
Francis Means to Insult Others, Insults Instead Himself

“When you insist on doing things your own way in the face of the Lord’s will, you are an idolater,” Francis preached in his January 20 homily, seemingly talking about himself.

He ranted against those who prefer their “own interpretation of the Gospel” by falling into “moral casuistry,” an inadvertent reference to the casuistry of Amoris Laetitia which contradicts the Gospel and justifies adultery.

Promoting pre-conciliar Jesuit authoritarianism, he then added that “disobedient” people are “obstinate,” "idolaters" and "not docile", and “turn the Word of the Lord into an ideology.”

It is Francis himself who insists on doing things his own way against the Gospel when he praises other religions and idols, accepts adultery and homosexuality and falls into moral casuistry by promoting the single case trick.

Jonah opposed God's will but that didn't make him an idolator. A better example of idolatry would be those Pachamama "statuettes"
I pray that pope Farancis be a true sheppard and not a politician
François veut insulter les autres : il s'insulte lui-même
« Quand tu insistes pour faire les choses à ta façon face à la volonté du Seigneur, tu es un idolâtre », a prêché François dans son homélie du 20 janvier, en parlant apparemment de lui-même.
Il s'est insurgé contre ceux qui préfèrent leur « propre interprétation de l’Évangile » en …More
François veut insulter les autres : il s'insulte lui-même
« Quand tu insistes pour faire les choses à ta façon face à la volonté du Seigneur, tu es un idolâtre », a prêché François dans son homélie du 20 janvier, en parlant apparemment de lui-même.

Il s'est insurgé contre ceux qui préfèrent leur « propre interprétation de l’Évangile » en tombant dans la « casuistique morale », une référence involontaire à la casuistique d'Amoris Laetitia qui contredit l’Évangile et justifie l'adultère.

Promouvant l'autoritarisme des jésuites modernistes, il a ensuite ajouté que les personnes « désobéissantes » sont « obstinées », « idolâtres » et « non dociles », et « transforment la Parole du Seigneur en une idéologie ».

C'est François lui-même qui insiste pour faire les choses à sa manière contre l’Évangile lorsqu'il fait l'éloge d'autres religions et idoles, accepte l'adultère et l'homosexualité et tombe dans la casuistique morale en favorisant le truc du cas unique.

[Quand on lit Bergoglio, il faut avoir une clef de lecture ; et je dois dire que @Gloria.tv a trouvé la bonne clef : bravo 👍 ]
Thors Catholic Hammer
It is almost certain Francis was never canonically elected pope. But giving him the benefit of the doubt it is now certain he has lost the papacy due to pertinacious manifest and public formal heresy.
He therefore has no authority whatsoever over any catholic
The Catholic Church functions on the basis of spiritual authority and the sole living human source of that authority can only now be , …More
It is almost certain Francis was never canonically elected pope. But giving him the benefit of the doubt it is now certain he has lost the papacy due to pertinacious manifest and public formal heresy.
He therefore has no authority whatsoever over any catholic
The Catholic Church functions on the basis of spiritual authority and the sole living human source of that authority can only now be , problematic as it is, Pope Benedict xvi.
If "public formal heresy" is grounds for losing the Papacy, others have found ample grounds for that in Francis' predecssors, including Benedict XVI.
That doesn't change just because you like Benedict and are willing to overlook his opinions, either.More
If "public formal heresy" is grounds for losing the Papacy, others have found ample grounds for that in Francis' predecssors, including Benedict XVI.

That doesn't change just because you like Benedict and are willing to overlook his opinions, either.
Please take him out Lord...
De Profundis
Francis means, “If I give you a new Mass, married priests and women deacons you are to remain docile. Do you hear me?”