EXCLUSIVE: Long-Time Defender of Francis Accuses Him of “Duplicity and Dishonesty” Father Giovanni Cavalcoli is an Italian philosopher, blogger and neo-conservative defender of Pope Francis, especially …More
EXCLUSIVE: Long-Time Defender of Francis Accuses Him of “Duplicity and Dishonesty”
Father Giovanni Cavalcoli is an Italian philosopher, blogger and neo-conservative defender of Pope Francis, especially during the Amoris-Laetitia crisis. Nevertheless, when in November 2016, Cavalcoli was attacked by the media for a statement he never made, the later Cardinal Becciu dropped him in the name of the Vatican like a hot potato. But Cavalcoli continued defending Francis. But now, he must have had a moment of truth. In a statement published on Italian Gloria.tv Cavalcoli declared, “The Pope is showing more and more clearly the inconsistency between his teaching and his pastoral action.”
Father Cavalcoli does not accuse Francis of heresy because this would be – quote – “unthinkable” for him because of the papal infallibility. Cavalcoli believes that as a teacher of the Faith, Pope Francis – quote – “cannot” legitimize sodomy.
But for Father Cavalcoli, Pope Francis’ problem are his ambiguous and …More
Let us pray for a holy father successor, soon.
Angie W.
Padre Giovanni Cavalcoli, che è un filosofo, dovrebbe prima pensare che dopo la dimissione di papa Benedetto, l'ufficio papale è stato usurpato perché Bergoglio si rifiuta di adempiere al ruolo di un papa. Se un lavoratore lascia l'ufficio e qualcuno che lo sostituisce non lo esercita, come viene chiamato? L'ufficio rimane vacante ed è usurpato, il papato è stato annullato e sospeso perché né …More
Padre Giovanni Cavalcoli, che è un filosofo, dovrebbe prima pensare che dopo la dimissione di papa Benedetto, l'ufficio papale è stato usurpato perché Bergoglio si rifiuta di adempiere al ruolo di un papa. Se un lavoratore lascia l'ufficio e qualcuno che lo sostituisce non lo esercita, come viene chiamato? L'ufficio rimane vacante ed è usurpato, il papato è stato annullato e sospeso perché né il papa Benedetto né l'apostata Bergoglio lo stanno esercitando.
Angie W.
El padre Giovanni Cavalcoli, quien es un filósofo, primero deberia pensar que después de la renuncia del Papa Benedicto, la oficina papal ha quedado usurpada porque Bergoglio se niega a cumplir el papel de un Papa. Si un trabajador abandona su cargo y alguien lo reemplaza y este se niega a ejercitarlo, ¿cómo se llama esto? La oficina papal permanece vacante y usurpada, el papado ha quedado …More
El padre Giovanni Cavalcoli, quien es un filósofo, primero deberia pensar que después de la renuncia del Papa Benedicto, la oficina papal ha quedado usurpada porque Bergoglio se niega a cumplir el papel de un Papa. Si un trabajador abandona su cargo y alguien lo reemplaza y este se niega a ejercitarlo, ¿cómo se llama esto? La oficina papal permanece vacante y usurpada, el papado ha quedado anulado y suspendido porque ni el Papa Benedicto ni el apóstata Bergoglio lo están ejerciendo.
Holy Cannoli
Father Giovanni has made a least one questionable comment 2 ½ years ago.
A dispute arose in Italy following a comment made on Radio Maria by Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a respected and accomplished Dominican theologian, who said the devastating earthquakes that have struck central Italy this year are God’s punishment for the country legalizing homosexual unions in July.
Father Cavalcoli’s comment …More
Father Giovanni has made a least one questionable comment 2 ½ years ago.

A dispute arose in Italy following a comment made on Radio Maria by Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a respected and accomplished Dominican theologian, who said the devastating earthquakes that have struck central Italy this year are God’s punishment for the country legalizing homosexual unions in July.

Father Cavalcoli’s comment led to his suspension from the Catholic station.
There have been multiple biblical accounts of “Divine punishments” sent down upon sinners. However, every earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane, and drought etc. can be explained by natural geological or meteorological causes. In addition, although a natural disaster such as the earthquake in Italy that Fr. Giovanni was addressing (punishment for Sodomy becoming legal in Italy) may appear to be a punishment when that earthquake may actually turn out to be a blessing. These disasters can turn people to repentance and reformation which would not have taken place if no disaster occurred. 👌

Francis is fostering a ‘growing confusion’ about Church doctrine and a ‘growing danger’ that people are ‘missing the path to eternal life.’ He continues his destructive confusing pontificating on temporal worldly social behavior (see: Climate change) which has little or nothing to do with and avoids articles of faith. 🤨

The most misguided of his preaching is that Francis has exhorted world leaders to “take the necessary steps toward the total abolition of the death penalty.” But never, absolutely never, has he exhorted world leaders to take the necessary steps toward the total abolition of abortion, which really is a radical violation of the right to life and can never be justified under any circumstances.

And if you’re hoping that the next pope will straighten out the Catholic mess, think again. Remember, the same bunch that elected the Argintine Social Justice warrior are still in place. 🤬
Don Reto Nay
Father Cavalcoli remains a neo-con but he certainly has gone a long way.
The pope is only infallible under certain specific conditions (and very rare). A pope can err and the list of errors of pope Francis is endless..! An heretic pope is possible, as pope Francis proves daily.
The problem I have with Father Cavalcoli, is that he thinks the papal is infallible?
This is the problem at hand, the Pope is not infallible!!!!
The problem I have with Father Cavalcoli, is that he thinks the papal is infallible?

This is the problem at hand, the Pope is not infallible!!!!