
Bad Conscience? Liturgy Prefect Attempts to Hide Huge Differences Between Roman Rite and Novus Ordo

In an article - called "study" - in Notitiae (May 2020), Archbishop Arthur Roche, the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation, claimed that there is a strong textual correspondence between the Roman Mass (Apostolic times) and the New Rite (1970).

Roche wrote, “While the Missal retains the basic structure of that of Saint Pius V, together with 90% of the texts of that Missal, it removes a number of repetitions and accretions and simplifies the language and the gestures of the liturgy.”

Matthew Hazell clarifies on NewLiturgicalMovement.org (July 14) that Roche is “myth-making”.

Taking one example, Hazell compared the prayers contained in the Missals. To be as broad as possible, he counted an old prayer as "used" even when the Novus Ordo reformers took only a small phrase of that prayer and built a totally new prayer around it. The result: Of the 1,269 orations in the Roman Mass only 613 (48.3%) are in some way contained in the 1970 Missal.

Only 17% of the old prayers are used by the Novus Ordo without alteration - at least in its Latin version - while in the translations additional alterations have been introduced. These huge differences are not surprising since, after all, the New Rite is called "new."


Bob Sackamano
Archbishop Arthur Roche and the rest of the Modernist / HomoMafia occupying the Vatican are in for a very unpleasant surprise at their particular judgment when Judas shows up to vouch for them.
In order to have a bad conscience one must first have a conscience to begin with. I see little evidence of that among these men.
The difference between the traditional Mass and the Novus Ordo is the difference between the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith
The Church (not to mention many scholarly traditionalists) would say differently.
Bob Sackamano
Actually the rites used in the current Roman Novus Ordo, Lutheran worship, and Anglican Book of Common Prayer (or modern variants like Common Worship in England or the Book of Alternate Services in Canada) are nearly indistinguishable to the theologically untrained eye. This was ensured by the six Protestant 'observers' to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, who freely admitted they served more …More
Actually the rites used in the current Roman Novus Ordo, Lutheran worship, and Anglican Book of Common Prayer (or modern variants like Common Worship in England or the Book of Alternate Services in Canada) are nearly indistinguishable to the theologically untrained eye. This was ensured by the six Protestant 'observers' to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, who freely admitted they served more as 'content consultants' than mere bystanders. They would NOT have made the following statements about the Roman Mass codified by Pope St. Pius V during the counter-Reformation.

"With the New Liturgy, non-Catholic communities will be able to celebrate the Lord's Supper with the same prayers as the Catholic Church." Max Thurian, Protestant Minister of Taizé

"...nothing in the renewed Mass need really trouble the Evangelical Protestant." M.G. Seigvalt, Protestant Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Strasbourg
Bob Sackamano
The protestant ministers above are: Dr. George, Canon Jasper, Dr. Shephard, Dr. Konneth, Dr. Smith, Brother Max Thurian (in white). They represent the following Protestant organizations: The World Council of Churches, the Church of England, the Lutheran Church, and the Protestant Community of Taizé.
While the Missal retains the basic structure of that of Saint Pius V...
When the basis (the Roman Canon) theoretically becomes optional and practically is eliminated (in favour of the plethora of EPs) what "basic structure" is retained?
beginning-middle - end
Dr Bobus
He's an obfuscator.
John A Cassani
He may well be an obfuscator, but having known some people in his circle, he may actually be dumb enough to believe it.
Ha ha wat een grappenmaker, jonge mensen van rond de 20 jaar zien de verschillen en kiezen massaal voor de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis. Het Vaticaan heeft met zijn moderne Novus Ordo mis en zich af te zetten tegen de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis de relatie met de jeugd verloren. Daarom wil het Vaticaan de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis verbieden. Het verbieden Van de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis zal een enorme …More
Ha ha wat een grappenmaker, jonge mensen van rond de 20 jaar zien de verschillen en kiezen massaal voor de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis. Het Vaticaan heeft met zijn moderne Novus Ordo mis en zich af te zetten tegen de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis de relatie met de jeugd verloren. Daarom wil het Vaticaan de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis verbieden. Het verbieden Van de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis zal een enorme promotie en reclame zijn voor de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis. In België en Nederland zijn erg veel initiatieven voor de oprichting van een Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke parochie. De enige bisschop die hier positief tegen over staat, is kardinaal Eijk. Een verbod op de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis zal daarom een schismatieke daad van het Vaticaan zijn en de oprichting van een nieuwe Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke kerk tot gevolg hebben. Laten wij bidden dat het niet zo ver komt.
"Latin is the language of the Holy Angels" @Sp . .Citation needed. :P Angels undeniably do have a language and it isn't Latin.
They have communicated with each other for untold aeons before the first humans were ever created, much less scattered into the Babel-ish varieties of language (Latin included) we see today,More
"Latin is the language of the Holy Angels" @Sp . .Citation needed. :P Angels undeniably do have a language and it isn't Latin.

They have communicated with each other for untold aeons before the first humans were ever created, much less scattered into the Babel-ish varieties of language (Latin included) we see today,
Tina H
Oh look, it’s Ultraviolet, a left-wing novus ordo troll. Why is it that left-wingers waste their time proudly parading around conservative circles shouting at everyone who loves tradition? You sound like many anglicans I know…or a poorly catechized Catholic.