
Francis Courts Another Homosex Group

Francis has received leaders of the anti-Church Global Network of Rainbow Catholics at the end of the October 25 General Audience. Among the homosexuals was the group's co-president Marianne Duddy-…More
Francis has received leaders of the anti-Church Global Network of Rainbow Catholics at the end of the October 25 General Audience.
Among the homosexuals was the group's co-president Marianne Duddy-Burke, who is in a pseudo marriage with a woman. She told NcrOnline.org that [the usually grumpy] Francis was “incredibly gracious,” adding, “I was in tears.”
Duddy-Burke longs for “what he is trying to do to make the Church more inclusive.” Her group is an international coalition of homosexuals. Controversial US members include DignityUSA, New Ways Ministry and Fortunate Families.
Bergoglio is obsessed with homosexuals. Just this October, he sent a handwritten note to homosex activist Stan Zerkowski. Four days later, he received homosex propagandist Jeannine Gramick for 50 minutes, and during the Ex-Synod he meets frequently with his personal friend and homosexualist James Martin SJ.
la verdad prevalece
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, [fornicators] nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, [effeminate nor sodomites.] will inherit the kingdom of God.
la verdad prevalece
Jorge Bergoglio is obsessed, doing gay activism so that unrepentant homosexuals reject Christ and replace God with him.
True Mass
Find a faithful trad mass. Pray the rosary. Every day if possible even if just a decade. Tough times ahead in our beautiful church. Stay confessed, stay true to the deposit of faith. Use the Baltimore catechism for guidance.
DefendTruth shares this
Francis welcomes leaders of heretical LGBT activist groups in latest scandalous meeting
He just loves those who help him destroy the real Catholic Church
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Next he'll be welcoming TRANS to the Vatican and supporting, promoting their lifestyle. Oh, I forgot....he already did and so did radical Cardinal Krajewski, who introduced them all to Francis.
He received a few dubia too. Still waiting for a reply.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Bergoglio is obsessed with homosexuals" Because and Tucho and 90% of his Vatican staff and his bishop appointments are that. Obviously, if he wans't a homo, he'd have no interest in fostering, promoting them and that agenda and blessings in the Church. He would see it for the depraved life and grave sin of a blessing in Church that it is.
Since he doesnt, and goes out of his way to recieve them …More
"Bergoglio is obsessed with homosexuals" Because and Tucho and 90% of his Vatican staff and his bishop appointments are that. Obviously, if he wans't a homo, he'd have no interest in fostering, promoting them and that agenda and blessings in the Church. He would see it for the depraved life and grave sin of a blessing in Church that it is.
Since he doesnt, and goes out of his way to recieve them constantly, and write little notes of support to them (and never to any faithful Catholcis), then he is one.
They always promote their own....everywhere.