
Proof: John Paul II Wanted to Visit Medjugorje

John Paul II didn’t visit Medjugorje only out of respect for the ecclesial practice, Monsignor Giacomo Martinelli, a priest of the Fraternity Sons of the Cross, told LaFedeQuotidiana.it (June 5).

John Paul II told Martinelli "several times" personally, that he wanted to go to Medjugorie, "If I were not Pope, I would go."

Martinelli recounts that "I have him in 1984 a documentary on the apparitions, and when he gave it back to me, he said he had seen it four times."

John Paul II didn’t visit Medjugorje because "he believed that the Pope completes a path, and does not begin it."

Also in other circumstances, John Paul II has proven that he tended to be gullible.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRcztjozosq

Medjugorje is a fraud.
F M Shyanguya
Clearly the one[s] at en.news who write[s] these articles contra the great and saintly Pontiff are with the enemy whether Luciferian - the know how to disguise their hatred, modernists, or Trad Inc./Self-Styled Trads. They all are characterized and united in their intense hatred of the said Pontiff, obviously because of the irreversible damage he wrecked on their Satanic kingdom. They are seething.
Holy Cannoli
The article states the comments made by Monsignor Giacomo Martinelli, a priest of the Fraternity Sons of the Cross. If you had any sense at all you would have gone to LaFedeQuotidiana.(as I have done) used a translator and discovered the article is, in fact, true and easily verifiable by anyone with common sense. The comments by Monsignor were not fabricated but are actually true accounts of what …More
The article states the comments made by Monsignor Giacomo Martinelli, a priest of the Fraternity Sons of the Cross. If you had any sense at all you would have gone to LaFedeQuotidiana.(as I have done) used a translator and discovered the article is, in fact, true and easily verifiable by anyone with common sense. The comments by Monsignor were not fabricated but are actually true accounts of what he said.

The article published above in no way reflects the views of en.news and someone interested in the truth would see this. It is bringing the news to a Catholic audience. If you have a problem with that, the problem is yours and can be quickly rectified by going to some other website.

You, however, are not interested in the truth. You are simply a poorly educated Kenyan who should be out with his fellow poorly educated Black Lives Matter mob and either blocking traffic on interstates, spray painting graffiti on churches or setting fire to police stations. 🤪
F M Shyanguya
Dr Bobus
Heraclitean spirituality.
I'd suspect that was true. Francis could teach him little on exaggerated esteem for heretics and schismatics. Also it could be cheap and easy popularity.