
Archbishop Who Criticised Francis, Suspended

Włocławek Bishop Wiesław Mering forbad the former Karaganda/Kazakhstan Archbishop Jan Lenga, 69, to preach and to say Mass in public. Lenga was secretly ordained a priest in 1980 in Soviet Union and …More
Włocławek Bishop Wiesław Mering forbad the former Karaganda/Kazakhstan Archbishop Jan Lenga, 69, to preach and to say Mass in public.
Lenga was secretly ordained a priest in 1980 in Soviet Union and has fought totalitarian regimes for many years. Since his retirement, he has been residing at the Licheń sanctuary, Włocławek diocese.
Diocesan chancellor, Father Artur Niemira, told KAI that the ban also applies to contacts with the media. It will remain in place until further restrictions will be announced by the Vatican.
Lenga describes Francis as an antichrist and heretic. During liturgies, he mentions Benedict XVI instead of Francis. It was Lenga who made Monsignor Athanasius Schneider an auxiliary bishop in Karaganda.
Picture: Jan Lenga, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsMqcsvmnvnf
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Read this - Someone called Ken Gordon has a theory that is interesting. I was pointed to it a few years ago, - it is written on the St Robert Bellarmine Blog .
He surmised about the rumours that Siri had been elected in 1958, that the "Modernists" (aka Satanic infiltrators warned of by Our Lord and Our Lady during countless prophecies) deliberately elected a valid Pope, then forced him under duress …More
Read this - Someone called Ken Gordon has a theory that is interesting. I was pointed to it a few years ago, - it is written on the St Robert Bellarmine Blog .

He surmised about the rumours that Siri had been elected in 1958, that the "Modernists" (aka Satanic infiltrators warned of by Our Lord and Our Lady during countless prophecies) deliberately elected a valid Pope, then forced him under duress to resign. Canonically the Holy Spirit therefore remained with the TRUE Pope, (allegedly Siri) and the infiltrators were therefore able to gain control of the Church.

Coincidentally, at the time that Ken Gordon mused on this theory, this SECOND dubious resignation of Pope Benedict had not occurred. When I read the theory for the first time, the second dubious resignation HAD occurred, and the parallels were obvious between the two situations.

It can be seen, that should this theory be sound, it becomes apparent that since an enforced resignation is invalid (as per Canon Law) the election of a new Pope is therefore not Canonically lawful, a false Pope is not governed by the Holy Ghost as the Papacy is unlawful, and alterations and changes are able to be done.

Therefore, Popes John XXIII Paul VI etc.... all the way up to JPII would be "anti-Popes" (explaining the lack of co-ordination between their activities and former VALID, authentic Popes) and Pope Benedict XVI, is, if the theory is TRUE, Pope Siri's Successor, since Siri died during the Pontificate of JPII)

Is it not incredible that John XXIII knowingly took the name of a known anti-Pope? The similarities between the former John XXIII and Roncalli are clear. Both died in the 5th year of their "Pontificates" and both called Council's during the second year of their Reign.
The changes made by the 20th century John XXIII are not cancelled as yet, but those engineered by the FIRST John XXIII were declared to be null and void after he was declared an anti-pope.

It's about half way down the page at this link - just in case the attached file is unviewable due to Print size.


Gesù è con noi
m.rekinek Our Lord warns about our present times Marie-Julie Jahenny: “They will not stop at this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once and in one go, the Holy Church, the clergy and the Faith of my children.” She announces the, “Dispersion of the pastors by the Church itself; real pastors who will be replaced by others formed by hell, initiated in all vices …More
m.rekinek Our Lord warns about our present times Marie-Julie Jahenny: “They will not stop at this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once and in one go, the Holy Church, the clergy and the Faith of my children.” She announces the, “Dispersion of the pastors by the Church itself; real pastors who will be replaced by others formed by hell, initiated in all vices, all iniquities, perfidious, who will cover souls with filth. New preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities.”
"Many of his words and conduct to date support the evidence that he deems himself still in that position." -a lie Thors Catholic Hammer repeats daily and it's only fair I show proof that Thor is telling a lie.
"I'm grateful to be bound by a great identity of views and a heartfelt friendship with Pope Francis. Today, I see my last and final job to support his pontificate with prayer."
Direct quote …More
"Many of his words and conduct to date support the evidence that he deems himself still in that position." -a lie Thors Catholic Hammer repeats daily and it's only fair I show proof that Thor is telling a lie.

"I'm grateful to be bound by a great identity of views and a heartfelt friendship with Pope Francis. Today, I see my last and final job to support his pontificate with prayer."

Direct quote from Pope Emeritus Benedict. Clearly Benedict does not consider himself Pope no matter how many times Thor lies and says differently.


All of Thor's "proof" requires him to supply some contrived "explanation" what Benedict "really means". The evidence contradicting it requires none.
If all the bishops had the courage to say that Bergoglio is the Antichrist, things would change; but they are all sissies, or better to say affadi salt which is only good to be put in manure.
He is blackmailing them all for their crimes against Jesus, His Church and children. Have to wait 2020 for Trump's hammer. Now China, Australia, US DNC and Vatican is next.
Gesù è con noi
Here the mask of false mercy falls along with the mask of false ecumenism and the false respect of the 'consciousness' that modernist heretics use as an excuse to promote sin. Here, the false argument that these heretics use to lead an internal rebellion against God and against the Church in order to promote sacrileges is broken. The heretical Bergoglians join the Freemasons and all atheists, pagans …More
Here the mask of false mercy falls along with the mask of false ecumenism and the false respect of the 'consciousness' that modernist heretics use as an excuse to promote sin. Here, the false argument that these heretics use to lead an internal rebellion against God and against the Church in order to promote sacrileges is broken. The heretical Bergoglians join the Freemasons and all atheists, pagans, apostates, blasphemers and heretics that exist on the planet, as long as they join and accept the anti Pope Bergoglio.
Bishop Mering /former comunist secret service agent "Julian"/ issued that order on pope nuncio in Poland, Salvatore Pennacchio writ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Pennacchio/
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
The local bishop has no authority to suspend a fellow bishop. And Lenga is not obeying the orders of the local bishop. So the title to this article is misleading.
Thors Catholic Hammer
@@Frà Alexis Bugnolo
May I present what some will call a childlike argument?
The word “Primacy”among other meanings also means the “first “.
Pope Benedict was pope first.
Many of his words and conduct to date support the evidence that he deems himself still in that position.
The second “pope” Francis makes decisions on cardinals and then buses them over to be OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED and blessed …More
@@Frà Alexis Bugnolo
May I present what some will call a childlike argument?
The word “Primacy”among other meanings also means the “first “.
Pope Benedict was pope first.
Many of his words and conduct to date support the evidence that he deems himself still in that position.
The second “pope” Francis makes decisions on cardinals and then buses them over to be OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED and blessed by the “first” pope.
This has happened several times.
So in terms of visual recorded evidence pope first must always AUTHORIZE cardinals named by pope second.
These events prove demonstrably that Francis does not possess the Papal Primacy
la verdad prevalece
@Frà Alexis Bugnolo So you suggest that the title should be Wiesław Mering is exceeding his authority by prohibiting fellow bishop Jan Pawel Lenga from celebrating Mass and preaching because Lenga denounced Bergoglio as a heretic
Thors Catholic Hammer
This good Archbishop Lenga articulates the truth concerning the continuing reality of the Petrine Primacy exercised by Pope Benedict XVI.
"Bergoglio has not confirmed himself in the faith and is not passing that faith to others, he is leading the world astray," said the archbishop, who trained secretly in Soviet-ruled Latvia and Lithuania.