
Self-Pity: Fifty Italian Priests Proclaim Homosex Vice

Fifty Italian Novus Ordo priests have denounced themselves as homosexual in a public statement (EditorialeDomani.it, 30 November). Their manifesto was written during a course for "pastoral personnel"…More
Fifty Italian Novus Ordo priests have denounced themselves as homosexual in a public statement (EditorialeDomani.it, 30 November).
Their manifesto was written during a course for "pastoral personnel" in Bologna. Without wanting to be sarcastic, they accuse the homosexualist Novus Ordo Church of "homophobia".
They claim that silence is "the only way to survive" in Francis' Church, which promotes homosexuals and persecutes the good.
The priests even think that there is a "witch hunt" for homosexuals in the seminaries and that they only received "harsh words" from "the Church", while Francis reserves "harsh words" for Catholics who practise their faith.
The priests admit that their psyche is hurt, but blame the problem on others.
Francis promotes homosexualism, he offers weekly audiences for homosexuals and supports state homosexual concubinage.
Picture: © Andrey Zhukov, CC BY-SA, #newsKyxobrkvhv
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50 Italian priests declare their homosexuality in scandalous open letter -
The letter raises concerns about the extent of the so-called Lavender Mafia in the Church.More
50 Italian priests declare their homosexuality in scandalous open letter -

The letter raises concerns about the extent of the so-called Lavender Mafia in the Church.
Sally Dorman
So, how many of them will be defrocked? 😂 Oh wait, that's where "who am I to judge?" applies!
alfred dunn
Excommunication is the right choice.
Louis IX
Do the right thing and toss them out on their posteriors.
John Fritz Logan
Wait???!!! The archdiocese of Bolonga... Zuppi's archdiocese???? Let's hope this story spreads then!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That's right. Down with Zuppi and his homosexual clergy. i AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS, BOTH IN THE CHURCH AND IN GENERAL SOCIETY. I don't care about them, don't respect them, and would not associate with them. There is one woman teacher here at the school I teah in who is a lesbian. I don't think I have said more than 3 words to her other than "Good Morning" since I have been here teaching …More
That's right. Down with Zuppi and his homosexual clergy. i AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS, BOTH IN THE CHURCH AND IN GENERAL SOCIETY. I don't care about them, don't respect them, and would not associate with them. There is one woman teacher here at the school I teah in who is a lesbian. I don't think I have said more than 3 words to her other than "Good Morning" since I have been here teaching 9-10th and 11th grades ( nearly 3 years). I think I am one of only afew teachers who has never been to her house for the Halloween and Thanksgiving parties she throws.
But I don't understand this article-- if "Francis promotes homosexualism, he offers weekly audiences for homosexuals and supports state homosexual concubinage" as this article states, why . do the claim that silence is "the only way to survive" in Francis' Church, and that there are witch-hunts in seminaries against homos.
That is what SHOULD
The disgruntled public statement shows that there is a striking distinction between Pope Francis' theology and the many good orthodox clergy who are enforcing Catholic doctrines at the lower levels. This is what the homosexualist priests don't like. They want their superiors in the lower Catholic organizations to be more like Francis. The Pope knows this so he's trying to replace the orthodox Catholic …More
The disgruntled public statement shows that there is a striking distinction between Pope Francis' theology and the many good orthodox clergy who are enforcing Catholic doctrines at the lower levels. This is what the homosexualist priests don't like. They want their superiors in the lower Catholic organizations to be more like Francis. The Pope knows this so he's trying to replace the orthodox Catholic superiors with gay friendly Catholics. This cannot last too much longer but the damage has been done.