
McCarrick Renounces His Cardinalate – Punished To Seclusion, Prayer, Penance

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 88, from the College of Cardinals due to allegations of homosexual abuse.

At the same time, Francis suspended him as a bishop and directed him to a live in seclusion, prayer and penance “until the completion of the canonical process” which has not yet begun.

McCarrick submitted his letter of resignation Friday evening.

The French Jesuit Louis Billot was the last Cardinal who was allowed to resign from his office in September 1927 because of Pius XI's controversial actions against the Action Française.

Damian Thompson points out that the “historic shift” in holding senior Church figures to account “has more to do with the New York Times than with a new spirit of reform”. Liberal prelates usually protect each other.

McCarrick’s homosexual problems were no mystery. Before John Paul II promoted him to Washington, a group of laymen travelled to Rome in order to convince the Pope not to go ahead with his nomination.

Picture: Theodore McCarrick, © U.S. Institute of Peace, CC BY-NC, #newsWwuvzfzkzp
Maudie N Mandeville
More wine, dancing and boys.
Dr Bobus
No punishment will be too severe for that loathsome man.
angry bob
Not enough!!!!!!!
Prayer and penance? Sure.
They're laughing at Catholics
Don Reto Nay
@Holy Cannoli: For the "liberal" oligarch media sexual abuse is not a crime in itself. It is used as a means of hitting the enemy. Cardinal McCarrick has been protected by them for decades. For them it is an unfortunate accident that this scandal could not be prevented. Besides that: McCarrick is now 88. This is an age when people ought to be left alone.
The New York Times reported last week that two dioceses in New Jersey, where McCarrick served as bishop before being promoted to Washington in 2000, had reached financial settlements in 2005 and 2007 with men who said they were abused by McCarrick as adults decades ago.
Holy Cannoli
Punished To Seclusion, Prayer, Penance
This is the same old BULL EXCREMENT we always here after these kinds of atrocities are brought to light. Seclusion, Prayer, Penance is way too little for "Uncle Ted" and DECADES too late.
Why not obtain some valuable information from this miserable piece of human debris? Why not get him to reveal information on other active sodomites who are currently poisoning …More
Punished To Seclusion, Prayer, Penance

This is the same old BULL EXCREMENT we always here after these kinds of atrocities are brought to light. Seclusion, Prayer, Penance is way too little for "Uncle Ted" and DECADES too late.

Why not obtain some valuable information from this miserable piece of human debris? Why not get him to reveal information on other active sodomites who are currently poisoning the Church. Perhaps he can be of assistance in helping to clean up the mess he has helped create?
This following methods can not, obviously, be accomplished during the current pontificate but there may come a time.

Under papal order, bring the known sodomite to Rome. There the offenders will be debriefed and urged to give the interrogators (I’d volunteer to be an interrogator along with former CIA agents 😡 ) information on who else among the clergy (that they have direct knowledge - priests, bishops or cardinals) they can name who are also involved in comparably depraved sexual activities.

If the offender refuses to cooperate, that’s when the real ‘fun’ begins. Papal Undertaking for Sanctimonious Schmucks (Code name: PUSS 🚬 ) includes enhanced interrogation techniques employed including but not limited to the following:

1) Rectal feeding and dehydration - A ‘lunch tray’ consisting of hummus, pasta with sauce, nuts and raisins is pureed and rectally infused.
2) Confinement in a box to restrict movement
3) The use of cold water during interrogation and then wrapped the detainee in plastic to maintain the frigid temperature
4) Waterboarding: The process of suffocation by water involves strapping the individual to a tilted board, with legs above their head, placing a cloth over their face, covering their nose and mouth. Water is then poured continuously over the cloth to prevent breathing, simulate drowning and induce panic. The process is carried out for about 40 seconds and is known to have been repeated a number of times during interrogation.
5) Beatings and threats
6) Stress positions - these included being told to stand upright and shackled to the ceiling for up to three days, and in some cases at intervals for over three months. Other stress positions included being shackled to the floor with arms stretched over the head.
Detainees could be forced to urinate and defecate on themselves in these positions, and would be left standing in their own excrement.
7) Sleep deprivation - loud music and white noise, sometimes played for 24 hours a day on short loops for up to one week straight. Cells kept deliberately cold to prevent detainees falling asleep.

Many of these techniques overlap with other interrogation procedures

Drastic? You bet but think of what these men have done to innocent young men and the disgrace they have brought upon our Church. In practice, none of these pampered girly men would last for one or two days of enhanced interrogation before they gladly give any information that would prevent further measures being used on them. They would most eagerly help to clean up the homo infiltration of the Catholic Church. 👌

They would be confined in Rome until the information proved to be true. If the information provided is not true, the whole process starts over again.

After being successfully implemented in the States, we wold undertake the same measures in Canada, the UK, the Krauts, France, Italy etc.


Now, which of these methods (Seclusion, Prayer, Penance) or what I have suggested above are more likely to change the current homoerotic trajectory of clerics occurring within the Catholic Church? 😲
Scandalous. Rome knew, and did nothing... Well, nothing but elevate him.
I expect that following a canonical trial, McCarrick will be laicised, something that should have happened two decades ago, when he reached a settlement with former seminarians that he abused
Joseph a' Christian
Wojtyla promoted this homosexual to the high honor of Cardinal, even though we faithful travelled thousands of miles to warn him.
Wojtyla is NO saint. (look up his pagan celebration-1986 Assisi)
- - Almighty God Is Good.