Pope refused to give his Apostolic Blessing. Via Catholic Sat: This morning Pope Francis met with the Italian Red Cross. The Pope refused to give his Apostolic Blessing, probably as not to offend the …More
Pope refused to give his Apostolic Blessing.
Via Catholic Sat: This morning Pope Francis met with the Italian Red Cross. The Pope refused to give his Apostolic Blessing, probably as not to offend the handful of non-Catholics. Instead saying "I ask the blessing of God - God the Father of us all, Father of all confessions - on you all"
Our Confessions Mr Francis goes to our intercessor first in case you forgot that would be Jesus Christ who than brings it to the Father but some how I think and believe you didn't forget because you wanted to leave the name of Jesus out of the equation. RIGHT Mr Francis since the word god is a more Universal word that would fit nicely in your freemanson play for a one world religion. May you burn …More
Our Confessions Mr Francis goes to our intercessor first in case you forgot that would be Jesus Christ who than brings it to the Father but some how I think and believe you didn't forget because you wanted to leave the name of Jesus out of the equation. RIGHT Mr Francis since the word god is a more Universal word that would fit nicely in your freemanson play for a one world religion. May you burn in hell oh no Mr francis you will burn in hell
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An Apostolic Blessing can only be given by true followers of the apostles, not by pseudo apostles who are justifying mortal sins instead to repent and to call the people for repentance.
Scandalous assemblies in the scandalous demonic Paul VI Audience Hall:
>>>Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
Often in the General Audiences there are persons or groups belonging to other …More
An Apostolic Blessing can only be given by true followers of the apostles, not by pseudo apostles who are justifying mortal sins instead to repent and to call the people for repentance.
Scandalous assemblies in the scandalous demonic Paul VI Audience Hall:
>>>Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
Often in the General Audiences there are persons or groups belonging to other religions. However, today this presence is altogether particular, to remember together the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council Declaration “Nostra Aetate,” on the Catholic Church’s relations with non-Christian religions... Paul VI had this subject very much at heart; he already on the feast of Pentecost of the previous year at the end of the Council, instituted the Secretariat for non-Christians, today the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Therefore I express my gratitude and my warm welcome to persons and groups of different religions, especially those from far away that wished to be present today.
Vatican II was an extraordinary time of reflection, dialogue and prayer to renew the Catholic Church’s look on herself and on the world –...
The message of the “Nostra Aetate” Declaration is always timely. I will recall some points briefly:

the growing interdependence of peoples (cf. n. 1);

the human search for the meaning of life, of suffering, of death, questions that always accompany our journey (cf. n. 1);

humanity’s common origin and common destiny (cf. n. 1);

the oneness of the human family (cf. n. 1);

religions as the search for God and of the Absolute , within the different ethnic groups and cultures (cf. n. 1);

the benevolent and attentive look of the Church on the religions: she does not reject anything of what is beautiful and true in them (cf. n. 2);

the Church looks with esteem on believers of all religions, appreciating their spiritual and moral commitment
Because of violence and terrorism, an attitude of suspicion has spread, if not of downright condemnation of religions. In reality, although no religion is immune from the risk of fundamentalist or extremist deviations in individuals and groups...
Dear brothers and sisters, in regard to the future of inter-religious dialogue, the first thing we must do is pray, and to pray for one another: we are brothers! <<<
As "final Synod Report contains indeed a trace of a Neo-Mosaic practice of divorce, even though the redactors skillfully and, in a cunning manner, avoided any direct change of the doctrine of the Church." These words of blessing are coherently selected and formulated by Antitrinitarians, that have recently opened for the practice of "divorce", in order not to directly deny Trinitarian Dogma. The …More
As "final Synod Report contains indeed a trace of a Neo-Mosaic practice of divorce, even though the redactors skillfully and, in a cunning manner, avoided any direct change of the doctrine of the Church." These words of blessing are coherently selected and formulated by Antitrinitarians, that have recently opened for the practice of "divorce", in order not to directly deny Trinitarian Dogma. The back door violation of doctrine of the Trinity, being foundational to the Christian faith, (revealed in neo-Mosaic practice) is a strategy with end of one world religion with "a god father" and all his children.
The sin of human respect inside the evil snake building with that ugly hellish looking sculpture.
i,ll say for him in the name of the Father the Son and Holy Sipirit ,Amen
The pope has a particular fondness for not invoking the name of Jesus.
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