
Burke Reveals Why He Didn't Issue the Promised "Formal Correction"

Asked by Edward Pentin why no group of cardinals challenges Francis, Cardinal Burke answered (NCRegister.com, March 7), "Is there such a group?" He explained, "There are two or three or four cardinals …More
Asked by Edward Pentin why no group of cardinals challenges Francis, Cardinal Burke answered (NCRegister.com, March 7),
"Is there such a group?" He explained, "There are two or three or four cardinals who have spoken up.”
Burke confesses that “I’m trying to do my part" and observes that, in Church history, there was at least a group of three or more cardinals who would tell the Pope that something is wrong.
Gloria.tv learned from several retired Cardinals that Burke tried years ago to find other cardinals to form a group that would issue the "formal correction," announced in 2017, in response to Francis’ unanswered Dubia. But Burke couldn't find any companions. They wanted to remain "loyal" to Francis.
After the Cardinals Meisner and Caffarra died, also Brandmüller lost his courage refusing to go any further.
Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYdbofzjsqh
I only know one archbishop who dares to say what he really thinks, and that's Lenga! But nobody talks about it, not even the traditional press, and why? Because Archbishop Lenga said Bergoglio is the Antichrist! Only one exception: Gloria.TV here: Archbishop Who Criticised Francis, Suspended & there: Archbishop Lenga Will Not Respect Sanctions
F M Shyanguya
From the Deposit of Faith, which doesn't have "Cardinals" - cf. Primer on the Hierarchy in the Catholic Church, a correction doesn't require a group, in fact, only one Bishop is required à la St. Paul. Cf. Bishops: Be Brave before Pope Francis as Paul before Peter | Online Petitions
Usually when those in authority fail to do the right thing they may have skeletons in the closet. I hope this is not the case.
More excuses.
It's what I said a long time ago....there were only 2 remaining Dubia Cardinals and possibly no others that had any gonads. And even Brandmuller backed out. "There will be those who should speak that will remain silent". Our Lady of Quito (I believe)
Arthur McGowan
Burke should say what needs to be said, get excommunicated, and then ignore it.