
Blood of Children: Satanic Group Desecrates National Shrine in Washington DC

“'Catholics' pro Choice” who campaign for killing children, projected on January 20 abortion propaganda on the facade of Washington DC's Basilica of the National Shrine.

Simultaneously, the basilica, the largest Catholic church in the US, was filled with Catholics holding the “Prayer Vigil for Life” which precedes the annual March for Life.

A faithful explained to the abortion activists that “there is no such thing as a pro-choice 'Catholic',” and that “pro-death 'Catholics' are going to Hell!”

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone called the attack "diabolical" adding that “the attempted desecration was enormous."

Tyler Bishop Strickland called the "support of murder" an "atrocity".


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Cardinal Wilton Gregory has compared the Democratic Party to Judas after they projected a Cross with an anti baby message onto the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
De Profundis
A Christian cannot support abortion. That’s it.
Ursula Sankt
"No response" of Washington Archdiocese
Roberto 55
"Pro-choice "catholics" you are not alone" - that is truth - satan and all hell are with them!
Louis IX
Seems you should have to get permission to use someone’s private property as a billboard. Otherwise it is a form of vandalism. In this case it is worse than vandalism as it is a house of God being desecrated.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This reminds me of Pope Francis, who has hardly spoken about the evil of abortion. After all, didn't he try to influence the NCCB (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) not to proceed with directives to deny Holy Communion to pro-Choice politicians, and who told Biden (actively pro-abortion/pro-choice) to "go ahead and keep recieving Holy Communion). These are Pope Francis supporters who did this …More
This reminds me of Pope Francis, who has hardly spoken about the evil of abortion. After all, didn't he try to influence the NCCB (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) not to proceed with directives to deny Holy Communion to pro-Choice politicians, and who told Biden (actively pro-abortion/pro-choice) to "go ahead and keep recieving Holy Communion). These are Pope Francis supporters who did this. He would be proud of them.
chris griffin
The USA is a country of child sacrifice to Satan (abortion) that is legal, funded and protected by government for 49 years and 62 million murdered. If you say the Pledge Allegiance to the USA then you are complicit in this holocaust.
That's the argument of every other anti-American parasite who also enjoys living in this country. "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Black Lives Matter." "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Murrica isn't vegan." "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Murrica won't let my jihadist uncle move here." Always the excuse, but YOU keep living here. If you believed in your "cause" then you wouldn't live in such a "Satantic" country. …More
That's the argument of every other anti-American parasite who also enjoys living in this country. "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Black Lives Matter." "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Murrica isn't vegan." "I won't say Da Pledge 'cuz Murrica won't let my jihadist uncle move here." Always the excuse, but YOU keep living here. If you believed in your "cause" then you wouldn't live in such a "Satantic" country.

You wouldn't be Catholic, either, since our current Pope claims thepresident of this "Satanic" country should continue receiving Communion and many clergy are also "complicit in this Holocaust".

Actions speak louder than words. You stay Catholic and you obviously are quite comfortable living in "a country of child sacrifice to Satan (abortion) that is legal". Nice comfy American standards of living, member of God's One True Church, and all it takes is a little unpatriotic hypocrisy to enjoy all of it.

Try not to sprain your wrist patting yourself on the back for your faux-concern over abortion, bro.
chris griffin
Ultraviolet You cannot contradict my comment. All you can do is throw nonsense ad hominems at me. That is the fruit of your base intellect.
Actually I just DID contradict your comment. I'll contradict it here even further. Abortion, almost universally, is a secular medical procedure not "child sacrifice to Satan". Satanists support it because it is evil but most abortion spporters are not satanits. That's a Fallacy of Composition. The same applies for blaming "America" for the actions of some. You're an "American" in that you're …More
Actually I just DID contradict your comment. I'll contradict it here even further. Abortion, almost universally, is a secular medical procedure not "child sacrifice to Satan". Satanists support it because it is evil but most abortion spporters are not satanits. That's a Fallacy of Composition. The same applies for blaming "America" for the actions of some. You're an "American" in that you're probably a citizen. For certain you live here while enjoying the freedoms and good living here. So your claim against America fails. See how easy that was? :D

Further, I am criticizing your double-standards. The head of the US government supports abortion. The head of the Catholic Church supports abortion. You won't pledge allegiance to America but you STILL call yourself a Catholic. That isn't an "ad hominem" fallacy.

A more opponent than you could argue it is a different one. Happily, you're not them. So you fail at fallacies. Worth noting you aren't contradicting the criticism, either.
chris griffin
The Archbishop of San Francisco issued a scathing statement saying the pro-abortion Women's Health Protection Act (HR 3755) passed by Congress is something he'd expect from a "devout Satanist" rather than a devoted Catholic.
"This proposed legislation is nothing short of child sacrifice, and clearly in reaction, among other things, to the recently passed Texas Heartbeat bill," the Archbishop …More
The Archbishop of San Francisco issued a scathing statement saying the pro-abortion Women's Health Protection Act (HR 3755) passed by Congress is something he'd expect from a "devout Satanist" rather than a devoted Catholic.

"This proposed legislation is nothing short of child sacrifice, and clearly in reaction, among other things, to the recently passed Texas Heartbeat bill," the Archbishop added.
'Nothing Short of Child Sacrifice': Pelosi's Archbishop Says Her Pro-Abortion Bill Is What He'd Expect from a 'Satanist'

You have no cogent argument so you replies are worthless. I don’t answer your foolish posts directly because… “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.” Proverbs 26:4
You have profaned the name of the Lord by assenting to the proposition that it is OK to
Pledge Allegiance to the USA legal child murder as “one nation under God”. You have been warned.
The Archbishop of San Francisco did not say the bill was satanic or that only satanists voted for it. Don't put words in the man's mouth. Further, The Archbishop of San Francisco does not speak for the entire Catholic Church. That's a Fallacy of Composition. Citing the Archbishop of San Francisco because he's the Archbishop of San Francisco is a Fallacious Appeal to Authority. You made two …More
The Archbishop of San Francisco did not say the bill was satanic or that only satanists voted for it. Don't put words in the man's mouth. Further, The Archbishop of San Francisco does not speak for the entire Catholic Church. That's a Fallacy of Composition. Citing the Archbishop of San Francisco because he's the Archbishop of San Francisco is a Fallacious Appeal to Authority. You made two fallacies in one point. :P

"This proposed legislation is nothing short of child sacrifice"

Not all child sacrifices (then or now)are to satan. Sadly, most child sacrifices today are to purely secular concepts.... convenience, laziness, irresponsibility, selfishness, and a lack of respect for human life.

"You have no cogent argument so you replies are worthless."

Great snappy-sounding reply, a pity you don't know what the word "cogent" means and it shows.

In point of fact, I AM appealing to reason when I show 1.) your argument points are fallacious (as I just did) 2.) your lack of patriotism is contradictory, self-serving and hypocritical.

"I don’t answer your foolish posts directly because..."

No, it has nothing to do with "Proverbs", Speaking of foolish, 1.) my replies here are comments not posts. You don't know the difference between the two and THAT is foolish. 2.) you can't refute my points because arguing from logic is my strong point, not yours. It you who have no "cogent" argument. 3.) you don't answer the points directly there is no defense for hypocrisy. It is indefensible.

You've made a perverted "virtue" out of your lack of patriotism and use the abortion issue to justify it, nothing more. Other hypocrites do the same with their own pet "issues" and the whole sorry lot of you clearly benefit from living here.
Serious question, Chris. If you truly believe America is a "satanic" country, then why do you live here? Stop enjoying all of "satanic" America's liberties and high standards of living. After all, as Matt. 16:26 notes, "For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?"
No, something else is driving your …More
Serious question, Chris. If you truly believe America is a "satanic" country, then why do you live here? Stop enjoying all of "satanic" America's liberties and high standards of living. After all, as Matt. 16:26 notes, "For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?"

No, something else is driving your lack of patriotism. Finger-wagging at abortion is just false-Catholic virtue-signalling.
If the priests of the Shrine stopped that Francis would likely personally intervene and have them dismissed from the priesthood. Francis should become patron of 'Catholics for Choice.'
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
100% true. Pope Francis, his agenda and people would favor this. He is lower than dirt.