hiding

Last Saturday, a Gay Pride March took place in Rome while the local well-nourished prelates, including Pope Francis, went into silence and hiding. The Church’s honour was saved by the Committee San Filippo Neri, a group of young, courageous Catholics, which organized a procession of reparation. The group contacted the Pope’s vicar for Rome, Angelo De Donatis who this month will become a cardinal. Unsurprisingly De Donatis refused to answer.

Pope: Gay Pride Is an “Offence” and “Affront”

Marco Tosatti recalled on his blog the words of John Paul II who at the end of an Angelus in the year 2000 referred to a Gay Pride march that had taken place the week before in Rome. Quote, “I cannot but make a remark regarding the well-known demonstrations that took place in Rome in recent days. On behalf of the Church of Rome, I have to express bitterness at the affront inflicted to the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 and the offense brought to the Christian values of a city that is so dear to the hearts of all the Catholics of the world."

Gender Ideology Cardinal

Cardinal-elect Pedro Barreto, the archbishop of Huancayo, Peru, is campaigning for the introduction of gender ideology into the Peruvian schools. Talking to Ideeleradio he called this – quote – “the most adequate way to dignify man and woman.” Barreto called critics of the gender ideology defenders of “group interests”. Apart from Cardinal-elect Barreto, the Church in Perù is strongly opposing the move.

Bishop Makes Life Miserable for Catholic Group

Pro-mass-immigration Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego of Ferrara, Italy, is trying hard to make the life of the bi-ritual priestly fraternity Familia Christi miserable. Perego’s Catholic predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Negri, had given the parish of Santa Maria in Vado to the group. But now, Perego is replacing the parish of the group with a “pastoral unit”. Familia Christi was removed to a far-away church which is not connected to a parish. Their former parishioners are very disappointed, but Perego does not care.
Holy Cannoli
Don Reto
That dancing individual is simply a German Protestant who did the same celebratory dance when he found out that he could officially receive communion in Catholic Churches. He may offer to teach his unique talents to Catholics in some form of special ‘liturgical dance’ RCIA. 👌
Don Reto Nay
@Holy Cannoli: What does the dancing gentleman's regular occupation? Is he a bishop who in this video rehearses a liturgical dance?
Whatever the % of homosexuals, however tired we may become of seeing & reading about their deviant & sinful living, people must not sit back because some say their numbers are small or for whatever reason. The truth is, the contamination will continue to increase due to our silence. How often does it need repeated that the homo agenda is Everywhere.. open childrens books in your local library, …More
Whatever the % of homosexuals, however tired we may become of seeing & reading about their deviant & sinful living, people must not sit back because some say their numbers are small or for whatever reason. The truth is, the contamination will continue to increase due to our silence. How often does it need repeated that the homo agenda is Everywhere.. open childrens books in your local library, schools (yes, grade schools). We can’t sit back just because we’re tired of hearing about, or think it might go away on its own because it isnt. The SCOTUS made a step forward in defense of the religious belief of a Christian baker. We should be so fortunate if they would reverse their ruling of legalizing pseudo homo ‘marriage’, in which now has allowed the increase of this sick perversion as being an ‘acceptable’ way of life. We must continue to defend our religious liberty because they are trying to remove it brick by brick while the same time infesting their money-backed homo agenda into the minds of our society! Our children are the future and what future will they have if a society remains silent!
I too am sick and tired of seeing commercials and Macy's flyers with gay themes. Getting my haircut the other day and noticed they had a soap opera on TV with two gay men kissing each other. I fear over time young minds will become desensitized to this abomination. The gay mafia has infultrated the Catholic Church. And no, one is not born or predisposed to be gay. That is a fallicy. There are many …More
I too am sick and tired of seeing commercials and Macy's flyers with gay themes. Getting my haircut the other day and noticed they had a soap opera on TV with two gay men kissing each other. I fear over time young minds will become desensitized to this abomination. The gay mafia has infultrated the Catholic Church. And no, one is not born or predisposed to be gay. That is a fallicy. There are many who have been healed from this disorder.
Holy Cannoli
Gays here, gays there, gays everywhere.
Is anyone else tired of hearing about all this “gay news”? 👌
They’re here, they’re queer and they, unfortunately, have been a part of the Catholic Church for decades. Priests openly march with their lovers in so called “gay parades” promoting pride in sodomy. Some Bishops and even our Pope slobber over gays at every opportunity without so much as giving …More
Gays here, gays there, gays everywhere.
Is anyone else tired of hearing about all this “gay news”? 👌

They’re here, they’re queer and they, unfortunately, have been a part of the Catholic Church for decades. Priests openly march with their lovers in so called “gay parades” promoting pride in sodomy. Some Bishops and even our Pope slobber over gays at every opportunity without so much as giving them a hint of reforming and converting their lives. Let’s face it, the homosexual lifestyle has been given acceptance as an alternate lifestyle choice within our decadent society and within the Catholic and other Christian denominations.

Their plan is to attempt to force businesses (bakers and wedding photographers) through governmental mandates to accommodate them. Even forcing churches to approve of homosexuality, a Biblical sin, is one method liberals are using to purge God from society. By destroying the people who believe in God, they think they can destroy God himself.

I personally am tired of continually hearing about them and I will not allow the gay fixation that is occurring world wide to depress and disgust me.
Why not?
Three reasons.

1) They only make up approximately 4% of the population although you would think the number is much greater with all the TV shows that promote and celebrate deviant behavior.

2) whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


3) Because, in the midst of the madness, Donia has returned to Gloria.tv.
ad 1: JB also called pipe Frank seems to be a coward as well as the fallen angel DD
ad 2: JP2 had his bright moments
ad 3: Barreto on the galleys!
ad 4: Perego as missionary to Bangladesh
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Gian Carlo Perego Promueve la migración LGTB
william xucla
If it's not about defending the devil, they don't care. They are satanic infiltrators that must be destroyed.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
A la gente se le ha olvidado que un PORTERO no es el DUEÑO del Palacio sin embargo los bergoglianos tratan al usurpador (Bergoglio) del Portero (BENEDICTO) como si fuera dueño de la Iglesia y pudiera hacer lo que le de la gana con ella. Esos tales al no ser fieles al dueño del Palacio sino al USURPADOR DEL PORTERO son apostatas e idolatras servilistas que van rumbo al infierno junto con ese …More
A la gente se le ha olvidado que un PORTERO no es el DUEÑO del Palacio sin embargo los bergoglianos tratan al usurpador (Bergoglio) del Portero (BENEDICTO) como si fuera dueño de la Iglesia y pudiera hacer lo que le de la gana con ella. Esos tales al no ser fieles al dueño del Palacio sino al USURPADOR DEL PORTERO son apostatas e idolatras servilistas que van rumbo al infierno junto con ese TRAIDOR QUE ESTÁ USURPANDO AL PORTERO Cristo advirtió contra ellos cuando dijo que los MALOS LABRADORES PERVERSO se querían apoderar de SU VIÑA.