
“Proselytise”: Bishop Quotes John Paul II to Correct Francis

“We are wrongly being told, even by some Church leaders [= Francis], when we speak of our missionary vocation, that we should not ‘proselytise’,” Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, writes on …More
“We are wrongly being told, even by some Church leaders [= Francis], when we speak of our missionary vocation, that we should not ‘proselytise’,” Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, writes on TheWandererPress.com (April 27).
Strickland explains that John Paul II addressed “this mistaken use of the word” in Redemptoris Missio 46.
John Paul II criticises that converting non-Christians is sometimes presented “as an act of ‘proselytizing’.”
However, he points out that “every person has the right to hear the ‘Good News’ of the God who reveals and gives himself in Christ.”
Picture: Joseph Strickland, © wikicommons, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsIniepjbhig
Ultraviolet you are misleading yourself and others by believing assertion and espousing it as truth in the face of overwhelming evidence and facts from Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium and pope Benedict's forced abdication and his decision contrary to resignation, simply because majority wish that things were so.
The only "red herrings" you know about are the ones you eat Rafał_Ovile .:P The "Sovereign Pontiff" is Francis, not Benedict XVI. Benedict XVI quit. He's said so repeatedly. He said it before his resignation went into effect, he said it during in his resignation, he said it after his resignation.
Your yammering about "defmormed conscience" doesn't change that. No, I don't have "blind obedience …More
The only "red herrings" you know about are the ones you eat Rafał_Ovile .:P The "Sovereign Pontiff" is Francis, not Benedict XVI. Benedict XVI quit. He's said so repeatedly. He said it before his resignation went into effect, he said it during in his resignation, he said it after his resignation.

Your yammering about "defmormed conscience" doesn't change that. No, I don't have "blind obedience" to the Pope, either. I have said so dozens of times and idiots like you just keep repeating that same old lie.

I recognize Francis is the Pope. So do many other people who dislike the man and what he does and what he stands for. Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Pell, Archbishop Vigano. All these men make the same things clear, the same things I do. 1.) Francis is the Pope 2.) Francis is a bad Pope 3.) Francis has bad ideas as Pope..

There is nothing erronious about my philosophy. While I have not spoken to those Cardinals and Archbishops, they share the same philosophy I do. Accepting who the Pope IS does not require accepting what the Pope DOES.

"For example, Nuremberg trials condemned and sentenced such criminals who obediently participated in evil."

Hello Godwin's Law. :P Since you mentioned "Nuremberg" I will use that era as an example of my position.

As you know, in 1933 German president Hindenburg appointed a new chancellor. We all know who that man was. ;-) Like Mr. Trump, he made Poland great again. :D

You are trying to claim the earlier man, Kurt von Schleicher, was STILL the real chancellor. He was not. Hindenburg appointed someone else. The Vatican Curia elected someone else.

von Schlicher was not chancellor anymore and Ratzinger was not Pope anymore.

I recognize who that new chancellor was. I recognize who the new Pope is. So does history. I am not participating or collaborating when I acknowledge a fact.

Also, you should review your history. Nuremberg did NOT condemn or sentence anyone simply for recognizing who was running Germany because that is not the same thing as participation.
Ultraviolet either you play very active 'red herring' working for the devil to distract from Sovereign Pontiff or your conscience may be deformed by absolute obedience to Destroyer of the Church. Such deformed conscience (stemming from erroneous philosophy) has driven men to pertinacious adherence to mindless obedience causing much harm. For example, Nuremberg trials condemned and sentenced such …More
Ultraviolet either you play very active 'red herring' working for the devil to distract from Sovereign Pontiff or your conscience may be deformed by absolute obedience to Destroyer of the Church. Such deformed conscience (stemming from erroneous philosophy) has driven men to pertinacious adherence to mindless obedience causing much harm. For example, Nuremberg trials condemned and sentenced such criminals who obediently participated in evil. Which ever is your case remenber evil done to the Catholic soul will bear worse consequences in eternity than evil done to the flesh.
Protip: Benedict isn't "pope" anymore Rafał_Ovile. Wishful thinking is worse than ignorance, it's outright stupidity.
So, you're convinced that Benedict XVI did in fact have the authority to overturn Christ's precedent and bifurcate the papacy?
Resignations don't work like that, bro. As for the point you're trying to make...
Disobeying pope Benedict XVI through ignorance and constant legitimizing Francis is neither courage nor example to follow.
I love that Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland. How courageous!
God bless him.