
Archbishop Stands Up For Faith - Polish Bishops Are "Sorry"

It is good that Benedict XVI spoke about celibacy, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, 69, formerly in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, said in a talk show on Polish state television. If Benedict had acted earlier, the …More
It is good that Benedict XVI spoke about celibacy, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, 69, formerly in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, said in a talk show on Polish state television.
If Benedict had acted earlier, the current ecclesiastical confusion would not have occurred, Lenga believes. He hopes that the Church in Kazakhstan and Russia that survived communism, will escape corrupting Western influences.
On sexual issues, Lenga says the Church should not go the easy way, or ask people what is easier for them, because Christ didn't act like that.
The Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo are for him like heaven and earth, because the Mass celebrant becomes a second Christ, not a buddy of Jesus.
Many prelates, including Bergoglio, don’t have the deep faith that Christ transmitted to his disciples, Lenga observed. He supports Archbishop Viganó and criticises Cardinal Marx, whose church has “nothing to do” with the Catholic Church.
The ex-secretary of the Berlin Cardinals Sterzinsky (+2011) and Meisner (+2017…More
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Ks. Isakowicz-Zaleski noted in his text that Archbishop Leng "never introduced himself as a member or representative of the Polish episcopate." "Whom and when was he misleading?" - he asks, recalling in his column, the biography of the hierarch born in Gródek Podolski, who while living in the USSR, secretly joined the assembly of Marian priests founded by Bl. Fr.. Stanisław Papczyński, and then …More
Ks. Isakowicz-Zaleski noted in his text that Archbishop Leng "never introduced himself as a member or representative of the Polish episcopate." "Whom and when was he misleading?" - he asks, recalling in his column, the biography of the hierarch born in Gródek Podolski, who while living in the USSR, secretly joined the assembly of Marian priests founded by Bl. Fr.. Stanisław Papczyński, and then served as priest in the difficult conditions of Soviet Kazakhstan, for which he was persecuted by the KGB.
The Church always seems to be behind the times, when it is really beyond the times; it is waiting till the last fad shall have seen its last summer. It keeps the key of a permanent virtue.
Cardinal Jozef Glemp, the Primate of Poland in 1981-2009 and the President of the Polish Bishops' Conference in 1981-2004, died 7 years ago. He was the personal secretary of Card. Stefan Wyszynski and initiated his process of beatification.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The schisms engineered by antipope francis widen and deepen.
@Lalanz, excuse me, would you be so kind to tell me how is he a coward, what's the telltale sign. That he is a Catholic who speaks out? I don't know, what should he do, get a machine gun? Tell me, I would like to know tour opinion
If you have not noticed, almost all of the cardinal have been playing dead for years now. Since the scandals have come out, just a hand full of cardinals just speak out. Speaking out is not enough, the handful of cardinals that are against Francis and his devils need to unite and take real actions to remove these bad people from the Vatican.
The Pope position is not infallible, any body can take …More
If you have not noticed, almost all of the cardinal have been playing dead for years now. Since the scandals have come out, just a hand full of cardinals just speak out. Speaking out is not enough, the handful of cardinals that are against Francis and his devils need to unite and take real actions to remove these bad people from the Vatican.
The Pope position is not infallible, any body can take the pope to court with lawyers, proving him to be a heretic and then by church law remove him...but woe to any cardinal that just speaks up, they are cowards because they are just watching in the side lines.

The church is our mother, imagine if you watched someone beating up your mother and all you did is just speak up? If someone was beating my mom, I would defend her physically, yes with guns and an army. The cardinals that are not cowards, should flee the Vatican and unite with another country so an army can start a war with the Vatican to remove Francis and his devils forcefully and jail them. There is more than enough evidence for any world army or political process to jail these serpents...
This is not good enough, these cardinals need to get out of their comfy seats and take to the streets...
Another coward pointing things out.. please lord send us Shepards that will take action....