
Granny "Wearing a Miniskirt" at Religious Education Congress

Last weekend, the Religious Education Congress, the largest annual gathering of Catholics in North America, took place in Los Angeles, the archdiocese of Opus Dei Archbishop José Gómez, 68. Among the …More
Last weekend, the Religious Education Congress, the largest annual gathering of Catholics in North America, took place in Los Angeles, the archdiocese of Opus Dei Archbishop José Gómez, 68.
Among the event's scandals is a recurring homosex propaganda. This year, the open homosexual Yunuen Trujillo claimed during her workshop that the Church can be "emotionally unhealthy" for homosexuals, "at times even toxic.”
Another problem are the shallow liturgies which follow a kindergarten or revivalist style. At a Saturday “Celtic Liturgy,” show girls performed a dance routine during the prayer of the faithful, while the attendees were invited to imitate the dance after each petition (video below).
On social media, people spoke about a "Granny wearing a miniskirt syndrome."
Someone rescue them! They're caught in a time warp!
Novella Nurney
Cringe. I'd have to be sedated and tied down to sit through this banal, stupid, utter garbage. The infamous " church of the poor and marginalized, " would do well to spend less on polyester chiffon scarves and show tune melodies and more on ______________, ( fill in blank anything Catholic).
@Country Papist Easy solution, courtesy of the old Marlboro Country ads...
It all smells like 68: that's the smell of the conciliar! Don't get too close so as not to be asphyxiated, because don't forget that the so-called conciliary is a heap of manure!
Country Papist
I couldn't really tell from the video. But I'm not surprised. At my local parish,we have a growing coterie of old women with butch haircuts,dour expressions,and the requisite scarves worn as if it's a stole,who have taken over as "readers",and crowd the Alter as "EMHC".
Then there are the "micro miniskirt", and stilleto heels wearing latinas, who dress like prostitutes,and will only wear "clothing …More
I couldn't really tell from the video. But I'm not surprised. At my local parish,we have a growing coterie of old women with butch haircuts,dour expressions,and the requisite scarves worn as if it's a stole,who have taken over as "readers",and crowd the Alter as "EMHC".

Then there are the "micro miniskirt", and stilleto heels wearing latinas, who dress like prostitutes,and will only wear "clothing" that will display ALL of their nasty tattoos.

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