
Traditionis Custodes Chaos: What About the Anglo-Catholic Missal?

The British author Matthew Hazell emphasised on Twitter.com (November 8) another Traditionis custodes contradiction regarding, this time, Divine Worship, the 2015 Anglo-Catholic Missal. TC 1 claims …More
The British author Matthew Hazell emphasised on Twitter.com (November 8) another Traditionis custodes contradiction regarding, this time, Divine Worship, the 2015 Anglo-Catholic Missal.
TC 1 claims that the Novus Ordo Missal is the "unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” This is evidently not true as the Rubrical Directory 6 of Divine Worship which is approved by the Vatican states that Divine Worship is "clearly and recognisably an expression of the Roman Rite.”
The title page of the missal (below) says: „Divine Worship. The Missal. In accordance with the Roman Rite.” This is another indication that TC cannot be taken seriously. The Missal's decree of publication was signed by Arthur Roche the same who is now the Liturgy Prefect.
Jan Joseph
Het is en blijft een chaos in het Vaticaan, tijd om over te stappen naar de Pius X broederschap.
Defeat Modernism
Neither Paul VI or John Paul II are Catholic Saints - both men were vicars of Antichrist, enemies of the Cross, enemies of the Church. They are Anti-Saints of Freemasonry. These men have nothing in common with the Saints of old. True saints converted people to the Faith, Paul VI & JPII led millions out of the Faith into hell. Their bodies and the heretical New Mass missals should all be burned in …More
Neither Paul VI or John Paul II are Catholic Saints - both men were vicars of Antichrist, enemies of the Cross, enemies of the Church. They are Anti-Saints of Freemasonry. These men have nothing in common with the Saints of old. True saints converted people to the Faith, Paul VI & JPII led millions out of the Faith into hell. Their bodies and the heretical New Mass missals should all be burned in St. Peter's Square.
The Catholic Church says differently. On this subject The Church is the final temporal authority, not you false self-identifying "Catholics" who contradict it.
Colossal Apostle
Wait, you have access to the true saints list?! Can you share your source and authority for it? Who else isn’t a saint?
Defeat Modernism
You blind, poor souls. Men who promote immorality, destroy Faith and have done nothing but promote the Judeo-Masonic new world order are obviously not Catholic Saints. They are masonic 'saints.' Sadly, neither of you know the Faith or even care enough for the Church do even research the false doctrines and immoral actions of these wicked men. Can you please explain to me how allowing pagans into …More
You blind, poor souls. Men who promote immorality, destroy Faith and have done nothing but promote the Judeo-Masonic new world order are obviously not Catholic Saints. They are masonic 'saints.' Sadly, neither of you know the Faith or even care enough for the Church do even research the false doctrines and immoral actions of these wicked men. Can you please explain to me how allowing pagans into Catholic Churches to offer incense to demons is saint like? Did not the Martyrs before torture and death rather than offer a pinch of incense to demons? Here is a short clip of John Paul II assisi Masonic Ecumenism event which he promoted and permitted such acts of apostasy youtu.be/oovZZHSRlN8?t=819
John A Cassani
While this is true, it is also true that the use of the Divine Worship missal is restricted even more than the TLM, so most people don’t even have the option of getting anywhere near it.
Wilma Lopez
Article 1 of TC is a factual error. Like the Byzantine rite, the Roman rite is in fact a family with *many* expressions (e.g. dominican, lyon, etc.). TC seems to be a piece of ideology which slipped its way into a Magisterial document.
De Profundis
TC article 1 will be seen as foolish as the then NCCB's promulgation of $5.25/hr for a minimum wage and as ideological as many bishops' statements on Humanae Vitae. Risible.